项目主页 https://fight-flash-fraud.readthedocs.io/
使用f3probe 能快速检测出被测U盘的实际容量, 命令
$ sudo f3probe --destructive --time-ops /dev/sdc F3 probe 7.0 Copyright (C) 2010 Digirati Internet LTDA. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. WARNING: Probing normally takes from a few seconds to 15 minutes, but it can take longer. Please be patient. Bad news: The device `/dev/sdc' is a counterfeit of type limbo You can "fix" this device using the following command: f3fix --last-sec=15840992 /dev/sdc Device geometry: *Usable* size: 7.55 GB (15840993 blocks) Announced size: 1.82 TB (3907028992 blocks) Module: 2.00 TB (2^41 Bytes) Approximate cache size: 0.00 Byte (0 blocks), need-reset=yes Physical block size: 512.00 Byte (2^9 Bytes) Probe time: 7' Operation: total time / count = avg time Read: 3.61s / 4479 = 806us Write: 6'23" / 2483 = 154.4ms Reset: 33.87s / 57 = 594.2ms
$ sudo apt install f3