01 2021 档案
摘要:Problem: Get a copy of the best-selling book The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell (available via Google Book Search), and discuss...
摘要:Problem: Why is it that software organizations often struggle when they embark on an effort to improve local software process? Ans...
摘要:Problem: Consider any job that you’ve held in the last five years. Describe the business process in which you played a part. Use t...
摘要:Problem: Provide five examples from other fields that illustrate the problems associated with a reactive risk strategy. Answer: Re...
摘要:Problem: “Unreasonable” deadlines are a fact of life in the software business. How should you proceed if you’re faced with one? An...
摘要:Problem: Assume that you are the project manager for a company that builds software for household robots. You have been contracted...
摘要:Problem: Describe the difference between process and project metrics in your own words. Answer: Software process and project metri...
摘要:Problem: Based on information contained in this chapter and your own experience, develop “10 commandments” for empowering software...
摘要:Problem: Measurement theory is an advanced topic that has a strong bearing on software metrics. Using [Zus97], [Fen91], [Zus90] or...
摘要:Problem: Why is the First Law of System Engineering true? Provide specific examples for each of the four fundamental reasons for c...
摘要:Problem: If you had to pick one aspect of cleanroom software engineering that makes it radically different from conventional or ob...
摘要:Problem: Consider a mobile phone app that you own. First describe the app briefly and then list at least three to five security ri...
摘要:Problem: Are there any situations in which MobileApp testing on actual devices can be disregarded? Answer: Testing is carried out ...
摘要:Problem: Are there any situations in which WebApp testing should be totally disregarded? Answer: No, there are no disregarded situ...
摘要:Problem: In your own words, describe why the class is the smallest reasonable unit for testing within an OO system. Answer: 4633-1...
摘要:Problem: Myers [Mye79] uses the following program as a self-assessment for your ability to specify adequate testing: A program rea...
摘要:Problem: Using your own words, describe the difference between verification and validation. Do both make use of test-case design m...
摘要:Problem: Some people say that “variation control is the heart of quality control.” Since every program that is created is differen...
摘要:Problem: Explain the difference between an error and a defect. Answer: 4633-15-1P SA: 9420 SR: 6376 • An error is a quality proble...
摘要:Problem: Describe how you would assess the quality of a university before applying to it. What factors would be important? Which w...
摘要:Problem: Explain why deciding to develop MobileApp for several devices can be a costly design decision. Is there a way to mitigate...
摘要:Problem: Why is the “artistic ideal” an insufficient design philosophy when modern WebApps are built? Is there ever a case in whic...
摘要:Problem: Discuss the three “parts” of a design pattern and provide a concrete example of each from some field other than software....
摘要:Problem: Describe the worst interface that you have ever worked with and critique it relative to the concepts introduced in this c...
摘要:Problem: The term component is sometimes a difficult one to define. First provide a generic definition, and then provide more expl...
摘要:Problem: Using the architecture of a house or building as a metaphor, draw comparisons with software architecture. How are the dis...
摘要:Problem: Do you design software when you “write” a program? What makes software design different from coding? Answer: Design softw...
摘要:Problem: There are two different types of “states” that behavioral models can represent. What are they? Answer: 4633-7-7P SA: 9420...
摘要:Problem: You have been asked to build one of the following systems: a. A network-based course registration system for your unive...
摘要:Problem: Is it possible to begin coding immediately after a requirements model has been created? Explain your answer and then argu...
摘要:Problem: Why is it that many software developers don’t pay enough attention to requirements engineering? Are there ever circumstan...
摘要:Problem: Since a focus on quality demands resources and time, is it possible to be agile and still maintain a quality focus? Answe...
摘要:Problem: Based on your personal observation of people who are excellent software developers, name three personality traits that ap...
摘要:Problem: Reread the “Manifesto for Agile Software Development” at the beginning of this chapter. Can you think of a situation in w...
摘要:Problem: Provide three examples of software projects that would be amenable to the waterfall model. Be specific. Answer: Waterfall...
摘要:Problem: In the introduction to this chapter Baetjer notes: “The process provides interaction between users and designers, between...
摘要:Problem: Figure 2.1 places the three software engineering layers on top of a layer entitled “A quality focus.” This implies an org...
摘要:1.1 Problem: Provide at least five additional examples of how the law of unintended consequences applies to computer software. Ans...