引文:http://ilian.i-n-i.org/python-interview-question-and-answers/For the last few weeks I have been interviewing several people for Python/Django developers so I thought that it might be helpful to show the questions I am asking together with the answers. The reason is … OK, let me tell you a story f 阅读全文
可以参考http://jingyan.baidu.com/article/b2c186c88b1c33c46ef6ffcb.htmlprint('Which cave will you go into ?(1 or 2)') cave=raw_input()输入:1如果改为:cave=input(),则应该输入为:'1'或者可以改为:cave=str(input()),输入为:1由此可以看出:python中input()和raw_input()中的关于raw_input和input的区别,即对于input的话,如果需要输入字符串,应该加上引号,而raw_inpu 阅读全文