





你可以使用 FSFS 或较老的 Berkeley 数据库(BDB)作为版本库的后端,FSFS 格式通常更快一点,还容易管理,而且可以正常运行在网络共享磁盘上 或 Windows 98 中。BDB 格式曾经简单的被认为更加稳定,因为其经过了更长时间的验证,但是既然 FSFS 已经使用了几年,这个论据已经相当不牢固了。参考 Subversion 手册的 选择数据存储 以获得更多信息。


  1. 创建一个名为SVN(例如D:\SVN\)的空文件夹,作为你的所有版本库的根。

  2. D:\SVN\里创建另一个目录MyNewRepository

  3. 打开命令行窗口(或DOS窗口),进入D:\SVN\目录,输入

    svnadmin create --fs-type bdb MyNewRepository

    svnadmin create --fs-type fsfs MyNewRepository


使用 TortoiseSVN 创建版本库

图 4.1. 未版本控制文件夹的 TortoiseSVN 菜单

未版本控制文件夹的 TortoiseSVN 菜单

  1. 打开资源管理器

  2. 创建一个新的文件夹,命名为SVNRepository

  3. 右键点击新创建的目录,选择TortoiseSVN → 在此创建版本库...。



TortoiseSVN 不再给你创建 BDB 版本库的选择,尽管你仍旧可以使用命令行工具创建。FSFS 版本库通常很容易维护,也让我们维护 TortoiseSVN 变得更容易,因为我们不再需要处理不同 BDB 版本之间的兼容性问题。

Future versions of TortoiseSVN will not support file:// access to BDB repositories due to these compatibility issues, although it will of course always support this repository format when accessed via a server through the svn://, http:// or https:// protocols. For this reason, we strongly recommend that any new repository which must be accessed using file:// protocol is created as FSFS.

Of course we also recommend that you don't use file:// access at all, apart from local testing purposes. Using a server is more secure and more reliable for all but single-developer use.




在SVN 1.2之前,UNC路径曾经是一种非常晦涩的格式file:///\ServerName/path/to/repos,这种格式依然支持,但不推荐。


不要创建和访问网络共享上的 Berkeley DB 版本库。它不能存在于远程文件系统。即使是映射到盘符的共享。如果你尝试在网络共享使用 Berkeley DB,结果难以预料 - 你可能会立刻看到奇怪的错误,也有可能几个月之后才发现数据库已经损坏了。


Although in theory it is possible to put a FSFS repository on a network share and have multiple users access it using file:// protocol, this is most definitely not recommended. In fact we would strongly discourage it, and do not support such use.

Firstly you are giving every user direct write access to the repository, so any user could accidentally delete the entire repository or make it unusable in some other way.

Secondly not all network file sharing protocols support the locking that Subversion requires, so you may find your repository gets corrupted. It may not happen straight away, but one day two users will try to access the repository at the same time.

Thirdly the file permissions have to be set just so. You may just about get away with it on a native Windows share, but SAMBA is particularly difficult.

file:// access is intended for local, single-user access only, particularly testing and debugging. When you want to share the repository you really need to set up a proper server, and it is not nearly as difficult as you might think. Read 第 3 章 配置服务器 for guidelines on choosing and setting up a server.



There are some standard, recommended ways to organize a repository. Most people create a trunk directory to hold the “main line” of development, a branches directory to contain branch copies, and a tags directory to contain tag copies. If a repository holds only one project, then often people create these top-level directories:







如果你采用顶层/trunk /tags /branches这种方式,并不意味着你必须复制整个主线为分支或标签,而且某些情况下这种结构更具灵活性。




So if you haven't already created a basic folder structure inside your repository you should do that now. There are two ways to achieve this. If you simply want to create a /trunk /tags /branches structure, you can use the repository browser to create the three folders (in three separate commits). If you want to create a deeper hierarchy then it is simpler to create a folder structure on disk first and import it in a single commit, like this:

  1. 在你的硬盘上创建一个空的文件夹

  2. 在那个文件夹下创建你想要的顶级目录--千万不要放任何文件进去!

  3. 通过在那个文件夹右键,选择TortoiseSVN → 导入... 将这个结构导入到版本库中。这将导入临时文件夹到版本库的根目录形成一个基本的版本库布局。




posted on 2011-03-22 17:06  明永成  阅读(536)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报