
Adreno 512不支持vulkan



On Android, we’ve tested on the following devices:

  • Samsung Galaxy S7 (European version, with ARM Mali GPU). Make sure you have the latest firmware, with build date August 2016 or later. Previous firmwares have older drivers that are known not to work.
  • Nvidia Shield Tablet (both versions), Shield Console.
  • Google Nexus 6P, 5X (although you might see more issues on these handsets compared to the others).

The following devices are known not to work with the currently available firmware:

  • Samsung Galaxy S7 (US version, with Qualcomm GPU). We expect that an upcoming firmware with an updated driver should fix this. UPDATE: Samsung confirmed that they will release a fixed Vulkan driver for the Qualcomm based Galaxy S7 with the next system update in October 2016.

感觉支持的很少呢 vulkan。。。。这样的话。。。

就写个  #pragma only_renderers d3d9 d3d11 glcore gles gles3 melta vulkan

吧。 今年先这样吧




vulkan和dx12为了性能 开发了更多可操作的部分给我们

allow developers to extract more performance from the hardware



subpass 做 resource on tile的

secondary command buffers 多线程---second cmd 确实是做多线程构建的,mali对此不是原生支持 所以需要控制scmd的数量 还有不要用SIMULTANEOUS_USE_BIT

主线程持有primary cmd buffer 其它线程 各自持有secondary cmd buffers 写好了 enqueue primary

device dependent cmd --icb做gpu driven

primary cmd buffer 用命令直接开secondary buffer


vk pipeline


vulkan 两个核心的功能

multithread 减CPU 开销

multipass-->subpass 维持数据on tile

posted on 2018-01-29 15:41  minggoddess  阅读(991)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报