Notice the line in the middle of the picture, splitting the Presentation Core from the Presentation Framework. Recall from the last installment that these are also the names of the Avalon .NET assemblies, PresentationCore.dll and PresentationFramework.dll. The Presentation Core represents the lowest levels of Avalon, providing a set of services like layout, input, focus, eventing, and media, on which the higher level Presentation Framework is built. Because the split between the Presentation Core and Framework is explicit, if you decide that the higher level constructs don't suit your needs, Avalon is designed to allow you to drop down to the lower levels and take advantage of the Core services without starting over from scratch. On the other hand, it's likely that you'll be spending most of your time with the classes from the Framework, as they combine the services provided in the Core in nice, bite-sized chunks likely to do what you're after.