

  接着我们说说,在嵌入式底层开发,常用的限定符:static, volatile, extern。一下举例说明:

  volatile is typically used for hardware address and for data shared with other programs .告诉编译器,不要优化,因为,该变量可能在别处改变。

  //Module A

  int foo;    //Meant to be modified in this module only

  volatile int bar;  //Value can change unexpectedly outside of this module.

  //Module B

  extern int foo; //we can read this value defined in Module A,but should not modify it.

  extern int bar; //Since declared volatile in Module A,we can read and modify this variable.

posted @ 2017-05-31 23:25  Micheal_you  阅读(150)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报