mill2002 @博客园

contacting with pc fans and sharing collections


1.draw a picture for events mechenism of ASP.NET Components.

   Ference to books of <ASP.NET by example> & <Depth in ASP.Net Component>


task lists:
1. program for '小贴纸'
2. a post to sina for father, result:Ok!
3. a powerpoint effective using javascript for images
   writen on Oct.24,2009
    a)two functions: showPic(), SetClass()
4. in Karrigell_QuickForm for python when meet strange wrong,try change confusion
   code to english and will make it run correctly.
5. try Karrigell again 2009-11-11
6. try make leo work and ask question at internet 2009-11-11
7. make rss client with javascript 2009-11-12
   uri: E:\javascript\rss\test
8. lesktop Http://localhost/lesktop/developer.htm
   file: e:\xampplite\htdocs\lesktop,D:\dev\application\cloud\WebOS(lesktop)


可. 2012-5-27

10. html5 programming 12-06-05

11. Funny Tool Kit by lixianjing

12. learn compiler principle by reading Dragon Book 12-06-19

posted on 2005-01-01 18:58  mill2002  阅读(555)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报
