Linux下命令行安装配置android sdk

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参考以下三篇完成Android SDK的安装

首先到 下载SDK Tools Only, 我下的是 android-sdk_r24.1.2-linux.tgz

在linux里解压缩, 用于下载组件的是tools/android. 参数说明

Action "update sdk":
  Updates the SDK by suggesting new platforms to install if available.
  -f --force    Forces replacement of a package or its parts, even if something has been modified
  -u --no-ui    Updates from command-line (does not display the GUI)
  -o --obsolete Installs obsolete packages
  -t --filter   A filter that limits the update to the specified types of packages in the form of
                a comma-separated list of [platform, tool, platform-tool, doc, sample, extra]
  -s --no-https Uses HTTP instead of HTTPS (the default) for downloads
  -n --dry-mode Simulates the update but does not download or install anything


android list sdk --all

会得到一个类似以下的列表, 把要下载的序号记下来

   1- Android SDK Tools, revision 24.1.2
   2- Android SDK Platform-tools, revision 22
   3- Android SDK Build-tools, revision 22.0.1
   4- Android SDK Build-tools, revision 22 (Obsolete)
   5- Android SDK Build-tools, revision 21.1.2
   6- Android SDK Build-tools, revision 21.1.1 (Obsolete)
   7- Android SDK Build-tools, revision 21.1 (Obsolete)
   8- Android SDK Build-tools, revision 21.0.2 (Obsolete)
   9- Android SDK Build-tools, revision 21.0.1 (Obsolete)
  10- Android SDK Build-tools, revision 21 (Obsolete)
  11- Android SDK Build-tools, revision 20
  12- Android SDK Build-tools, revision 19.1
  13- Android SDK Build-tools, revision 19.0.3 (Obsolete)
  14- Android SDK Build-tools, revision 19.0.2 (Obsolete)
  15- Android SDK Build-tools, revision 19.0.1 (Obsolete)
  16- Android SDK Build-tools, revision 19 (Obsolete)
  17- Android SDK Build-tools, revision 18.1.1 (Obsolete)
  18- Android SDK Build-tools, revision 18.1 (Obsolete)
  19- Android SDK Build-tools, revision 18.0.1 (Obsolete)
  20- Android SDK Build-tools, revision 17 (Obsolete)
  21- Documentation for Android SDK, API 22, revision 1
  22- SDK Platform Android 5.1.1, API 22, revision 2
  23- SDK Platform Android 5.0.1, API 21, revision 2
  24- SDK Platform Android 4.4W.2, API 20, revision 2
  25- SDK Platform Android 4.4.2, API 19, revision 4
  26- SDK Platform Android 4.3.1, API 18, revision 3
  27- SDK Platform Android 4.2.2, API 17, revision 3

下载需要的组件, 注意--all 这个参数一定要加上, 否则后面filter里的序号不起作用, 例如我用的是

android update sdk -u --all --filter 1,2,3,5,11,12,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,88,89


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