>> 不抱怨,不妒忌,潇洒做自己!
摘要: for/from want of 由于缺少…… The flowers died from want of water. 这些花由于缺少水而枯死了。 Some of the wounded soldiers died for want of medicine. 有些士兵因为缺乏药物而死去。 for the use of 供……使用的 This parking lot is for the use of employees only. 这个停车场只供员工使用。 This dining hall is for the use of teachers. 这个饭堂是供教师使用的。 阅读全文
posted @ 2008-06-17 09:33 loose_went 阅读(898) 评论(0) 推荐(1) 编辑