今天是Sprint 2 的倒数第二天,明天就要课堂上review我们的project了。这两天除了完成work item,还要开始着手test, fix bugs, prepare demo等任务,scrum的时候看大家都困困的,辛苦了~


Today’s Work Tomorrow’s Work
Feng Nie  Fix bugs Fix bugs 
Lijun Wu Add background to the gallery Merge gallery 
Manni Wang Update daily work  Update daily work 
Xizhou Zhu Deploy the gallery  Prepare the demo 
Zhaofan Qiu Test on web Prepare the demo
Zhongxia Chen Test on wechat Survey for structure based algorithm 

 Burndown and burn rate:


posted on 2014-12-01 20:32  Mid-Summer  阅读(99)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报