function aa(id)
var i, s, numargs = arguments.length;
Response.Write (numargs);
Response.Write (arguments[0]);
function ArgTest(){
var i, s, numargs = arguments.length;
s = numargs;
if (numargs < 2)
s += " argument was passed to ArgTest. It was ";
s += " arguments were passed to ArgTest. They were " ;
for (i = 0; i < numargs; i++)
s += arguments[i] + " ";
function aa(id)
var i, s, numargs = arguments.length;
Response.Write (numargs);
Response.Write (arguments[0]);
function ArgTest(){
var i, s, numargs = arguments.length;
s = numargs;
if (numargs < 2)
s += " argument was passed to ArgTest. It was ";
s += " arguments were passed to ArgTest. They were " ;
for (i = 0; i < numargs; i++)
s += arguments[i] + " ";
int numrows = int.Parse(DropDown1.SelectedItem.Value);
// C#
private void Button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
DataView aDataView = authorData.Tables[0].DefaultView;
foreach( DataRowView aRow in aDataView)
TableRow aTableRow = new TableRow();
TableCell aCell = new TableCell();
aCell.Text = aRow["last"].ToString();
DataBinder.Eval(Container, "DataItem.ITEM_NO").ToString()
AnchorLink.NavigateUrl = "controls_navigationtarget.aspx?name=" + System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode(Name.Text);
using System;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Threading;
public class FormatDate
public static void Main()
DateTime dt = DateTime.Now;
// Set the CurrentCulture property to U.S. English.
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo("en-US");
// Display dt, formatted using the ShortDatePattern
// and the CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.
// Create a CultureInfo object for German in Germany.
CultureInfo ci = new CultureInfo("de-DE");
// Display dt, formatted using the ShortDatePattern
// and the CultureInfo object.
Console.WriteLine(dt.ToString("d", ci));
DateTime dt = DateTime.Now;
DateTimeFormatInfo dfi = new DateTimeFormatInfo();
CultureInfo ci = new CultureInfo("de-DE");
// Make up a new custom DateTime pattern, for demonstration.
dfi.MonthDayPattern = "MM-MMMM, ddd-dddd";
// Use the DateTimeFormat from the culture associated
// with the current thread.
Console.WriteLine( dt.ToString("d") );
Console.WriteLine( dt.ToString("m") );
// Use the DateTimeFormat from the specific culture passed.
Console.WriteLine( dt.ToString("d", ci ) );
// Use the settings from the DateTimeFormatInfo object passed.
Console.WriteLine( dt.ToString("m", dfi ) );
// Reset the current thread to a different culture.
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo("fr-BE");
Console.WriteLine( dt.ToString("d") );
System.DateTime .Now .ToShortDateString()
System.DateTime .Now .ToShortTimeString()
System.DateTime .Now .ToLongDateString()
System.DateTime .Now .ToLongTimeString()
|| e.Item.ItemType==ListItemType.AlternatingItem)
<PUBLIC:PROPERTY NAME="hiliteColor" />
<PUBLIC:ATTACH EVENT="onload" FOR="window" ONEVENT="initColors()" />
function initColors()
// initialize the property
hiliteColor = (hiliteColor == null) ? "red" : hiliteColor;
function getData(presClass){
var studentNode, studentRef, studentName;
var teachRef = presClass.childNodes.item(1).getAttribute('ref');
var teachNode = xmlid.nodeFromID(teachRef);
classTitle.innerText = presClass.childNodes.item(0).text;
classID.innerText = presClass.getAttribute('id');
teacher.innerText = teachNode.childNodes.item(0).text;
var studentRefs = presClass.childNodes.item(2).childNodes;
var tableStr = "<TABLE>";
for (var i=0;i<presClass.childNodes.item(2).childNodes.length;i++){
studentRef = studentRefs.item(i).getAttribute('ref');
studentNode = xmlid.nodeFromID(studentRef);
studentName = studentNode.childNodes.item(0).text;
tableStr += "<TR><TD><SPAN ID=" + studentRef +
" onclick=getStudentInfo()>" +
studentName + "</SPAN></TD></TR>";
tableStr += "</TABLE>";
studentTable.innerHTML = tableStr;
// C#
private void Button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
DataView aDataView = authorData.Tables[0].DefaultView;
foreach( DataRowView aRow in aDataView)
TableRow aTableRow = new TableRow();
TableCell aCell = new TableCell();
aCell.Text = aRow["last"].ToString();
DataBinder.Eval(Container, "DataItem.ITEM_NO").ToString()
AnchorLink.NavigateUrl = "controls_navigationtarget.aspx?name=" + System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode(Name.Text);
using System;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Threading;
public class FormatDate
public static void Main()
DateTime dt = DateTime.Now;
// Set the CurrentCulture property to U.S. English.
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo("en-US");
// Display dt, formatted using the ShortDatePattern
// and the CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.
// Create a CultureInfo object for German in Germany.
CultureInfo ci = new CultureInfo("de-DE");
// Display dt, formatted using the ShortDatePattern
// and the CultureInfo object.
Console.WriteLine(dt.ToString("d", ci));
DateTime dt = DateTime.Now;
DateTimeFormatInfo dfi = new DateTimeFormatInfo();
CultureInfo ci = new CultureInfo("de-DE");
// Make up a new custom DateTime pattern, for demonstration.
dfi.MonthDayPattern = "MM-MMMM, ddd-dddd";
// Use the DateTimeFormat from the culture associated
// with the current thread.
Console.WriteLine( dt.ToString("d") );
Console.WriteLine( dt.ToString("m") );
// Use the DateTimeFormat from the specific culture passed.
Console.WriteLine( dt.ToString("d", ci ) );
// Use the settings from the DateTimeFormatInfo object passed.
Console.WriteLine( dt.ToString("m", dfi ) );
// Reset the current thread to a different culture.
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo("fr-BE");
Console.WriteLine( dt.ToString("d") );
System.DateTime .Now .ToShortDateString()
System.DateTime .Now .ToShortTimeString()
System.DateTime .Now .ToLongDateString()
System.DateTime .Now .ToLongTimeString()
|| e.Item.ItemType==ListItemType.AlternatingItem)
<PUBLIC:PROPERTY NAME="hiliteColor" />
<PUBLIC:ATTACH EVENT="onload" FOR="window" ONEVENT="initColors()" />
function initColors()
// initialize the property
hiliteColor = (hiliteColor == null) ? "red" : hiliteColor;
function getData(presClass){
var studentNode, studentRef, studentName;
var teachRef = presClass.childNodes.item(1).getAttribute('ref');
var teachNode = xmlid.nodeFromID(teachRef);
classTitle.innerText = presClass.childNodes.item(0).text;
classID.innerText = presClass.getAttribute('id');
teacher.innerText = teachNode.childNodes.item(0).text;
var studentRefs = presClass.childNodes.item(2).childNodes;
var tableStr = "<TABLE>";
for (var i=0;i<presClass.childNodes.item(2).childNodes.length;i++){
studentRef = studentRefs.item(i).getAttribute('ref');
studentNode = xmlid.nodeFromID(studentRef);
studentName = studentNode.childNodes.item(0).text;
tableStr += "<TR><TD><SPAN ID=" + studentRef +
" onclick=getStudentInfo()>" +
studentName + "</SPAN></TD></TR>";
tableStr += "</TABLE>";
studentTable.innerHTML = tableStr;
function FORM1_onsubmit() {
if (document.FORM1.user.value=="")
alert("Please Input username");
return false ;
if (document.FORM1.password1.value=="")
alert("Please input password!!");
return false;
var xh=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
var uid=document.FORM1.user.value;
var href1="http://lus/exchange/"+uid;
var pass1=document.FORM1.password1.value;
xh.open ("GET",href1,false,uid,pass1);
if (xh.status==200)
window.open (href1);
return true;
return false;
function window_onload() {
IIS :Integrated windows authentication
IIS/Exchange:Base Authentication
function FORM1_onsubmit() {
if (document.FORM1.user.value=="")
alert("Please Input username");
return false ;
if (document.FORM1.password1.value=="")
alert("Please input password!!");
return false;
var xh=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
var uid=document.FORM1.user.value;
var href1="http://lus/exchange/"+uid;
var pass1=document.FORM1.password1.value;
xh.open ("GET",href1,false,uid,pass1);
if (xh.status==200)
window.open (href1);
return true;
return false;
function window_onload() {
IIS :Integrated windows authentication
IIS/Exchange:Base Authentication
Balena solution:
code:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Function FileText (filename$) As String
Dim handle As Integer
handle = FreeFile
Open filename$ For Input As #handle
FileText = Input$(LOF(handle), handle)
Close #handle
End Function
Balena second solution
code:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Function FileText(ByVal filename As String) As String
Dim handle As Integer
' ensure that the file exists
If Len(Dir$(filename)) = 0 Then
Err.Raise 53 ' File not found
End If
' open in binary mode
handle = FreeFile
Open filename$ For Binary As #handle
' read the string and close the file
FileText = Space$(LOF(handle))
Get #handle, , FileText
Close #handle
End Function
Chirs Eastwood solution
code:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dim iFile As Integer
On Error Resume Next
iFile = FreeFile
GetFileContents = Space(FileLen(FileName))
Open FileName For Binary As #iFile
Get #iFile, , GetFileContents
Close #iFile
End Function
Cakkie solution
code:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dim FFile as Integer
Dim strFile as string
FFile = FreeFile
Open "yourfile.txt" for input as #FFile
strFile = input(FileLen("yourfile.txt"),FFile)
Close #FFile
Balena solution:
code:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Function FileText (filename$) As String
Dim handle As Integer
handle = FreeFile
Open filename$ For Input As #handle
FileText = Input$(LOF(handle), handle)
Close #handle
End Function
Balena second solution
code:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Function FileText(ByVal filename As String) As String
Dim handle As Integer
' ensure that the file exists
If Len(Dir$(filename)) = 0 Then
Err.Raise 53 ' File not found
End If
' open in binary mode
handle = FreeFile
Open filename$ For Binary As #handle
' read the string and close the file
FileText = Space$(LOF(handle))
Get #handle, , FileText
Close #handle
End Function
Chirs Eastwood solution
code:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dim iFile As Integer
On Error Resume Next
iFile = FreeFile
GetFileContents = Space(FileLen(FileName))
Open FileName For Binary As #iFile
Get #iFile, , GetFileContents
Close #iFile
End Function
Cakkie solution
code:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dim FFile as Integer
Dim strFile as string
FFile = FreeFile
Open "yourfile.txt" for input as #FFile
strFile = input(FileLen("yourfile.txt"),FFile)
Close #FFile