摘要: 原文是:Django Error: No module named bookmarkshttp://q.cnblogs.com/q/34138/链接悬赏园豆:5[已解决问题]浏览: 99次最近刚上手Django,参考的《Learning Website Development With Django》这本书,参考书上的叙述写了一个程序,但是发现在终端输入python manage.py syncdb的时候报错:Error: No module named bookmarks我是一步步跟着做的,先创建了一个project named djano_bookmarks;接着修改了settings.p 阅读全文
posted @ 2012-05-24 01:11 ymin 阅读(734) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑
摘要: It could be due to the architecture of your OS. Is your OS 64 Bit and have you installed 64 bit version of Python? It may help to install both 32 bit versionPython 3.1andPygame, which is available officially only in 32 bit and you won't face this problem.I see that 64 bit pygame is maintainedher 阅读全文
posted @ 2012-05-24 00:25 ymin 阅读(1155) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑
摘要: 安装setuptools的时候,不能再注册表中识别出来python2.7在网上找了方法,仅作笔记,供下次使用方法:新建一个register.py 文件,把一下代码贴进去,保存(G盘)## script to register Python 2.0 or later for use with win32all# and other extensions that require Python registry settings## written by Joakim Loew for Secret Labs AB / PythonWare## source:# http://www.python 阅读全文
posted @ 2012-05-24 00:08 ymin 阅读(26899) 评论(11) 推荐(18) 编辑