

 1 #include <stdio.h>
 2 #define   N   16
 3 typedef  struct
 4 {  char  num[10];
 5    int   s;
 6 } STREC;
 7 int  fun( STREC  *a, STREC *b )
 8 {
 9     STREC  *c;
10     c = a;
11     int min = c->s;
12     int s = 0;
13     for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
14     {
15         c++;
16         if (c->s < min) min = c->s;
17     }
18     for (int j = 0; j < N; j++)
19     {
20         if (a->s == min)
21         {
22             s++;
23             *b = *a;//注意赋值方式
24             b++;
25         }
26         a++;
27     }
28     return s;
29 }
31 void main()
32 {  STREC  s[N]={{"GA05",85},{"GA03",76},{"GA02",69},{"GA04",85},
33         {"GA01",91},{"GA07",72},{"GA08",64},{"GA06",87},
34         {"GA015",85},{"GA013",91},{"GA012",64},{"GA014",91},
35         {"GA011",91},{"GA017",64},{"GA018",64},{"GA016",72}};
36    STREC  h[N];
37    int  i,n;FILE *out ;
38    n=fun( s,h );
39    printf("The %d lowest score :\n",n);
40    for(i=0;i<n; i++)
41      printf("%s  %4d\n",h[i].num,h[i].s);
42    printf("\n");
43    out = fopen("out.dat","w") ;
44    fprintf(out, "%d\n",n);
45    for(i=0;i<n; i++)
46      fprintf(out, "%4d\n",h[i].s);
47    fclose(out);
48 }


 1 #include <stdio.h>
 2 #include <string.h>
 3 #include <stdlib.h>
 4 void WriteText(FILE *);
 5 void ReadText(FILE *);
 6 void main()
 7 {  FILE  *fp;
 8    if((fp=fopen("myfile4.txt","w"))==NULL)
 9    {  printf(" open fail!!\n"); exit(0);}
10    WriteText(fp);
11    fclose(fp);
12    if((fp=fopen("myfile4.txt","r"))==NULL)
13    {  printf(" open fail!!\n"); exit(0);}
14    ReadText(fp);
15    fclose(fp);
16 }
17 /**********found**********/
18 void WriteText(FILE  *fw)
19 {  char  str[81];
20    printf("\nEnter string with -1 to end :\n");
21    gets(str);
22    while(strcmp(str,"-1")!=0) {
23 /**********found**********/
24       fputs(str,fw);  fputs("\n",fw);//fputs函数向指定文件中写入一个字符串。
25       gets(str);
26    }
27 }
28 void ReadText(FILE  *fr)
29 {  char  str[81];
30    printf("\nRead file and output to screen :\n");
31    fgets(str,81,fr);
32    while( !feof(fr) ) {
33 /**********found**********/
34      printf("%s",str);
35      fgets(str,81,fr);
36    }
37 }


posted @ 2019-03-16 11:52  小大大小  阅读(1017)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报