软件工具:STM32CubeMX 5.6.0
DMA2D 的用法
• 填充独特颜色的矩形形状。
• 将一帧或一帧的矩形部分从一个存储器复制到另一个存储器。
• 转换一帧或一帧的矩形部分的像素格式,同时将其从一个存储器传输到另一个存储器。
• 混合两种不同尺寸和像素格式的图像,并将结果图像存储在一个结果存储器中。
SDRAM 配置 :
SDRAM学习资料 - STM32F429 - 硬汉嵌入式论坛 - Powered by Discuz! (
(7条消息) SDRAM学习笔记(eg. W9825G6KH)_Mculover666的博客(嵌入式)-CSDN博客_w9825g6kh
(7条消息) 基于STM32F429的SDRAM使用_hducollins的博客-CSDN博客_w9825g6kh
从上图可以看出,FMC总共管理1.5GB空间,拥有6个存储块(Bank),我们用到Bank5 也就是SDRAM Bank1,(0xC0000000 ~ 0xCFFFFFFF)
Byte enable:表示可以通过LDQM,UDQM线控制访问8bit数据,还是16bit数据,UDQM/LDQM:数据掩码
在stm32f4的数据手册有这么一句话"SDRAM clock can be HCLK/2 or HCLK/3" ,所以SDRAM的时钟最大为108MHz,所以对于SDRAM而言, 1tick = 9.26ns
STM32F429--LTDC显示图片 - M&D - 博客园 (
配置PWM:PB5脚 10KHZ
SDRAM的代码和LCD的代码可以参考 STM32CUBEMX的库文件:
1 /* USER CODE BEGIN Private defines */ 2 #define SDRAM_DEVICE_ADDR ((uint32_t)0xC0000000) 3 /* USER CODE BEGIN PD */ 4 #define REFRESH_COUNT ((uint32_t)683) /* SDRAM refresh counter */ 5 #define SDRAM_TIMEOUT ((uint32_t)0xFFFF) 6 7 /** 8 * @brief FMC SDRAM Mode definition register defines 9 */ 10 #define SDRAM_MODEREG_BURST_LENGTH_1 ((uint16_t)0x0000) 11 #define SDRAM_MODEREG_BURST_LENGTH_2 ((uint16_t)0x0001) 12 #define SDRAM_MODEREG_BURST_LENGTH_4 ((uint16_t)0x0002) 13 #define SDRAM_MODEREG_BURST_LENGTH_8 ((uint16_t)0x0004) 14 #define SDRAM_MODEREG_BURST_TYPE_SEQUENTIAL ((uint16_t)0x0000) 15 #define SDRAM_MODEREG_BURST_TYPE_INTERLEAVED ((uint16_t)0x0008) 16 #define SDRAM_MODEREG_CAS_LATENCY_2 ((uint16_t)0x0020) 17 #define SDRAM_MODEREG_CAS_LATENCY_3 ((uint16_t)0x0030) 18 #define SDRAM_MODEREG_OPERATING_MODE_STANDARD ((uint16_t)0x0000) 19 #define SDRAM_MODEREG_WRITEBURST_MODE_PROGRAMMED ((uint16_t)0x0000) 20 #define SDRAM_MODEREG_WRITEBURST_MODE_SINGLE ((uint16_t)0x0200) 21 22 23 /** 24 * @brief Programs the SDRAM device. 25 * @param RefreshCount: SDRAM refresh counter value 26 */ 27 void BSP_SDRAM_Initialization_sequence(uint32_t RefreshCount) 28 { 29 __IO uint32_t tmpmrd =0; 30 31 /* Step 1: Configure a clock configuration enable command */ 32 Command.CommandMode = FMC_SDRAM_CMD_CLK_ENABLE; 33 Command.CommandTarget = FMC_SDRAM_CMD_TARGET_BANK1; 34 Command.AutoRefreshNumber = 1; 35 Command.ModeRegisterDefinition = 0; 36 37 /* Send the command */ 38 HAL_SDRAM_SendCommand(&hsdram1, &Command, SDRAM_TIMEOUT); 39 40 /* Step 2: Insert 100 us minimum delay */ 41 /* Inserted delay is equal to 1 ms due to systick time base unit (ms) */ 42 HAL_Delay(1); 43 44 /* Step 3: Configure a PALL (precharge all) command */ 45 Command.CommandMode = FMC_SDRAM_CMD_PALL; 46 Command.CommandTarget = FMC_SDRAM_CMD_TARGET_BANK1; 47 Command.AutoRefreshNumber = 1; 48 Command.ModeRegisterDefinition = 0; 49 50 /* Send the command */ 51 HAL_SDRAM_SendCommand(&hsdram1, &Command, SDRAM_TIMEOUT); 52 53 /* Step 4: Configure an Auto Refresh command */ 54 Command.CommandMode = FMC_SDRAM_CMD_AUTOREFRESH_MODE; 55 Command.CommandTarget = FMC_SDRAM_CMD_TARGET_BANK1; 56 Command.AutoRefreshNumber = 8; 57 Command.ModeRegisterDefinition = 0; 58 59 /* Send the command */ 60 HAL_SDRAM_SendCommand(&hsdram1, &Command, SDRAM_TIMEOUT); 61 62 /* Step 5: Program the external memory mode register */ 63 tmpmrd = (uint32_t)SDRAM_MODEREG_BURST_LENGTH_1 | 64 SDRAM_MODEREG_BURST_TYPE_SEQUENTIAL | 65 SDRAM_MODEREG_CAS_LATENCY_3 | 66 SDRAM_MODEREG_OPERATING_MODE_STANDARD | 67 SDRAM_MODEREG_WRITEBURST_MODE_SINGLE; 68 69 Command.CommandMode = FMC_SDRAM_CMD_LOAD_MODE; 70 Command.CommandTarget = FMC_SDRAM_CMD_TARGET_BANK1; 71 Command.AutoRefreshNumber = 1; 72 Command.ModeRegisterDefinition = tmpmrd; 73 74 /* Send the command */ 75 HAL_SDRAM_SendCommand(&hsdram1, &Command, SDRAM_TIMEOUT); 76 77 /* Step 6: Set the refresh rate counter */ 78 /* Set the device refresh rate */ 79 HAL_SDRAM_ProgramRefreshRate(&hsdram1, RefreshCount); 80 }
LCD 背光调节接口:
1 void LCD_BL_PWM_Start(void) 2 { 3 HAL_TIM_PWM_Start(&htim3, TIM_CHANNEL_2); 4 } 5 6 void LCD_BL_PWM_SetVal(uint16_t value) 7 { 8 __HAL_TIM_SetCompare(&htim3,TIM_CHANNEL_2,value); 9 }
1 #ifndef _LCD_H_ 2 #define _LCD_H_ 3 4 #include "ltdc.h" 5 #include "dma2d.h" 6 7 8 9 #define Dma2dHandler hdma2d 10 #define LtdcHandler hltdc 11 12 #define BSP_LCD_GetXSize() 480 13 #define BSP_LCD_GetYSize() 272 14 15 #define LCD_DEFAULT_FONT Font16 16 17 18 /** 19 * @brief LCD status structure definition 20 */ 21 #define MAX_LAYER_NUMBER 2 22 #define LCD_FRAME_BUFFER ((uint32_t)0xC0000000) 23 #define BUFFER_OFFSET ((uint32_t)0x50000) 24 /** 25 * @brief LCD color 26 */ 27 #define LCD_COLOR_BLUE 0xFF0000FF 28 #define LCD_COLOR_GREEN 0xFF00FF00 29 #define LCD_COLOR_RED 0xFFFF0000 30 #define LCD_COLOR_CYAN 0xFF00FFFF 31 #define LCD_COLOR_MAGENTA 0xFFFF00FF 32 #define LCD_COLOR_YELLOW 0xFFFFFF00 33 #define LCD_COLOR_LIGHTBLUE 0xFF8080FF 34 #define LCD_COLOR_LIGHTGREEN 0xFF80FF80 35 #define LCD_COLOR_LIGHTRED 0xFFFF8080 36 #define LCD_COLOR_LIGHTCYAN 0xFF80FFFF 37 #define LCD_COLOR_LIGHTMAGENTA 0xFFFF80FF 38 #define LCD_COLOR_LIGHTYELLOW 0xFFFFFF80 39 #define LCD_COLOR_DARKBLUE 0xFF000080 40 #define LCD_COLOR_DARKGREEN 0xFF008000 41 #define LCD_COLOR_DARKRED 0xFF800000 42 #define LCD_COLOR_DARKCYAN 0xFF008080 43 #define LCD_COLOR_DARKMAGENTA 0xFF800080 44 #define LCD_COLOR_DARKYELLOW 0xFF808000 45 #define LCD_COLOR_WHITE 0xFFFFFFFF 46 #define LCD_COLOR_LIGHTGRAY 0xFFD3D3D3 47 #define LCD_COLOR_GRAY 0xFF808080 48 #define LCD_COLOR_DARKGRAY 0xFF404040 49 #define LCD_COLOR_BLACK 0xFF000000 50 #define LCD_COLOR_BROWN 0xFFA52A2A 51 #define LCD_COLOR_ORANGE 0xFFFFA500 52 #define LCD_COLOR_TRANSPARENT 0xFF000000 53 54 typedef struct _tFont 55 { 56 const uint8_t *table; 57 uint16_t Width; 58 uint16_t Height; 59 60 } sFONT; 61 62 typedef struct 63 { 64 uint32_t TextColor; 65 uint32_t BackColor; 66 sFONT *pFont; 67 }LCD_DrawPropTypeDef; 68 69 typedef struct 70 { 71 int16_t X; 72 int16_t Y; 73 } Point, * pPoint; 74 75 /** 76 * @brief Line mode structures definition 77 */ 78 typedef enum 79 { 80 CENTER_MODE = 0x01, /* center mode */ 81 RIGHT_MODE = 0x02, /* right mode */ 82 LEFT_MODE = 0x03, /* left mode */ 83 }Text_AlignModeTypdef; 84 85 extern sFONT Font16; 86 87 void BSP_LCD_Clear(uint32_t Color); 88 void BSP_LCD_DrawPixel(uint16_t Xpos, uint16_t Ypos, uint32_t RGB_Code); 89 void BSP_LCD_SetTextColor(uint32_t Color); 90 void BSP_LCD_SetBackColor(uint32_t Color); 91 void BSP_LCD_DrawHLine(uint16_t Xpos, uint16_t Ypos, uint16_t Length); 92 void BSP_LCD_DrawVLine(uint16_t Xpos, uint16_t Ypos, uint16_t Length); 93 void BSP_LCD_DrawRect(uint16_t Xpos, uint16_t Ypos, uint16_t Width, uint16_t Height); 94 void BSP_LCD_SetFont(sFONT *pFonts); 95 sFONT *BSP_LCD_GetFont(void); 96 void BSP_LCD_DisplayChar(uint16_t Xpos, uint16_t Ypos, uint8_t Ascii); 97 void BSP_LCD_DisplayStringAtLine(uint16_t Line, uint8_t *ptr); 98 void BSP_LCD_DisplayStringAt(uint16_t X, uint16_t Y, uint8_t *pText, Text_AlignModeTypdef mode); 99 void DrawChar(uint16_t Xpos, uint16_t Ypos, const uint8_t *c); 100 void FillBuffer(uint32_t LayerIndex, void * pDst, uint32_t xSize, uint32_t ySize, uint32_t OffLine, uint32_t ColorIndex); 101 void BSP_LCD_DrawCircle(uint16_t Xpos, uint16_t Ypos, uint16_t Radius); 102 #endif
1 #include "lcd.h" 2 3 sFONT Font16; 4 uint32_t ActiveLayer = 0; 5 static LCD_DrawPropTypeDef DrawProp[MAX_LAYER_NUMBER]; 6 7 /** @defgroup FONTS_Exported_Constants 8 * @{ 9 */ 10 #define LINE(x) ((x) * (((sFONT *)BSP_LCD_GetFont())->Height)) 11 12 13 /** 14 * @brief Fills buffer. 15 * @param LayerIndex: layer index 16 * @param pDst: output color 17 * @param xSize: buffer width 18 * @param ySize: buffer height 19 * @param OffLine: offset 20 * @param ColorIndex: color Index 21 */ 22 void FillBuffer(uint32_t LayerIndex, void * pDst, uint32_t xSize, uint32_t ySize, uint32_t OffLine, uint32_t ColorIndex) 23 { 24 25 /* Register to memory mode with ARGB8888 as color Mode */ 26 Dma2dHandler.Init.Mode = DMA2D_R2M; 27 Dma2dHandler.Init.ColorMode = DMA2D_RGB565; 28 Dma2dHandler.Init.OutputOffset = OffLine; 29 30 Dma2dHandler.Instance = DMA2D; 31 32 /* DMA2D Initialization */ 33 if(HAL_DMA2D_Init(&Dma2dHandler) == HAL_OK) 34 { 35 if(HAL_DMA2D_ConfigLayer(&Dma2dHandler, LayerIndex) == HAL_OK) 36 { 37 if (HAL_DMA2D_Start(&Dma2dHandler, ColorIndex, (uint32_t)pDst, xSize, ySize) == HAL_OK) 38 { 39 /* Polling For DMA transfer */ 40 HAL_DMA2D_PollForTransfer(&Dma2dHandler, 10); 41 } 42 } 43 } 44 } 45 46 /** 47 * @brief Clears the hole LCD. 48 * @param Color: the color of the background 49 */ 50 void BSP_LCD_Clear(uint32_t Color) 51 { 52 /* Clear the LCD */ 53 FillBuffer(ActiveLayer, (uint32_t *)(LtdcHandler.LayerCfg[ActiveLayer].FBStartAdress), BSP_LCD_GetXSize(), BSP_LCD_GetYSize(), 0, Color); 54 } 55 56 /** 57 * @brief Writes Pixel. 58 * @param Xpos: the X position 59 * @param Ypos: the Y position 60 * @param RGB_Code: the pixel color in RGB565 mode (5-6-5) 61 */ 62 void BSP_LCD_DrawPixel(uint16_t Xpos, uint16_t Ypos, uint32_t RGB_Code) 63 { 64 /* Write data value to all SDRAM memory */ 65 *(__IO uint32_t*) (LtdcHandler.LayerCfg[ActiveLayer].FBStartAdress + (2*(Ypos*BSP_LCD_GetXSize() + Xpos))) = RGB_Code; 66 } 67 68 /** 69 * @brief Sets the Text color. 70 * @param Color: the Text color code ARGB(8-8-8-8) 71 */ 72 void BSP_LCD_SetTextColor(uint32_t Color) 73 { 74 DrawProp[ActiveLayer].TextColor = Color; 75 } 76 77 /** 78 * @brief Sets the Background color. 79 * @param Color: the layer Background color code ARGB(8-8-8-8) 80 */ 81 void BSP_LCD_SetBackColor(uint32_t Color) 82 { 83 DrawProp[ActiveLayer].BackColor = Color; 84 } 85 86 /** 87 * @brief Displays an horizontal line. 88 * @param Xpos: the X position 89 * @param Ypos: the Y position 90 * @param Length: line length 91 */ 92 void BSP_LCD_DrawHLine(uint16_t Xpos, uint16_t Ypos, uint16_t Length) 93 { 94 uint32_t xaddress = 0; 95 96 /* Get the line address */ 97 xaddress = (LtdcHandler.LayerCfg[ActiveLayer].FBStartAdress) + 2*(BSP_LCD_GetXSize()*Ypos + Xpos); 98 99 /* Write line */ 100 FillBuffer(ActiveLayer, (uint32_t *)xaddress, Length, 1, 0, DrawProp[ActiveLayer].TextColor); 101 } 102 103 /** 104 * @brief Displays a vertical line. 105 * @param Xpos: the X position 106 * @param Ypos: the Y position 107 * @param Length: line length 108 */ 109 void BSP_LCD_DrawVLine(uint16_t Xpos, uint16_t Ypos, uint16_t Length) 110 { 111 uint32_t xaddress = 0; 112 113 /* Get the line address */ 114 xaddress = (LtdcHandler.LayerCfg[ActiveLayer].FBStartAdress) + 2*(BSP_LCD_GetXSize()*Ypos + Xpos); 115 116 /* Write line */ 117 FillBuffer(ActiveLayer, (uint32_t *)xaddress, 1, Length, (BSP_LCD_GetXSize() - 1), DrawProp[ActiveLayer].TextColor); 118 } 119 120 /** 121 * @brief Displays a rectangle. 122 * @param Xpos: the X position 123 * @param Ypos: the Y position 124 * @param Height: display rectangle height 125 * @param Width: display rectangle width 126 */ 127 void BSP_LCD_DrawRect(uint16_t Xpos, uint16_t Ypos, uint16_t Width, uint16_t Height) 128 { 129 /* Draw horizontal lines */ 130 BSP_LCD_DrawHLine(Xpos, Ypos, Width); 131 BSP_LCD_DrawHLine(Xpos, (Ypos+ Height), Width); 132 133 /* Draw vertical lines */ 134 BSP_LCD_DrawVLine(Xpos, Ypos, Height); 135 BSP_LCD_DrawVLine((Xpos + Width), Ypos, Height); 136 } 137 138 /** 139 * @brief Sets the Text Font. 140 * @param pFonts: the layer font to be used 141 */ 142 void BSP_LCD_SetFont(sFONT *pFonts) 143 { 144 DrawProp[ActiveLayer].pFont = pFonts; 145 } 146 147 /** 148 * @brief Gets the Text Font. 149 * @retval Layer font 150 */ 151 sFONT *BSP_LCD_GetFont(void) 152 { 153 return DrawProp[ActiveLayer].pFont; 154 } 155 156 /** 157 * @brief Draws a character on LCD. 158 * @param Xpos: the Line where to display the character shape 159 * @param Ypos: start column address 160 * @param c: pointer to the character data 161 */ 162 void DrawChar(uint16_t Xpos, uint16_t Ypos, const uint8_t *c) 163 { 164 uint32_t i = 0, j = 0; 165 uint16_t height, width; 166 uint8_t offset; 167 uint8_t *pchar; 168 uint32_t line=0; 169 170 height = DrawProp[ActiveLayer].pFont->Height; 171 width = DrawProp[ActiveLayer].pFont->Width; 172 173 offset = 8 *((width + 7)/8) - width ; 174 175 for(i = 0; i < height; i++) 176 { 177 pchar = ((uint8_t *)c + (width + 7)/8 * i); 178 179 switch(((width + 7)/8)) 180 { 181 case 1: 182 line = pchar[0]; 183 break; 184 185 case 2: 186 line = (pchar[0]<< 8) | pchar[1]; 187 break; 188 189 case 3: 190 default: 191 line = (pchar[0]<< 16) | (pchar[1]<< 8) | pchar[2]; 192 break; 193 } 194 195 for (j = 0; j < width; j++) 196 { 197 if(line & (1 << (width- j + offset- 1))) 198 { 199 BSP_LCD_DrawPixel((Xpos + j), Ypos, DrawProp[ActiveLayer].TextColor); 200 } 201 else 202 { 203 BSP_LCD_DrawPixel((Xpos + j), Ypos, DrawProp[ActiveLayer].BackColor); 204 } 205 } 206 Ypos++; 207 } 208 } 209 210 /** 211 * @brief Displays one character. 212 * @param Xpos: start column address 213 * @param Ypos: the Line where to display the character shape 214 * @param Ascii: character ascii code, must be between 0x20 and 0x7E 215 */ 216 void BSP_LCD_DisplayChar(uint16_t Xpos, uint16_t Ypos, uint8_t Ascii) 217 { 218 DrawChar(Xpos, Ypos, &DrawProp[ActiveLayer].pFont->table[(Ascii-' ') *\ 219 DrawProp[ActiveLayer].pFont->Height * ((DrawProp[ActiveLayer].pFont->Width + 7) / 8)]); 220 } 221 222 /** 223 * @brief Displays a maximum of 20 char on the LCD. 224 * @param Line: the Line where to display the character shape 225 * @param ptr: pointer to string to display on LCD 226 */ 227 void BSP_LCD_DisplayStringAtLine(uint16_t Line, uint8_t *ptr) 228 { 229 BSP_LCD_DisplayStringAt(0, LINE(Line), ptr, LEFT_MODE); 230 } 231 232 233 /** 234 * @brief Displays a maximum of 60 char on the LCD. 235 * @param X: pointer to x position (in pixel) 236 * @param Y: pointer to y position (in pixel) 237 * @param pText: pointer to string to display on LCD 238 * @param mode: The display mode 239 * This parameter can be one of the following values: 240 * @arg CENTER_MODE 241 * @arg RIGHT_MODE 242 * @arg LEFT_MODE 243 */ 244 void BSP_LCD_DisplayStringAt(uint16_t X, uint16_t Y, uint8_t *pText, Text_AlignModeTypdef mode) 245 { 246 uint16_t refcolumn = 1, i = 0; 247 uint32_t size = 0, xsize = 0; 248 uint8_t *ptr = pText; 249 250 /* Get the text size */ 251 while (*ptr++) size ++ ; 252 253 /* Characters number per line */ 254 xsize = (BSP_LCD_GetXSize()/DrawProp[ActiveLayer].pFont->Width); 255 256 switch (mode) 257 { 258 case CENTER_MODE: 259 { 260 refcolumn = X+ ((xsize - size)* DrawProp[ActiveLayer].pFont->Width) / 2; 261 break; 262 } 263 case LEFT_MODE: 264 { 265 refcolumn = X; 266 break; 267 } 268 case RIGHT_MODE: 269 { 270 refcolumn = X + ((xsize - size)*DrawProp[ActiveLayer].pFont->Width); 271 break; 272 } 273 default: 274 { 275 refcolumn = X; 276 break; 277 } 278 } 279 280 /* Send the string character by character on LCD */ 281 while ((*pText != 0) & (((BSP_LCD_GetXSize() - (i*DrawProp[ActiveLayer].pFont->Width)) & 0xFFFF) >= DrawProp[ActiveLayer].pFont->Width)) 282 { 283 /* Display one character on LCD */ 284 BSP_LCD_DisplayChar(refcolumn, Y, *pText); 285 /* Decrement the column position by 16 */ 286 refcolumn += DrawProp[ActiveLayer].pFont->Width; 287 /* Point on the next character */ 288 pText++; 289 i++; 290 } 291 } 292 293 /** 294 * @brief Displays a circle. 295 * @param Xpos: the X position 296 * @param Ypos: the Y position 297 * @param Radius: the circle radius 298 */ 299 void BSP_LCD_DrawCircle(uint16_t Xpos, uint16_t Ypos, uint16_t Radius) 300 { 301 int32_t d;/* Decision Variable */ 302 uint32_t curx;/* Current X Value */ 303 uint32_t cury;/* Current Y Value */ 304 305 d = 3 - (Radius << 1); 306 curx = 0; 307 cury = Radius; 308 309 while (curx <= cury) 310 { 311 BSP_LCD_DrawPixel((Xpos + curx), (Ypos - cury), DrawProp[ActiveLayer].TextColor); 312 BSP_LCD_DrawPixel((Xpos - curx), (Ypos - cury), DrawProp[ActiveLayer].TextColor); 313 BSP_LCD_DrawPixel((Xpos + cury), (Ypos - curx), DrawProp[ActiveLayer].TextColor); 314 BSP_LCD_DrawPixel((Xpos - cury), (Ypos - curx), DrawProp[ActiveLayer].TextColor); 315 BSP_LCD_DrawPixel((Xpos + curx), (Ypos + cury), DrawProp[ActiveLayer].TextColor); 316 BSP_LCD_DrawPixel((Xpos - curx), (Ypos + cury), DrawProp[ActiveLayer].TextColor); 317 BSP_LCD_DrawPixel((Xpos + cury), (Ypos + curx), DrawProp[ActiveLayer].TextColor); 318 BSP_LCD_DrawPixel((Xpos - cury), (Ypos + curx), DrawProp[ActiveLayer].TextColor); 319 320 if (d < 0) 321 { 322 d += (curx << 2) + 6; 323 } 324 else 325 { 326 d += ((curx - cury) << 2) + 10; 327 cury--; 328 } 329 curx++; 330 } 331 }
1 /* USER CODE END 0 */ 2 3 /** 4 * @brief The application entry point. 5 * @retval int 6 */ 7 int main(void) 8 int main(void) 9 { 10 /* USER CODE BEGIN 1 */ 11 12 /* USER CODE END 1 */ 13 14 /* MCU Configuration--------------------------------------------------------*/ 15 16 /* Reset of all peripherals, Initializes the Flash interface and the Systick. */ 17 HAL_Init(); 18 /* USER CODE BEGIN Init */ 19 20 /* USER CODE END Init */ 21 22 /* Configure the system clock */ 23 SystemClock_Config(); 24 25 /* USER CODE BEGIN SysInit */ 26 27 /* USER CODE END SysInit */ 28 /* Initialize all configured peripherals */ 29 MX_GPIO_Init(); 30 MX_USART1_UART_Init(); 31 MX_FMC_Init(); 32 MX_DMA2D_Init(); 33 MX_LTDC_Init(); 34 MX_TIM3_Init(); 35 36 37 /* Initialize interrupts */ 38 MX_NVIC_Init(); 39 /* USER CODE BEGIN 2 */ 40 //SDRAM Initialization 41 //刷新频率计数器(以SDCLK频率计数),计算方法: 42 //COUNT=SDRAM刷新周期/行数-20=SDRAM刷新周期(us)*SDCLK频率(Mhz)/行数 43 //我们使用的SDRAM刷新周期为64ms,SDCLK=180/2=90Mhz,行数为8192(2^13). 44 //所以,COUNT=64*1000*90/8192-20=683 45 BSP_SDRAM_Initialization_sequence(REFRESH_COUNT); 46 47 //LCD Background light 48 LCD_BL_PWM_Start(); 49 LCD_BL_PWM_SetVal(0); 50 HAL_Delay(500); 51 LCD_BL_PWM_SetVal(100); 52 53 //Clear LCD 54 BSP_LCD_Clear(LCD_COLOR_BLUE); 55 56 //Set text color 57 BSP_LCD_SetTextColor(LCD_COLOR_RED); 58 59 //draw Rectangle 60 BSP_LCD_DrawRect(100,100,50,50); 61 62 //draw line 63 BSP_LCD_DrawHLine(150,150,100); 64 65 //draw circle 66 BSP_LCD_SetTextColor(LCD_COLOR_GREEN); 67 BSP_LCD_DrawCircle(200,200,50); 68 69 //set font type 70 BSP_LCD_SetFont(&LCD_DEFAULT_FONT); 71 72 //display string 73 BSP_LCD_SetTextColor(LCD_COLOR_GREEN); 74 BSP_LCD_SetBackColor(LCD_COLOR_WHITE); 75 BSP_LCD_DisplayStringAt(0,0,(uint8_t*)"LCD TEST FONT",LEFT_MODE); 76 77 /* USER CODE END 2 */ 78 79 /* Infinite loop */ 80 /* USER CODE BEGIN WHILE */ 81 while (1) 82 { 83 /* USER CODE END WHILE */ 84 85 /* USER CODE BEGIN 3 */ 86 } 87 /* USER CODE END 3 */ 88 }
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