.NetFramework转.NetCore过程(-) upgrade-assistant

NET 升级助手概述。
如何安装 .NET 升级助手。
演示如何针对 .NET Framework ASP.NET MVC 应用程序运行该工具

dotnet tool install -g upgrade-assistant

在需要打开powershell窗口的文件夹下空白处: shift + 鼠标右键

upgrade-assistant upgrade .\Fooww.Web.WebApi.csproj

Upgrade Steps

Entrypoint: E:\Repo\FoowwWeb\Fooww.Web.WebApi\Fooww.Web.WebApi.csproj
Current Project: E:\Repo\FoowwWeb\Fooww.Web.WebApi\Fooww.Web.WebApi.csproj

  1. [Next step] Back up project
  2. Convert project file to SDK style
  3. Clean up NuGet package references
  4. Update TFM
  5. Update NuGet Packages
  6. Add template files
  7. Upgrade app config files
    a. Convert Application Settings
    b. Convert Connection Strings
    c. Disable unsupported configuration sections
  8. Update Razor files
    a. Apply code fixes to Razor documents
    b. Replace @helper syntax in Razor files
  9. Update source code
    a. Apply fix for UA0002: Types should be upgraded
    b. Apply fix for UA0012: 'UnsafeDeserialize()' does not exist
  10. Move to next project

Choose a command:

  1. Apply next step (Back up project)
  2. Skip next step (Back up project)
  3. See more step details
  4. Select different project
  5. Configure logging
  6. Exit

[16:54:13 INF] Saving upgrade progress file at E:\Repo\FoowwWeb\Fooww.Web.WebApi.upgrade-assistant
PS E:\Repo\FoowwWeb\Fooww.Web.WebApi>

5、 Convert project file to SDK style
【<Project 】替换为【<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk" 】

6、Clean up NuGet package references

posted @ 2021-12-03 10:34  Mzhangyl  阅读(1438)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报