python 之用户自定义函数
1.def关键字,def 后面空一格输入函数名称,函数命名时尽量简短,且具有意义,能通过函数名窥见该函数实所实现的功能,函数名称后面紧跟着一对英文圆括号()和英文冒号:
即 def关键字、函数名、括号、冒号缺一不可
5.return 可写可不写,根据实际情况,若不填写时,该函数无返回值
def my_fun(parameters): """ 实现XXXXX功能 :return: """ Function body return expression
def marks(): """ 分数校验 :return: """ mark = float(input("请输入分数:")) if mark < 60: return False else: return True

def sub(a, b): """ 实现减法 :param a: :param b: :return: """ return a - b result = sub(2, 5) print(result)
"D:\Program Files\Python\Python37-32\python.exe" D:/demo/ -3
import random import string import hashlib def random_str(number): """ 生成随机码 :param number: :return: """ code = ''.join(random.sample(string.digits + string.ascii_letters, int(number))) return code def md5_str(number): """ md5加密 :param number: :return: """ md5_data = hashlib.md5() md5_data.update(random_str(number).encode()) # 调用random_str()函数生成随机数 sign = md5_data.hexdigest() return sign if __name__ == '__main__': string = md5_str(8) print(string)
"D:\Program Files\Python\Python37-32\python.exe" D:/demo/ 345b36fc3ee89f786bc122cb3f8c26f2
def len_str(data): # 形参 data """ 获取字符串长度 :param data: :return: """ count = 0 for i in data: count += 1 return count print(len_str("If you plant a melon, you get a melon")) # 传入实参
"D:\Program Files\Python\Python37-32\python.exe" D:/demo/ 37
def max_data(da): """ 获取列表中最大值 :param da: :return: """ for i in range(len(da) - 1): for j in range(len(da)-1 - i): if da[j] > da[i]: temp = da[j] da[j] = da[j+1] da[j+1] = temp return da[len(da) - 1] print(max_data())
"D:\Program Files\Python\Python37-32\python.exe" D:/demo/ Traceback (most recent call last): File "D:/demo/", line 63, in <module> print(max_data()) TypeError: max_data() missing 1 required positional argument: 'da'
def student(name, age): stu = {"张三": 19, "李四": 20, "王二": 19, "麻子": 20} for key, value in stu.items(): if name == key and age == value: return "该考生存在" print(student(19, "王二")) # name 对应19, age 对应王二
"D:\Program Files\Python\Python37-32\python.exe" D:/demo/ 查无此人
def student(name, age): stu = {"张三": 19, "李四": 20, "王二": 19, "麻子": 20} for key, value in stu.items(): if name == key and age == value: return "该考生存在" print(student("王二", 19)) # name 对应王二, age 对应19
"D:\Program Files\Python\Python37-32\python.exe" D:/demo/ 该考生存在
def student(name, age): stu = {"张三": 19, "李四": 20, "王二": 19, "麻子": 20} for key, value in stu.items(): if name == key and age == value: return "该考生存在" print(student(age=19, name="王二")) # name、age 位置可不对应
"D:\Program Files\Python\Python37-32\python.exe" D:/demo/ 该考生存在
def student(name, age): stu = {"张三": 19, "李四": 20, "王二": 19, "麻子": 20} for key, value in stu.items(): if name == key and age == value: return "该考生存在" print(student(age=19, "王二")) # 当关键字参数在位置参数前时抛出"位置参数必须在关键字参数前"
File "D:/demo/", line 73 print(student(age=19, "王二")) # 当关键字参数在位置参数前时抛出"位置参数必须在关键字参数前" ^ SyntaxError: positional argument follows keyword argument
def student(name, age): stu = {"张三": 19, "李四": 20, "王二": 19, "麻子": 20} for key, value in stu.items(): if name == key and age == value: return "该考生存在" print(student("王二", age=19,))
"D:\Program Files\Python\Python37-32\python.exe" D:/demo/ 该考生存在
关键字参数与位置参数混合使用,容易出现一个坑,TypeError: xxxxx() got multiple values for argument xxxxx'
def student(name, age): stu = {"张三": 19, "李四": 20, "王二": 19, "麻子": 20} for key, value in stu.items(): if name == key and age == value: return "该考生存在" print(student(19, name="王二"))
"D:\Program Files\Python\Python37-32\python.exe" D:/demo/ Traceback (most recent call last): File "D:/demo/", line 73, in <module> print(student(19, name="王二")) TypeError: student() got multiple values for argument 'name'
def marks(mark=60): mar = float(input("请输入你的分数")) if mar > mark: return "及格线为: %s, 你及格了" % mark else: return "及格线为: %s, 你需要补考" % mark print(marks(85)) # 传入参数,此时使用调用时传入的参数值
"D:\Program Files\Python\Python37-32\python.exe" D:/demo/ 请输入你的分数80 及格线为: 85, 你需要补考
def marks(mark=60): mar = float(input("请输入你的分数")) if mar > mark: return "及格线为: %s, 你及格了" % mark else: return "及格线为: %s, 你需要补考" % mark print(marks()) # 不传入参数,此时使用定义时传入的参数值
"D:\Program Files\Python\Python37-32\python.exe" D:/demo/ 请输入你的分数80 及格线为: 60, 你及格了
动态参数又称为不定长参数,在使用时,根据需要可以传入任意个参数,动态参数有两种形式,*args, **kwargs,参数间的位置排序为:位置参数、默认参数、*args动态参数、**kwargs动态参数、关键字参数
*args: 表示接受任意多个实际参数将其放到一个元组中,如果参数是个列表,会将整个列表当做一个参数传入
def marks(*args): print(args) for i in args: print(i) (marks(["张三", "李四", "王二", "麻子"], [50, 50, 70, 90]))
"D:\Program Files\Python\Python37-32\python.exe" D:/demo/ (['张三', '李四', '王二', '麻子'], [50, 50, 70, 90]) ['张三', '李四', '王二', '麻子'] [50, 50, 70, 90]
以上是将列表当成一个参数,若要分解成多个参数,调用时可以在参数前加 *,也称为解包(适用于任何序列类型数据对象)
def marks(*args): print(args) for i in args: print(i) (marks(*["张三", "李四", "王二", "麻子"], *[50, 50, 70, 90]))
"D:\Program Files\Python\Python37-32\python.exe" D:/demo/ ('张三', '李四', '王二', '麻子', 50, 50, 70, 90) 张三 李四 王二 麻子 50 50 70 90
def marks(*args): print(args) for i in args: print(i) (marks(*{"张三": 95, "李四": 20, "王二": 88, "麻子": 91})) # 将字典中的key作为参数
('张三', '李四', '王二', '麻子') 张三 李四 王二 麻子
def marks(**kwargs): print(kwargs) for name, mark in kwargs.items(): print(name, ":", mark) (marks(张三=90, 李四=20)) # 通过关键字传入
"D:\Program Files\Python\Python37-32\python.exe" D:/demo/ {'张三': 90, '李四': 20} 张三 : 90 李四 : 20
def marks(**kwargs): print(kwargs) for name, mark in kwargs.items(): print(name, ":", mark) (marks(**{"张三": 95, "李四": 20, "王二": 88, "麻子": 91})) # 通过字典传入,在参数前加入**,函数会把dict中所有键值对转换为关键字参数传进去
"D:\Program Files\Python\Python37-32\python.exe" D:/demo/ {'张三': 95, '李四': 20, '王二': 88, '麻子': 91} 张三 : 95 李四 : 20 王二 : 88 麻子 : 91
*args, **kwagrs混合使用
def persons(name, age, *args, **kwargs): print(args) print(kwargs) infos = '' if "王" in name or age < 20: if kwargs['address'] == "深圳": for info in args: infos += info for k, v in kwargs.items(): print(name, "基础资料有", k, ":", v) print(name, "年龄在20的深圳小青年,其他信息有", infos) persons("王二", 19, "文艺", "摇滚", address="深圳", job="student")
"D:\Program Files\Python\Python37-32\python.exe" D:/demo/ ('文艺', '摇滚') {'address': '深圳', 'job': 'student'} 王二 基础资料有 address : 深圳 王二 基础资料有 job : student 王二 年龄在20的深圳小青年,其他信息有 文艺摇滚
def sum(a, b): count = a + b return count # count 局部变量 print(sum(1, 4))
"D:\Program Files\Python\Python37-32\python.exe" D:/demo/ 5
guess = -10 # 全局变量 def compare(): times = 3 while times > 0: value = float(input("请输入你所猜数字, 你还有%s次机会" % times)) if value == guess: return "恭喜,猜对啦" else: times -= 1 return "很遗憾,你的次数用完啦" print(compare())
"D:\Program Files\Python\Python37-32\python.exe" D:/demo/ 请输入你所猜数字, 你还有3次机会3 请输入你所猜数字, 你还有2次机会0 请输入你所猜数字, 你还有1次机会9 很遗憾,你的次数用完啦
guess = -10 # 全局变量 def compare(): times = 3 while times > 0: value = float(input("请输入你所猜数字, 你还有%s次机会" % times)) if value == guess: return "恭喜,猜对啦" else: guess = 1 times -= 1 return "很遗憾,你的次数用完啦" print(compare())
"D:\Program Files\Python\Python37-32\python.exe" D:/demo/ 请输入你所猜数字, 你还有3次机会24 Traceback (most recent call last): File "D:/demo/", line 135, in <module> print(compare()) File "D:/demo/", line 127, in compare if value == guess: UnboundLocalError: local variable 'guess' referenced before assignment
在函数内部修改全局变量报错了,这是因为,Python 的解释器会默认函数内部的变量为局部变量,然而局部变量 guess 又没有声明,因此就无法执行相关操作。那么如果要在函数内更改全局变量呢?
这里可以引入 global
def compare(): global guess print("修改前的谜底:%s" % guess) times = 3 while times > 0: value = float(input("请输入你所猜数字, 你还有%s次机会" % times)) if value == guess: return "恭喜,猜对啦" else: guess = 1 times -= 1 return "很遗憾,你的次数用完啦", "此时谜底为:%s" % guess print(compare())
"D:\Program Files\Python\Python37-32\python.exe" D:/demo/ 修改前的谜底:-10 请输入你所猜数字, 你还有3次机会64 请输入你所猜数字, 你还有2次机会978 请输入你所猜数字, 你还有1次机会3 ('很遗憾,你的次数用完啦', '此时谜底为:1')
def factorial_calculation(): number = int(input("请输入整数")) if number <= 0: return "请输入大于0的正整数" def factorial(number): if number <= 1: return 1 return number * factorial(number-1) return factorial(number) print(factorial_calculation())
"D:\Program Files\Python\Python37-32\python.exe" D:/demo/ 请输入整数6 720
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