PHP 一个树为另一棵树的子结构 [TO BE CONTINUED]
<?php class TreeNode { private $val; private $left; private $right; public function __construct($val=null, $left = null, $right = null) { $this->val = $val; $this->left = $left; $this->right = $right; } /** * @param $x : val * @param $t TreeNode or: null */ public function insert($x) { if ($this->val ===null) { $this->val = $x; } if ($x < $this->val) { $this->left = is_null($this->left) ? new self($x) : $this->left->insert($x); } else if ($x > $this->val) { $this->right = is_null($this->right) ? new self($x): $this->right->insert($x); } /* else x is in the tree already; we'll do nothing */ return $this; } /** * 先序遍历 * @param $callback */ public function traversePre($callback) { if (is_null($this->val)) { return; } call_user_func($callback, $this->val); if (!is_null($this->left)) { $this->left->traversePre($callback); } if (!is_null($this->right)) { $this->right->traversePre($callback); } } /** * 中序遍历 * @param $callback */ public function traverseMid($callback) { if (is_null($this->val)) { return; } if (!is_null($this->left)) { $this->left->traverseMid($callback); } call_user_func($callback, $this->val); if (!is_null($this->right)) { $this->right->traverseMid($callback); } } /** * @return null */ public function makeEmpty() { if ($this->left !== null) { $this->left->makeEmpty(); unset($this->left); } if ($this->right !== null) { $this->right->makeEmpty(); unset($this->right); } $this->val = null; return null; } /** * fixme: find(7) => find(11)? * @return null */ public function find($x) { if ($this->val===null) { return null; } return ($x < $this->val) ? (is_null($this->left) ? null : $this->left->find($x)) : ($x > $this->val) ? (is_null($this->right) ? null: $this->right->find($x)) : $this; } /** * 输入两棵二叉树A,B,判断B是不是A的子结构。(ps:我们约定空树不是任意一个树的子结构) * @param $pRoot1 * @param $pRoot2 * @return bool */ public static function HasSubtree($pRoot1, $pRoot2) { if ($pRoot2 === null || $pRoot1===null) { return false; } if ($pRoot1->val===$pRoot2->val) { return self::isSubTree($pRoot1, $pRoot2) || self::isSubTree($pRoot1->left, $pRoot2) || self::isSubTree($pRoot1->right, $pRoot2); } return false; } private static function isSubTree($root1, $root2) { if ($root2===null) {return true;} if ($root1 === null) {return false;} if ($root1->val === $root2->val) { return self::isSubTree($root1->left, $root2->left) && self::isSubTree($root1->right, $root2->right); } return false; } }
/** 8 / \ 6 10 / \ / \ 5 7 9 11 */ $tree = new TreeNode(); $a = [8,6,10,5,7,9,11]; array_walk($a, function($value, $index, $tree) { $tree->insert($value); }, $tree); $tree->traversePre(function($elem) {echo $elem.',';}); echo PHP_EOL; $tree->traverseMid(function($elem) {echo $elem.',';}); echo PHP_EOL; var_dump($tree->find(7)); // $tree->makeEmpty();