


  • 你知道你们每个团队成员昨天在做什么吗?明天将会做什么?他们有什么问题吗?
  • 你知道这个迭代的目标(即交付物)是什么吗?
  • 你们现在的进度怎么样,能按时交付吗?(burndown chart会告诉你)
  • 你每天的工作会被打搅到吗?有人给你安排新任务还是你自己主动选取新任务,在你任务完成后。
  • 你能很随意的表达你对某个工作的看法吗?比方时间估算,或者不太清楚这个工作具体是要做什么,也或者你觉得这个工作怎么做比较效率高
  • 你们有每个迭代回顾会议吗?会议上你能自由的说出自己的想法吗?好的改进建议,下次迭代会实施吗?
  • 你有做代码的每日签入和集成吗?
  • 你知道这次迭代,软件交付的时间和地点吗?
  • 你有机会和PO交流吗?在你不懂某个用户故事的范围,怎么才算完成时,PO会解释给你听吗?
  • 你有参与每次的计划会议吗?计划会议你有表达想法和估算时间的权力吗?
  • 你明确知道每个任务怎么才算完成了吗?是代码写完?测试全部通过?还是文档需完备,且相关人员Review过?
  • 你们团队成员是不是都坐在一起了?
  • 发现问题时你是一个人在埋头苦干不吭声还是在队友讨论,或Scrum master帮忙?
  • ...

就敏捷性的一些重要点,我也写了一个mind map. 因为习惯了英文思维,所以是英文的,都简单英文

  product backlog
    user story
      as...I want to...so that...
    definition of done
  Daily scrum
    daily 15 minutes meeting is needed
    keep everybody updated for project status
    solve problem at first place, other member may have the ability to solve the issue
    know team member's contribution
    do you know what is your team members doing?
  sprint burn down chart
    control the speed
    notify PO when going to be out of controlled
  Sprint planning
    planning poker
    sprint goal
  sprint backlog
    keep small, max 16h
    sprint is time boxed
    team is undisturbed for sprint
    in sprint, PO only be able to see the burndown chart, or abort the sprint, can not change the sprint backlog
    try to make everything visible
    try to make every member have chance to speak out it's own idea
    try to make member feel "we are a team"
    Give a name for your team, let's member feel "us"
    try to motivate member, continuous improvement
    make team size as odd number
  work environment
    Sit closely
    enjoy working together
    members are feel like close friend
    make the environment creative and member can feel the fun from it, example, monkey screaming for sprint meeting
    continuous integration
    daily check in
    continuous release
    workable product after each sprint
    try to make the release version be retch able by external
    member dare to point out what can be improved
    ask everybody opinion
  Pair work
    pair analysis
    pair design
    pair programming
    rotate the pair, example, AB, AC, BC


posted @ 2013-01-13 21:51  麦克*堂  阅读(381)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报