Hello, little turtles!
import turtle wn = turtle.Screen() wn.bgcolor("lightgreen") # Set the window background color wn.title("Hello, Tess!") # Set the window title tess = turtle.Turtle() tess.color("blue") # Tell tess to change her color tess.pensize(3) # Tell tess to set her pen width tess.forward(50) tess.left(120) tess.forward(50) wn.mainloop()
When we run this program, this new window pops up, and will remain on the screen until we close it.
import turtle wn = turtle.Screen() # Set up the window and its attributes wn.bgcolor("lightgreen") wn.title("Tess & Alex") tess = turtle.Turtle() # Create tess and set some attributes tess.color("hotpink") tess.pensize(5) alex = turtle.Turtle() # Create alex tess.forward(80) # Make tess draw equilateral triangle tess.left(120) tess.forward(80) tess.left(120) tess.forward(80) tess.left(120) # Complete the triangle tess.right(180) # Turn tess around tess.forward(80) # Move her away from the origin alex.forward(50) # Make alex draw a square alex.left(90) alex.forward(50) alex.left(90) alex.forward(50) alex.left(90) alex.forward(50) alex.left(90) wn.mainloop()
A turtle can “stamp” its footprint onto the canvas, and this will remain after the turtle has moved somewhere else. Stamping works, even when the pen is up.
import turtle wn = turtle.Screen() wn.bgcolor("lightgreen") tess = turtle.Turtle() tess.shape("turtle") tess.color("blue") tess.penup() # This is new size = 20 for i in range(30): tess.stamp() # Leave an impression on the canvas size = size + 3 # Increase the size on every iteration tess.forward(size) # Move tess along tess.right(24) # ... and turn her wn.mainloop()
The turtle has a lot more power than we’ve seen so far. The full documentation can be found at http://docs.python.org/py3k/library/turtle.html or within PyScripter, use Help and search for the turtle module.
Here are a couple of new tricks for our turtles:
- We can get a turtle to display text on the canvas at the turtle’s current position. The method to do that is alex.write("Hello").
- We can fill a shape (circle, semicircle, triangle, etc.) with a color. It is a two-step process. First we call the method alex.begin_fill(), then we draw the shape, then we call alex.end_fill().
- We’ve previously set the color of our turtle — we can now also set its fill color, which need not be the same as the turtle and the pen color. We usealex.color("blue","red") to set the turtle to draw in blue, and fill in red.
def draw_bar(t, height): """ Get turtle t to draw one bar, of height. """ t.begin_fill() # Added this line t.left(90) t.forward(height) t.write(" "+ str(height)) t.right(90) t.forward(40) t.right(90) t.forward(height) t.left(90) t.end_fill() # Added this line t.forward(10) wn = turtle.Screen() # Set up the window and its attributes wn.bgcolor("lightgreen") tess = turtle.Turtle() # Create tess and set some attributes tess.color("blue", "red") tess.pensize(3) xs = [48,117,200,240,160,260,220] for a in xs: draw_bar(tess, a) wn.mainloop()