0100 初级美语 Lesson 10:Responding to Requests 对要求作出反应

初级美语 Lesson 10:Responding to Requests 对要求作出反应

Practice 1:祈使句是请求或命令别人做事的句子,其构成方式很多,最简单的是用表示动作的实意动词引导的句子,有时甚至可以只有一个动词。
Examples: POLICEWOMAN: Tell me where you live.?
POLICEWOMAN: Give me your phone number.?
POLICEWOMAN: Show me your driver's license.?
POLICEWOMAN: Tell me what happened.?
POLICEWOMAN: Slow down.?
POLICEWOMAN: Begin again.?
POLICEWOMAN: Come here.?
tell 告诉?come 来?stand 站?give 给?sit 坐?look 看?show 出示walk 走?read 读?stop 停?turn 转?write 写?begin 开始?go 去,

Practice 2:按祈使句的要求回答?
Examples: WOMAN: Tell me your name.?
MARTIN: Martin Learner.?
WOMAN: Spell your name.?
MARTIN: Martin. M-A-R-T-I-N. Learner. L-E-A-R-N-E-R.? WOMAN: Give me your phone number.?
MARTIN: Four-oh-one, five-five-five, six-seven-two-nine.?

Practice 3:动词的过去式一般是由动词原形加 ed (或 d)构成。对比下列例句中的动词形式;注意过去时的构成方法。?
Examples: MARTIN: I live in Baltimore, Maryland.?
DETECTIVE: I lived in Maryland.
DETECTIVE: I studied at the University of Maryland.?
DETECTIVE: I study in Denver now.?
DETECTIVE: I'm going to look for your car.?
MARTIN: I looked upstairs. I looked downstairs.?

New Words and Expressions 生词和短语
police n. 警察?
missing adj. 不见了的?
police station n. 警察局?
phone number n. 电话号码?
driver's license n. 驾驶执照?
garage n. 车库?
detective n. 侦探?
sign v. 签名?
look for 寻找?
sit down 坐下?
slow down 慢点?

Proper Nouns 专有名词?
Maryland 马里兰州?
Denver 丹佛市?
Ford 福特车(或牌)?

Language Points 语言要点 ?

1. I'm going home today. 我今天要回家。?
这句话是现在进行时的形式,表示的是将来的时态。go home 回家,home 是副词,“回家、到家”之意,因此 go 后面不带 to。?
2. Tell me where you live. 告诉我你住在哪儿。?
这是一句带有宾语从句的祈使句。Where you live,是一个从句。做 tell 的宾语,宾语从句中要用陈述语序,例如:
Tell me what happened. 告诉我发生了什么事。?
Tell me where the police station is. 告诉我警察局在哪。?

Cultural Notes 文化注释

英文电话号码的念法与中文读法相同,即用基数词将数字读出,如:Four-oh-one, five-five-five, six-seven-two-nine. 如果两个连续的数字,可重复读出,也可用 double 读出,如:Four-oh-one, five-five-five, six-six-two-nine 也可读成 Four-oh-one, five-five-five, double six-two-nine.“0”可用“oh”或“zero”读出,上面的号码可读作:Four-one-zero, five-five-five, six-six-two-nine.


posted on 2013-01-25 12:41  shao  阅读(161)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
