0020 初级美语 Lesson 2:Introductions 介绍

初级美语 Lesson 2:Introductions 介绍

MARTIN: Hello. I'm Martin Learner. I'm a reporter.

MARTIN: Good. I'm happy to meet you.

DEBBIE: Mr Learner. This is Mrs Montgomery. She's an engineer.

Practice 1:too 表示“也”,一般放在句尾,其前加逗号。both 表示“两个都”,
如谓语是 be 动词时,放其后;谓语是行为动词时放其前。Examples: I speak Chinese. You speak Chinese, too.
We both speak Chinese.
Mary is an American. Lucy is an American, too.?
They are both Americans.?
Mary is an accountant. Lucy is an accountant, too.?
They are both accountants.?
Mary speaks English. Lucy speaks English, too.?
They both speak English.

Practice 3:Pardon? 表示没听清对方说话,请对方重复。还可以说“I beg your
pardon?”或“Pardon me?”注意:说的时候要用升调。
“Introduction of Others”介绍他人
This is ___________. 这是____________。
Pardon? 对不起,请再说一遍好吗??
Examples: DEBBIE: This is Miss Genaux.?
JIM: Pardon?
DEBBIE: This is Miss Genaux. And this is Mr Greer.? JIM: Pardon?
DEBBIE: This is Mr Greer

Practice 4:We've met. 表示“我们见过面”,是当别人误把你见过的人再介绍给
Example One: Introduction 介绍?
JIM: This is Martin Learner.?
ELIZABETH: We've met.?
DEBBIE: This is Valerie Genaux.?
BRAD: We've met.
Example Two: Professions 职业?
MARTIN: This is Brad Foster. He's a musician.?
DEBBIE: This is Martin Learner. He's areporter.?
MARTIN: This is Melanie Montgomery. She'an engineer.?
DEBBIE: This is Valerie Genaux. She's an accountant.?
MARTIN: This is Elizabeth Bliss. She's a doctor.?

New Words and Expressions 生词和短语 ?

reception n. 招待会?
engineer n. 工程师?
accountant n. 会计?
musician n. 音乐家,音乐工作者?

Language Points 语言要点
1. I'm happy to meet you. 见到你很高兴。初次见面时的客套话,类似的还有: I'm glad to meet you.
Glad to meet you.?
I'm pleased to meet you.
Pleased to meet you.?
It's nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you.?
It's a pleasure to meet you.
Happy to meet you.?
2. At the airport 在飞机场。
at the seaport 在海港;
at the station 在车站;
at the hotel 在旅馆

Cultural Notes 文化注释

1. 英语中,正式自我介绍时用全名,例如:I'm Martin Learner. 非正式介绍时
可 只用名,例如:I'm Martin. 介绍他人时,可用全名或在姓前加尊称,例如:This is Valerie Genaux. 或 This is Miss Genaux. 非正式介绍他人时,可只用名,如:This is Valerie. 成年男子的尊称一般是 Mr+姓(名);已婚女子为 Mrs+姓(名);未婚女子为 Miss+姓(名);已婚或未婚女子都可称为 Ms+姓(名)。

posted on 2013-01-10 13:51  shao  阅读(185)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
