

  1. 查询InfoPath表单元素
  2. 增加InfoPath表单元素


  1. 删除InfoPath表单元素

这里我们以复杂的Repeating Table为例

下面的代码是通过按钮遍历查找Repeating Table中的某域为空的行,并删除一行(多行的情况请参考)。

public void btnDeleteBlankRS_Clicked(object sender, ClickedEventArgs e)
//Create an XmlNamespaceManager for ease of referencing namespaces
XmlNamespaceManager ns = this.NamespaceManager;

//Create an XPathNavigator object for the main data source
XPathNavigator xnMain = this.MainDataSource.CreateNavigator();

//Create an XPathNodeIterator object for the repeating table so we can loop thru all the rows in the repeating table
XPathNodeIterator xiRepeatingTable = xnMain.Select("/my:myFields/my:gpRepeatingTable/my:gpRepeatingTableRow", ns);

//Loop thru all repeating table rows
while (xiRepeatingTable.MoveNext())
//Create an XPathNodeIterator object for the repeating section nodes within the repeating table
XPathNodeIterator xiRepeatingSection = xiRepeatingTable.Current.Select("my:gpRepeatingSection/my:gpRepeatingSectionRow", ns);

//Loop thru the repeating sections within the current repeating table row
while (xiRepeatingSection.MoveNext())
//Create an XPathNavigator object for one of the fields within the Repeating Section
//NOTE: You may need to check more than one field to determine if the repeating section should be removed
XPathNavigator xnRepeatingSectionField = xiRepeatingSection.Current.SelectSingleNode("my:field3", ns);

//See if the field in the repeating section is empty
if (xnRepeatingSectionField.Value == string.Empty)
//If so, delete the current repeating section


string name = "User2";
string game = "Cube";
XmlNode node
= doc.SelectSingleNode(String.Format("/players/player[name='{0}' and game='{1}']", name, game));


String aaa = "/players/player[name='"+user+"' and game='"+game+"']";
XmlNode node
= docc.SelectSingleNode(aaa);




posted @ 2010-12-31 18:50  风影极光  阅读(966)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报