摘要: Repeater 默认没有EmptyTemplate 试了试用 自定义控件 重写 databind觉得太繁 无意中从一个老外的博客上发现了一个近似无敌的方法: most of us are using Repeaters to display Data also we faced the situation of retrieving no result to display so the Repeater will be Empty or we will need to handle this case from code behind to check the number of items and if zero we show a label with No Result found or no records to display message. we can do this with a simpler way and with no need to write anything in code behind ,let's see how 阅读全文
posted @ 2009-07-16 14:11 Theo 阅读(1813) 评论(4) 推荐(0) 编辑