Rando Note #5

Translated version

The first time I actually feel power.

#define psc provincial selection contest

Something worth to be mentioned, it is the first time in simulated psc that I get a contest solve. My strength seems to be significantly higher than that in Jun 2024, when we are training in gez. For this reason, I believe that I gained much more in this single training than before.

The first problem in each contest is usually not to hard, and is often possible for me to solve. The second problem however, usually require more thinking and sometimes also some techniques that aren't familiar to me. The third problem is out of bounds. This implies that in a typical psc, I should strive to ensure to solve the first problem. Also, try to score as much points as I can in the other 2. A good strategy needs to be formed by everyday training, so I should always set highest score as my only goal in simulated psc's. That means try to do subtasks if the full solve seem impossible, and allocate time in a reasonable way. Don't forget to write brute force if everything else fails.

There's still about 2 months before psc. I should continue to grind Codeforces problems and improve my ability. VPing the past Codeforces Div.1 rounds and upsolving them seems to be a good idea, according to larryzhong. Reaching 2600 rating in Jun 2025 seems a fair goal for me. It wouldn't be easy of course, but not impossible.

The lectures in the training made me realize that I'm especially weak in graphs and maths. I should get that up by specifically solving problem lists. However, I only use problem lists to gain mandatory knowledge, and then I could leave the practice part to my daily CF grind. I think solving past CF rounds is a good way to improve my speed, my thinking ability, and also covers a wide range of classical approaches and tricks.

To finish all the tasks above, I should make better use of my training time. With full attention, it would take me 30 minutes to read an editorial of a problem, and at most another 1 hour to implement it. So basically a contest should be fully upsolved in an afternoon (except when some problems are *3500 or something like that and impossible to upsolve). Then in the night, I can either VP a CF contest, upsolve a previous VP, or solve some problems from a problem list, according to my ideal training plan described above. It seems very tight, but I believe that such schedule is the only way to achieve my goal. Training intensity is key to success.

posted @ 2024-12-17 11:33  mindeveloped  阅读(24)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报