Rando Note #8: Future training plans

I will try to assign titles to these rando notes from now on. From now on, I will make weekly summaries, the number of rando notes will increase dramatically, so this should be beneficial to me in sorting the posts efficiently. I will also try to use the category feature.


Solve all simulation rounds by \(S=\{\text{HEZ},\text{BSZX},\text{GDFZ},\text{HSEFZ}\}\) and ignore all others.

  • Odd week: Choose a topic and make a problem list for the week to solve.
  • Even week: Solve random \([\color{tan}{2600},\color{silver}{2800}]\) rated problems on Codeforces and aim for 10 problems/week.


As we can see in my last blog post (the provincial team selection contest summary), I have two mainlines in the following months:

  • Reach stable IGM in Codeforces
  • Patch up the weakness in DS, number theory and strings

Besides that, we also have some simulation contests. So we have to select the items that are truly important for our improvement and allocate the training time of each day carefully. That's why I decided to make a plan about it.

There's no important contest recently, so we should prioritize problemsolving over contests in our training. 2 to 3 average simulation rounds per week seems reasonable. We can simply solve the rounds with high quality problems (not necessarily high quality rounds, rounds being balanced or not doesn't matter here) by a certain subset of schools and ignore others. \(S=\{\text{HEZ},\text{BSZX},\text{GDFZ},\text{HSEFZ}\}\), obviously.

Now we need to allocate our free time (that is, night study and days when we don't do rounds) in order to accomplish the above 2 mainlines. There isn't much to say here, currently I just plan to solve Codeforces problems in even weeks and do topic solving in odd weeks (week ~2025/3/7 a.k.a. this week is for solving Codeforces problems). For odd weeks I will make complete plans and problem lists based on the topic. For even weeks I will just solve random \([\color{tan}{2600},\color{silver}{2800}]\) rated problems on Codeforces (which is a bit higher than my skill level) and aim for 10 problems/week.

posted @ 2025-03-05 10:27  mindeveloped  阅读(47)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报