0090 初级美语 Lesson 9:Giving Addresses 告诉地址[2]

初级美语 Lesson 9:Giving Addresses 告诉地址[2]

CAST: Look out! Did you see that? Stand back. What happened? Is anyone hurt? Where did he come from??
POLICEMAN: All right, all right. Stand back. Move. Stand back.?ALEXANDER: Who are you??
POLICEMAN: I'm a policeman. Did you see the accident??
CAST: Yes, I did. Sure. I was standing right herr. Well. I think so.?POLICEMAN: I want your names and addresses. OK. Who are you??

POLICEMAN: Where do you work??
PAULA: I work at Johnson's.?
POLICEMAN: What is the address??
PAULA: Three-oh-seven California Street.?

Practice 1: 美国人说地址的方法与中国人不同,是由小到大的顺序,即由门牌号到街再到城市的顺序。住在哪一号要用介词 at。?
Examples: POLICEMAN: Where do you live??
PAULA: I live at fifty-five Georgia Street.?
POLICEMAN: Where do you live??
MARTIN: I live at fourteen-twenty-seven Grant Street.?
POLICEMAN: Where do you live??
NANCY: I live at sixteen Carter Street.?
POLICEMAN: Where do you live??
ALEXANDER: I live at nine-three-eight North Florida Street.?

Practice 3:用 Who are you? 询问别人姓名?
Examples:?POLICEMAN: Who are you??
PAULA: I'm Paula Roberts.?
POLICEMAN: Who are you??
MARTIN: I'm Martin Learner.?
POLICEMAN: Who are you??
NANCY: I'm Nancy Kim.?
POLICEMAN: Who are you??
ALEXANDER: I'm Alexander Macrakis.

New Words and Expressions 生词和短语

policeman n. 警察?
accident n. 事故?
lieutenant n. 中尉?
telephone n. 电话?
lawyer n. 律师?

Proper Nouns 专有名词?
Georgia Street 佐治亚街?
Grant Street 格兰特街?
Carter Street 卡特街?
Arizona Street 亚利桑那街?
Michigan Street 密执安街?
Mills Institute of Technology 米尔斯理工学院?

Language Points 语言要点

1 . I want to ask you some questions. 我想问你几个问题。?
want(想要)是表示意愿的及物动词,其后可接动词不定式(to+动词原形)作宾 语。例如:?
I want to go to the coffee shop. 我想去咖啡馆。?
I want to study computers. 我想学习计算机。?
2.That's all right. 别客气。这是在别人感谢你时,你应回答的一句话,相当于汉语的不用谢,别客气。类似的用法还有:?
You are welcome.?It's my pleasure.?Don't mention it.?No trouble.? Any time. It was nothing.?With pleasure. Glad to help.?Not at all.?
Look out! 小心!(或者说 Watch out!) Step aside. 靠边。?
Stand back. 往后站。?
Watch your step. 小心脚下。?
Turn left on Michigan Street. 在密执安街向左转。?
Move along. 继续走。?
Go straight ahead. 一直向前走。?

Cultural Notes 文化注释

是一个“汽车王国”,交通非常发达,高速公路网四通八达,但是交通事故(traffic accident)率也很高。在驾车时如果与别人撞车,千万不要马上向对方道歉,因为这样会被认为是你违反交通规则,与你不利;也不要吵闹,争执谁是谁非,而要等待警察来处理。

posted on 2013-01-24 11:25  shao  阅读(136)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
