

1、点击全选:Computed property "isSelectAll" was assigned to but it has no setter.
5、表格高度属性支持Number / String	类型,却对String类型未做任何类型处理,直接使用,导致String类型值入参无效。


1、修复 Elements in iteration expect to have 'v-bind:key' directives.
2、限制 height 属性的类型为Number,并设置默认值为500


    <div class="page-bg">
        <tt :size="tableSize"

import tt from '../components/table/src/table'
export default {
    data () {
        return {
            tableSize: 'large', // small normal
            columns1: [
                    title: '姓名',
                    key: 'name'
                    title: '年龄',
                    key: 'age',
                    sortType: 'normal',
                    render: (a, row) => {
                        return a('AtTag',{
                            props: {
                                color: row.item.age > 20 ? 'success' : 'yellow'
                        }, row.item.age)
                    title: '地址',
                    key: 'address',
                    render: (t, row) => {
                        return t('p', {
                            style: {
                                width: '150px'
                            class: 'over-text'
                        }, row.item.address)
                    title: '操作',
                    render: (h, params) => {
                        return h('div', [
                            h('AtButton', {
                                props: {
                                    size: 'small',
                                    hollow: true
                                style: {
                                    marginRight: '8px'
                                on: {
                                    click: () => {
                            }, '查看姓名'),
                            h('AtButton', {
                                props: {
                                    size: 'small',
                                    hollow: true
                                on: {
                                    click: () => {
                                }, '查看地址')
            data3: this.makePageData(),
            selectAllList: []
    components: {
    methods: {
        makePageData () {
            const data = [
                name: '库里',
                age: 18,
                address: '深圳市宝安区创业一路|深圳市宝安区创业一路深圳市宝安区创业一路深圳市宝安区创业一路深圳市宝安区创业一路'
                name: '詹姆斯',
                age: 25,
                address: '广州市天河区岗顶'
                name: '科比',
                age: 24,
                address: '上海市浦东新区'
                name: '杜兰特',
                age: 22,
                address: '深圳市南山区深南大道'
                name: '威斯布鲁克',
                age: 21,
                address: '北京市朝阳区'
                name: '邓肯',
                age: 26,
                address: '深圳市罗湖区万象城'
                name: '帕克',
                age: 25,
                address: '深圳市福田区中心书城'
                name: '欧文',
                age: 20,
                address: '广州市番禺区大学城'
                name: '托马斯',
                age: 19,
                address: '北京市朝阳区'
            let pageData = []

            for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
                pageData = pageData.concat(data)

            return pageData
        handleSelectionChange(rows) {
            console.log('handleSelectionChange==', rows);
        handleSelectAll(list) {
            console.log('handleSelectAll==', list);
        handlePageChange(page) {
            console.log('handlePageChange==', page);
        handlePageSizeChange(size) {
            console.log('handlePageSizeChange==', size);

    overflow: hidden;
    display: -webkit-box;
    -webkit-line-clamp: 1;
    -webkit-box-orient: vertical;


      'at-table--fixHeight': this.height,
      'at-table--stripe': this.stripe,
      [`at-table--${this.size}`]: this.size,
      [`at-table--border`]: this.border

    <!-- S Content -->
    <div class="at-table__content" :style="contentStyle">
      <!-- S Header -->
      <div class="at-table__header" v-if="height">
            <col v-for="(column, index) in columnsData" :key="index" :width="setCellWidth(column, index)">
          <thead class="at-table__thead" ref="header">
              <!-- S Checkbox -->
              <th v-if="optional" class="at-table__cell at-table__column-selection">
                <at-checkbox v-model="isSelectAll" @click.native.prevent="handleSelectAll"></at-checkbox>
              <!-- E Checkbox -->
              <!-- S Column th -->
                v-for="(column, index) in columnsData"
                class="at-table__cell at-table__column"
                  cursor: column.sortType ? 'pointer' : 'text'
                @click="column.sortType && handleSort(index)">
                {{ column.title }}
                <template v-if="column.sortType">
                  <div class="at-table__column-sorter"
                      'sort-asc': column._sortType === 'asc',
                      'sort-desc': column._sortType === 'desc'
                    <span class="at-table__column-sorter-up" @click.stop="handleSort(index, 'asc')"><i class="icon icon-chevron-up"></i></span>
                    <span class="at-table__column-sorter-down" @click.stop="handleSort(index, 'desc')"><i class="icon icon-chevron-down"></i></span>
              <!-- E Column th -->
      <!-- E Header -->

      <!-- S Body -->
      <div class="at-table__body" :style="bodyStyle">
            <col v-for="(column, index) in columnsData" :key="index" :width="setCellWidth(column, index)">
          <thead class="at-table__thead" v-if="!height" ref="header">
              <!-- S Checkbox -->
              <th v-if="optional" class="at-table__cell at-table__column-selection">
                <at-checkbox v-model="isSelectAll" @click.native.prevent="handleSelectAll"></at-checkbox>
              <!-- E Checkbox -->
              <!-- S Column th -->
                v-for="(column, index) in columnsData"
                class="at-table__cell at-table__column"
                  cursor: column.sortType ? 'pointer' : 'text'
                @click="column.sortType && handleSort(index)">
                {{ column.title }}
                <template v-if="column.sortType">
                  <div class="at-table__column-sorter"
                      'sort-asc': column._sortType === 'asc',
                      'sort-desc': column._sortType === 'desc'
                    <span class="at-table__column-sorter-up" @click.stop="handleSort(index, 'asc')"><i class="icon icon-chevron-up"></i></span>
                    <span class="at-table__column-sorter-down" @click.stop="handleSort(index, 'desc')"><i class="icon icon-chevron-down"></i></span>
              <!-- E Column th -->

          <tbody class="at-table__tbody" v-if="sortData.length" ref="body">
            <template v-for="(item, index) in sortData">
              <tr :key="index">
                <td v-if="optional" class="at-table__cell at-table__column-selection">
                  <at-checkbox v-model="objData[index].isChecked" @on-change="changeRowSelection"></at-checkbox>
                <td v-for="(column, cindex) in columns" :key="cindex" class="at-table__cell">
                  <template v-if="column.render">
                    <Cell :item="item" :column="column" :index="index" :render="column.render"></Cell>
                  <template v-else>
                    {{ item[column.key] }}

          <tbody class="at-table__tbody" v-else>
              <td class="at-table__cell at-table__cell--nodata" :colspan="optional ? columns.length + 1 : columns.length">
                <slot name="emptyText">{{ t('at.table.emptyText') }}</slot>
      <!-- E Body -->
    <!-- E Content -->

    <!-- S Pagination -->
    <div v-if="pagination && total" class="at-table__footer" ref="footer">
    <!-- E Pagination -->

import Locale from 'at-ui/src/mixins/locale'
import { getStyle, deepCopy } from 'at-ui/src/utils/util'
import Cell from './render'
import Checkbox from 'at-ui/src/components/checkbox'
import Pagination from 'at-ui/src/components/pagination'

export default {
  name: 'AtTable',
  components: {
  mixins: [Locale],
  props: {
    size: {
      type: String,
      default: 'normal'
    stripe: {
      type: Boolean,
      default: false
    border: {
      type: Boolean,
      default: false
    data: {
      type: Array,
      default () {
        return []
    columns: {
      type: Array,
      default () {
        return []
    optional: {
      type: Boolean,
      default: false
    pagination: {
      type: Boolean,
      default: false
    pageSize: {
      type: Number,
      default: 10
    showPageTotal: {
      type: Boolean,
      default: true
    showPageSizer: {
      type: Boolean,
      default: false
    showPageQuickjump: {
      type: Boolean,
      default: false
    height: [Number]
  data () {
    return {
      objData: this.makeObjData(), // use for checkbox to select all
      sortData: [], // use for sort or paginate
      allData: [],
      columnsData: this.makeColumns(),
      total: 0,
      bodyHeight: 0,
      pageCurSize: this.pageSize,
      columnsWidth: {},
      currentPage: 1
  watch: {
    height () {
    allData () {
      this.total = this.allData.length
    sortData () {
    pageCurSize () {
      this.sortData = this.makeDataWithPaginate()
    data () {
      this.sortData = this.makeDataWithSortAndPage()
  computed: {
    tableStyles () {
      const styles = {}

      if (this.height) {
        styles.height = `${this.height}px`
      if (this.width) {
        styles.width = `${this.width}px`

      return styles
    isSelectAll () {
      let isAll = true
      if (!this.sortData.length) {
        isAll = false
      for (let i = 0, len = this.sortData.length; i < len; i++) {
        if (!this.objData[this.sortData[i].index].isChecked) {
          isAll = false

      return isAll
    bodyStyle () {
      const styles = {}
      if (this.bodyHeight !== 0) {
        const headerHeight = parseInt(getStyle(this.$refs.header, 'height')) || 0
        styles.height = `${this.bodyHeight}px`
        styles.marginTop = `${headerHeight}px`
      return styles
    contentStyle () {
      const styles = {}
      if (this.bodyHeight !== 0) {
        const headerHeight = parseInt(getStyle(this.$refs.header, 'height')) || 0
        styles.height = `${this.bodyHeight + headerHeight}px`
      return styles
  methods: {
    calculateBodyHeight () {
      if (this.height) {
        this.$nextTick(() => {
          const headerHeight = parseInt(getStyle(this.$refs.header, 'height')) || 0
          const footerHeight = parseInt(getStyle(this.$refs.footer, 'height')) || 0

          this.bodyHeight = this.height - headerHeight - footerHeight
      } else {
        this.bodyHeight = 0
    makeColumns () {
      const columns = deepCopy(this.columns)
      columns.forEach((column, idx) => {
        column._index = idx
        column._sortType = 'normal'

        if (column.sortType) {
          column._sortType = column.sortType
          column.sortType = column.sortType
      return columns
    makeData () {
      const data = deepCopy(this.data)
      data.forEach((row, idx) => {
        row.index = idx
      return data
    makeObjData () {
      const rowData = {}

      this.data.forEach((row, index) => {
        const newRow = deepCopy(row)

        newRow.isChecked = !!newRow.isChecked

        rowData[index] = newRow

      return rowData
    makeDataWithSortAndPage (pageNum) {
      let data = []
      let allData = []

      allData = this.makeDataWithSort()
      this.allData = allData

      data = this.makeDataWithPaginate(pageNum)
      return data
    makeDataWithPaginate (page) {
      page = page || 1
      const pageStart = (page - 1) * this.pageCurSize
      const pageEnd = pageStart + this.pageCurSize
      let pageData = []

      if (this.pagination) {
        pageData = this.allData.slice(pageStart, pageEnd)
      } else {
        pageData = this.allData
      return pageData
    makeDataWithSort () {
      let data = this.makeData()
      let sortType = 'normal'
      let sortIndex = -1

      for (let i = 0, len = this.columnsData.length; i < len; i++) {
        if (this.columnsData[i].sortType && this.columnsData[i].sortType !== 'normal') {
          sortType = this.columnsData[i].sortType
          sortIndex = i

      if (sortType !== 'normal') {
        data = this.sort(data, sortType, sortIndex)

      return data
    handleSelectAll () {
      const status = !this.isSelectAll

      for (const data of this.sortData) {
        this.objData[data.index].isChecked = status

      const selection = this.getSelection()

      status && this.$emit('on-select-all', selection)
      this.$emit('on-selection-change', selection)
    handleSort (index, type) {
      const key = this.columnsData[index].key
      const sortType = this.columnsData[index]._sortType
      const sortNameArr = ['normal', 'desc', 'asc']

      if (this.columnsData[index].sortType) {
        if (!type) {
          const tmpIdx = sortNameArr.indexOf(sortType)
          if (tmpIdx >= 0) {
            type = sortNameArr[(tmpIdx + 1) > 2 ? 0 : tmpIdx + 1]
        if (type === 'normal') {
          this.sortData = this.makeDataWithSortAndPage(this.currentPage)
        } else {
          this.sortData = this.sort(this.sortData, type, index)
      this.columnsData[index]._sortType = type

      this.$emit('on-sort-change', {
        column: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.columns[this.columnsData[index]._index])),
        order: type,
    sort (data, type, index) {
      const key = this.columnsData[index].key
      data.sort((a, b) => {
        if (this.columnsData[index].sortMethod) {
          return this.columnsData[index].sortMethod(a[key], b[key], type)
        } else if (type === 'asc') {
          return a[key] > b[key] ? 1 : -1
        return a[key] < b[key] ? 1 : -1
      return data
    getSelection () {
      const selectionIndexArray = []
      for (const i in this.objData) {
        if (this.objData[i].isChecked) {
          selectionIndexArray.push(i | 0)
      return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.data.filter((data, index) => selectionIndexArray.indexOf(index) > -1)))
    changeRowSelection () {
      const selection = this.getSelection()
      this.$emit('on-selection-change', selection)
    pageChange (page) {
      this.$emit('on-page-change', page)
      this.currentPage = page
      this.sortData = this.makeDataWithPaginate(page)
    pageSizeChange (size) {
      this.$emit('on-page-size-change', size)
      this.pageCurSize = size
    handleResize () {
      this.$nextTick(() => {
        const columnsWidth = {}

        if (this.data.length) {
          const $td = this.$refs.body.querySelectorAll('tr')[0].querySelectorAll('td')

          for (let i = 0; i < $td.length; i++) {
            const column = this.columnsData[i]
            let width = parseInt(getStyle($td[i], 'width'))

            if (column) {
              if (column.width) {
                width = column.width
              columnsWidth[column._index] = { width }

        this.columnsWidth = columnsWidth
    setCellWidth (column, index) {
      let width = ''

      if (column.width) {
        width = column.width
      } else if (this.columnsWidth[column._index]) {
        width = this.columnsWidth[column._index].width

      width = width === '0' ? '' : width
      return width
  created () {
    this.sortData = this.makeDataWithSortAndPage()
  mounted () {
    window.addEventListener('resize', this.handleResize)
  beforeDestory () {
    window.removeEventListener('resize', this.handleResize)
posted on 2022-09-16 18:51  羽丫头不乖  阅读(83)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报