Android 简单学习开源换肤框架(ThemeSkinning)
Android 简单学习开源换肤框架(ThemeSkinning)
GitHub地址 ThemeSkinning
通常我们都是通过 setContentView(int ID)把View 加载到我们的Activity当中,因此我们可以一步一步的打开源码去查看framework 是如何帮助我们初始化这些View 。一步一步的往下看可以看出。
//先埋下伏笔 AppCompatActivity this.getDelegate()
public void setContentView(@LayoutRes int layoutResID) {
public void setContentView(int resId) {
ViewGroup contentParent = (ViewGroup)this.mSubDecor.findViewById(16908290);
LayoutInflater.from(this.mContext).inflate(resId, contentParent); //通过这里来解析我们的xml ,从这里继续往下看
//inflate 最终走到了这里。 重要的点就是 final View temp = createViewFromTag(root, name, inflaterContext, attrs);
public View inflate(XmlPullParser parser, @Nullable ViewGroup root, boolean attachToRoot) {
synchronized (mConstructorArgs) {
Trace.traceBegin(Trace.TRACE_TAG_VIEW, "inflate");
final Context inflaterContext = mContext;
final AttributeSet attrs = Xml.asAttributeSet(parser);
Context lastContext = (Context) mConstructorArgs[0];
mConstructorArgs[0] = inflaterContext;
View result = root;
try {
// Look for the root node.
int type;
while ((type = != XmlPullParser.START_TAG &&
type != XmlPullParser.END_DOCUMENT) {
// Empty
if (type != XmlPullParser.START_TAG) {
throw new InflateException(parser.getPositionDescription()
+ ": No start tag found!");
final String name = parser.getName();
if (DEBUG) {
System.out.println("Creating root view: "
+ name);
//xml包含 merge 标签
if (TAG_MERGE.equals(name)) {
if (root == null || !attachToRoot) {
throw new InflateException("<merge /> can be used only with a valid "
+ "ViewGroup root and attachToRoot=true");
//这个方法最终也会调用 createViewFromTag 方法
rInflate(parser, root, inflaterContext, attrs, false);
} else {
// Temp is the root view that was found in the xml
// 使用提供的属性集从标记名创建视图。 通过标签来解析View,我们着重看这个方法具体干了什么
final View temp = createViewFromTag(root, name, inflaterContext, attrs);
ViewGroup.LayoutParams params = null;
if (root != null) {
if (DEBUG) {
System.out.println("Creating params from root: " +
// Create layout params that match root, if supplied
params = root.generateLayoutParams(attrs);
if (!attachToRoot) {
// Set the layout params for temp if we are not
// attaching. (If we are, we use addView, below)
if (DEBUG) {
System.out.println("-----> start inflating children");
// Inflate all children under temp against its context.
rInflateChildren(parser, temp, attrs, true);
if (DEBUG) {
System.out.println("-----> done inflating children");
// We are supposed to attach all the views we found (int temp)
// to root. Do that now.
if (root != null && attachToRoot) {
root.addView(temp, params);
// Decide whether to return the root that was passed in or the
// top view found in xml.
if (root == null || !attachToRoot) {
result = temp;
} catch (XmlPullParserException e) {
final InflateException ie = new InflateException(e.getMessage(), e);
throw ie;
} catch (Exception e) {
final InflateException ie = new InflateException(parser.getPositionDescription()
+ ": " + e.getMessage(), e);
throw ie;
} finally {
// Don't retain static reference on context.
mConstructorArgs[0] = lastContext;
mConstructorArgs[1] = null;
return result;
//这个方法中 onCreateView出现多次,从字面意思应该可以看出 onCreateView用来创建View
View createViewFromTag(View parent, String name, Context context, AttributeSet attrs,
boolean ignoreThemeAttr) {
if (name.equals("view")) {
name = attrs.getAttributeValue(null, "class");
// Apply a theme wrapper, if allowed and one is specified.
if (!ignoreThemeAttr) {
final TypedArray ta = context.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs, ATTRS_THEME);
final int themeResId = ta.getResourceId(0, 0);
if (themeResId != 0) {
context = new ContextThemeWrapper(context, themeResId);
if (name.equals(TAG_1995)) {
// Let's party like it's 1995!
return new BlinkLayout(context, attrs);
try {
View view;
//如果这里 mFactory2 不为空就走这的方法 这里我们可以看看什么时候进行初始化
if (mFactory2 != null) {
view = mFactory2.onCreateView(parent, name, context, attrs);
} else if (mFactory != null) {
view = mFactory.onCreateView(name, context, attrs);
} else {
view = null;
if (view == null && mPrivateFactory != null) {
view = mPrivateFactory.onCreateView(parent, name, context, attrs);
if (view == null) {
final Object lastContext = mConstructorArgs[0];
mConstructorArgs[0] = context;
try {
// 判断是不是自定义View
// 1.自定义View在布局文件中是全类名
// 2.而系统的View则不是全类名
if (-1 == name.indexOf('.')) {
view = onCreateView(parent, name, attrs); //通过反射创建View 因此布局复杂的情况下会很影响性能
} else {
view = createView(name, null, attrs); //通过反射创建View 因此布局复杂的情况下会很影响性能
} finally {
mConstructorArgs[0] = lastContext;
return view;
} catch (InflateException e) {
throw e;
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
final InflateException ie = new InflateException(attrs.getPositionDescription()
+ ": Error inflating class " + name, e);
throw ie;
} catch (Exception e) {
final InflateException ie = new InflateException(attrs.getPositionDescription()
+ ": Error inflating class " + name, e);
throw ie;
//(换肤这个框架用的是AppCompatActivity)mFactory2是个接口 ,看看这个接口什么时候进行初始化。
//还记得刚刚我们第一次点进去的this.getDelegate().setContentView 我们点进去看看这个this.getDelegate() 做了什么。
public AppCompatDelegate getDelegate() {
if (this.mDelegate == null) {
this.mDelegate = AppCompatDelegate.create(this, this);
return this.mDelegate;
private static AppCompatDelegate create(Context context, Window window, AppCompatCallback callback) {
if (VERSION.SDK_INT >= 24) {
return new AppCompatDelegateImplN(context, window, callback);
} else if (VERSION.SDK_INT >= 23) {
return new AppCompatDelegateImplV23(context, window, callback);
} else if (VERSION.SDK_INT >= 14) {
return new AppCompatDelegateImplV14(context, window, callback);
} else {
return (AppCompatDelegate)(VERSION.SDK_INT >= 11 ? new AppCompatDelegateImplV11(context, window, callback) : new AppCompatDelegateImplV9(context, window, callback));
//getDelegate()在哪里运用了 最终我们可以看到 AppCompatActivity onCreate
protected void onCreate(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {
AppCompatDelegate delegate = this.getDelegate();
delegate.installViewFactory(); //抽象类安装Factory()
if (delegate.applyDayNight() && this.mThemeId != 0) {
if (VERSION.SDK_INT >= 23) {
this.onApplyThemeResource(this.getTheme(), this.mThemeId, false);
} else {
//AppCompatDelegateImp 实现了 Factory2接口(实现类) 找到这个方法
public void installViewFactory() {
LayoutInflater layoutInflater = LayoutInflater.from(this.mContext);
if (layoutInflater.getFactory() == null) {
//这里深挖进去是通过反射把 Factory2赋值给 layoutInflater有兴趣可以继续看
LayoutInflaterCompat.setFactory2(layoutInflater, this);
} else if (!(layoutInflater.getFactory2() instanceof AppCompatDelegateImplV9)) {
Log.i("AppCompatDelegate", "The Activity's LayoutInflater already has a Factory installed so we can not install AppCompat's");
//如果这里 mFactory2 不为空就走这的方法
if (mFactory2 != null) {
view = mFactory2.onCreateView(parent, name, context, attrs);
//AppCompatDelegateImp 实现了Factory2接口 找到这个方法 onCreateView
public View createView(View parent, String name, @NonNull Context context, @NonNull AttributeSet attrs) {
if (this.mAppCompatViewInflater == null) {
this.mAppCompatViewInflater = new AppCompatViewInflater();
boolean inheritContext = false;
inheritContext = attrs instanceof XmlPullParser ? ((XmlPullParser)attrs).getDepth() > 1 : this.shouldInheritContext((ViewParent)parent);
//着重看这个做了什么 this.mAppCompatViewInflater.createView
return this.mAppCompatViewInflater.createView(parent, name, context, attrs, inheritContext, IS_PRE_LOLLIPOP, true, VectorEnabledTintResources.shouldBeUsed());
//AppCompatViewInflater createView
//这里判断name 新建View
public final View createView(View parent, String name, @NonNull Context context, @NonNull AttributeSet attrs, boolean inheritContext, boolean readAndroidTheme, boolean readAppTheme, boolean wrapContext) {
if (inheritContext && parent != null) {
context = parent.getContext();
if (readAndroidTheme || readAppTheme) {
context = themifyContext(context, attrs, readAndroidTheme, readAppTheme);
if (wrapContext) {
context = TintContextWrapper.wrap(context);
View view = null;
byte var12 = -1;
switch(name.hashCode()) {
case -1946472170:
if (name.equals("RatingBar")) {
var12 = 11;
case -1455429095:
if (name.equals("CheckedTextView")) {
var12 = 8;
case -1346021293:
if (name.equals("MultiAutoCompleteTextView")) {
var12 = 10;
case -938935918:
if (name.equals("TextView")) {
var12 = 0;
case -937446323:
if (name.equals("ImageButton")) {
var12 = 5;
case -658531749:
if (name.equals("SeekBar")) {
var12 = 12;
case -339785223:
if (name.equals("Spinner")) {
var12 = 4;
case 776382189:
if (name.equals("RadioButton")) {
var12 = 7;
case 1125864064:
if (name.equals("ImageView")) {
var12 = 1;
case 1413872058:
if (name.equals("AutoCompleteTextView")) {
var12 = 9;
case 1601505219:
if (name.equals("CheckBox")) {
var12 = 6;
case 1666676343:
if (name.equals("EditText")) {
var12 = 3;
case 2001146706:
if (name.equals("Button")) {
var12 = 2;
switch(var12) {
case 0:
view = new AppCompatTextView(context, attrs);
case 1:
view = new AppCompatImageView(context, attrs);
case 2:
view = new AppCompatButton(context, attrs);
case 3:
view = new AppCompatEditText(context, attrs);
case 4:
view = new AppCompatSpinner(context, attrs);
case 5:
view = new AppCompatImageButton(context, attrs);
case 6:
view = new AppCompatCheckBox(context, attrs);
case 7:
view = new AppCompatRadioButton(context, attrs);
case 8:
view = new AppCompatCheckedTextView(context, attrs);
case 9:
view = new AppCompatAutoCompleteTextView(context, attrs);
case 10:
view = new AppCompatMultiAutoCompleteTextView(context, attrs);
case 11:
view = new AppCompatRatingBar(context, attrs);
case 12:
view = new AppCompatSeekBar(context, attrs);
//自定义View 走这个方法
if (view == null && context != context) {
view = this.createViewFromTag(context, name, attrs);
if (view != null) {
this.checkOnClickListener((View)view, attrs);
return (View)view;
在这里可以稍微总结一下,Factory2就是初始化View的入口。如何替换掉它呢?我们可以新建一个类实现Factory2接口 ,在AppCompatActivity onCreate 之前赋值给 LayoutInflater,这样就把入口替换成我们自定义实现的Factory2。
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
mSkinInflaterFactory = new SkinInflaterFactory(this);
//把mSkinInflaterFactory 赋值给当前AppCompatActivity
LayoutInflaterCompat.setFactory2(getLayoutInflater(), mSkinInflaterFactory);
ThemeSkinning 源码分析
接下来介绍一下 ThemeSkinning源码 工厂 SkinInflaterFactory入口
public class SkinInflaterFactory implements LayoutInflater.Factory2 {
private static final String TAG = "SkinInflaterFactory";
* 存储那些有皮肤更改需求的View及其对应的属性的集合
private Map<View, SkinItem> mSkinItemMap = new HashMap<>();
private AppCompatActivity mAppCompatActivity;
//这里为什么构造函数要传入AppCompatActivity ?
public SkinInflaterFactory(AppCompatActivity appCompatActivity) {
this.mAppCompatActivity = appCompatActivity;
public View onCreateView(String s, Context context, AttributeSet attributeSet) {
return null;
public View onCreateView(View parent, String name, Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
Log.d(TAG, "onCreateView: init");
boolean isSkinEnable = attrs.getAttributeBooleanValue(SkinConfig.NAMESPACE, SkinConfig.ATTR_SKIN_ENABLE, false);
//通过获取AppCompatActivity.getDelegate() 实现类 来绘制View
AppCompatDelegate delegate = mAppCompatActivity.getDelegate();
View view = delegate.createView(parent, name, context, attrs);
//添加TextView 方便后面更改字体
if (view instanceof TextView && SkinConfig.isCanChangeFont()) {
TextViewRepository.add(mAppCompatActivity, (TextView) view);
if (isSkinEnable || SkinConfig.isGlobalSkinApply()) {
if (view == null) {
view = ViewProducer.createViewFromTag(context, name, attrs);
if (view == null) {
return null;
parseSkinAttr(context, attrs, view);
return view;
* 收集换肤的 view
* collect skin view
private void parseSkinAttr(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, View view) {
List<SkinAttr> viewAttrs = new ArrayList<>();
SkinL.i(TAG, "viewName:" + view.getClass().getSimpleName());
//我们在 View 创建时,通过过滤 Attribute 属性,找到我们要标记的 View ,下面我们就把这些View的属性记下来
for (int i = 0; i < attrs.getAttributeCount(); i++) {
String attrName = attrs.getAttributeName(i);
String attrValue = attrs.getAttributeValue(i);
SkinL.i(TAG, " AttributeName:" + attrName + "|attrValue:" + attrValue);
//region style
//style theme
if ("style".equals(attrName)) {
int[] skinAttrs = new int[]{android.R.attr.textColor, android.R.attr.background};
TypedArray a = context.getTheme().obtainStyledAttributes(attrs, skinAttrs, 0, 0);
int textColorId = a.getResourceId(0, -1);
int backgroundId = a.getResourceId(1, -1);
if (textColorId != -1) {
String entryName = context.getResources().getResourceEntryName(textColorId);
String typeName = context.getResources().getResourceTypeName(textColorId);
SkinAttr skinAttr = AttrFactory.get("textColor", textColorId, entryName, typeName);
SkinL.w(TAG, " textColor in style is supported:" + "\n" +
" resource id:" + textColorId + "\n" +
" attrName:" + attrName + "\n" +
" attrValue:" + attrValue + "\n" +
" entryName:" + entryName + "\n" +
" typeName:" + typeName);
if (skinAttr != null) {
if (backgroundId != -1) {
* @color/item_tv_title_background
* backgroundId:2131034188
* entryName:item_tv_title_background | resources name, eg:app_exit_btn_background
* typeName:color | type of the value , such as color or drawable
* attrName: style
String entryName = context.getResources().getResourceEntryName(backgroundId);
String typeName = context.getResources().getResourceTypeName(backgroundId);
SkinAttr skinAttr = AttrFactory.get("background", backgroundId, entryName, typeName);
SkinL.w(TAG, " background in style is supported:" + "\n" +
" resource id:" + backgroundId + "\n" +
" attrName:" + attrName + "\n" +
" attrValue:" + attrValue + "\n" +
" entryName:" + entryName + "\n" +
" typeName:" + typeName);
if (skinAttr != null) {
//if attrValue is reference,eg:@color/red
if (AttrFactory.isSupportedAttr(attrName) && attrValue.startsWith("@")) {
try {
//resource id
int id = Integer.parseInt(attrValue.substring(1));
if (id == 0) {
String entryName = context.getResources().getResourceEntryName(id);
String typeName = context.getResources().getResourceTypeName(id);
SkinAttr mSkinAttr = AttrFactory.get(attrName, id, entryName, typeName);
SkinL.w(TAG, " " + attrName + " is supported:" + "\n" +
" resource id:" + id + "\n" +
" attrName:" + attrName + "\n" +
" attrValue:" + attrValue + "\n" +
" entryName:" + entryName + "\n" +
" typeName:" + typeName
if (mSkinAttr != null) {
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
SkinL.e(TAG, e.toString());
if (!SkinListUtils.isEmpty(viewAttrs)) {
SkinItem skinItem = new SkinItem();
skinItem.view = view;
skinItem.attrs = viewAttrs;
mSkinItemMap.put(skinItem.view, skinItem);
if (SkinManager.getInstance().isExternalSkin() ||
SkinManager.getInstance().isNightMode()) {
public void applySkin() {
if (mSkinItemMap.isEmpty()) {
for (View view : mSkinItemMap.keySet()) {
if (view == null) {
* clear skin view
public void clean() {
for (View view : mSkinItemMap.keySet()) {
if (view == null) {
mSkinItemMap = null;
private void addSkinView(SkinItem item) {
if (mSkinItemMap.get(item.view) != null) {
} else {
mSkinItemMap.put(item.view, item);
public void removeSkinView(View view) {
SkinL.i(TAG, "removeSkinView:" + view);
SkinItem skinItem = mSkinItemMap.remove(view);
if (skinItem != null) {
SkinL.w(TAG, "removeSkinView from mSkinItemMap:" + skinItem.view);
if (SkinConfig.isCanChangeFont() && view instanceof TextView) {
SkinL.e(TAG, "removeSkinView from TextViewRepository:" + view);
TextViewRepository.remove(mAppCompatActivity, (TextView) view);
* dynamicAddView(toolbar, "background", R.color.colorPrimaryDark);并添加到 mSkinItemMap 中
* Dynamically add skin view
* 动态添加皮肤视图
* @param context context
* @param view added view
* @param attrName attribute name as "background"
* @param attrValueResId resource id as "R.color.colorPrimaryDark"
public void dynamicAddSkinEnableView(Context context, View view, String attrName, int attrValueResId) {
//例如R.color.colorPrimaryDark 条目名称:colorPrimaryDark
String entryName = context.getResources().getResourceEntryName(attrValueResId);
//例如R.color.colorPrimaryDark 类型名称:color
String typeName = context.getResources().getResourceTypeName(attrValueResId);
Log.i("bbn", "dynamicAddSkinEnableView: "+entryName+" "+typeName);
SkinAttr mSkinAttr = AttrFactory.get(attrName, attrValueResId, entryName, typeName);
SkinItem skinItem = new SkinItem();
skinItem.view = view;
List<SkinAttr> viewAttrs = new ArrayList<>();
skinItem.attrs = viewAttrs;
* dynamic add skin view and it's attrs
* @param context context
* @param view view
* @param attrs attrs
public void dynamicAddSkinEnableView(Context context, View view, List<DynamicAttr> attrs) {
List<SkinAttr> viewAttrs = new ArrayList<>();
SkinItem skinItem = new SkinItem();
skinItem.view = view;
for (DynamicAttr dAttr : attrs) {
int id = dAttr.refResId;
String entryName = context.getResources().getResourceEntryName(id);
String typeName = context.getResources().getResourceTypeName(id);
SkinAttr mSkinAttr = AttrFactory.get(dAttr.attrName, id, entryName, typeName);
skinItem.attrs = viewAttrs;
// 动态添加TextView
public void dynamicAddFontEnableView(Activity activity, TextView textView) {
TextViewRepository.add(activity, textView);
接着介绍 SkinBaseActivity 换肤的Activity 都需要继承它。实现ISkinUpdate和IDynamicNewView接口
public class SkinBaseActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements ISkinUpdate, IDynamicNewView {
private SkinInflaterFactory mSkinInflaterFactory;
private final static String TAG = "SkinBaseActivity";
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
mSkinInflaterFactory = new SkinInflaterFactory(this);
LayoutInflaterCompat.setFactory2(getLayoutInflater(), mSkinInflaterFactory);
protected void onResume() {
//SkinManager 皮肤管理类绑定此 Activity
protected void onDestroy() {
//ISkinUpdate 换肤监听回调
public void onThemeUpdate() {
SkinL.i(TAG, "onThemeUpdate");
public SkinInflaterFactory getInflaterFactory() {
return mSkinInflaterFactory;
public void changeStatusColor() {
if (!SkinConfig.isCanChangeStatusColor()) {
int color = SkinResourcesUtils.getColorPrimaryDark();
if (color != -1) {
Window window = getWindow();
//IDynamicNewView 动态添加View
public void dynamicAddView(View view, List<DynamicAttr> pDAttrs) {
mSkinInflaterFactory.dynamicAddSkinEnableView(this, view, pDAttrs);
public void dynamicAddView(View view, String attrName, int attrValueResId) {
mSkinInflaterFactory.dynamicAddSkinEnableView(this, view, attrName, attrValueResId);
public void dynamicAddFontView(TextView textView) {
mSkinInflaterFactory.dynamicAddFontEnableView(this, textView);
SkinManager 换肤管理类 主要负责绑定Activity ,加载皮肤包资源 ,通知Activity 换肤
public class SkinManager implements ISkinLoader {
private static final String TAG = "SkinManager";
private List<ISkinUpdate> mSkinObservers;
private static volatile SkinManager mInstance;
private Context context;
private Resources mResources;
private boolean isDefaultSkin = false;
* skin package name
private String skinPackageName;
private SkinManager() {
public static SkinManager getInstance() {
if (mInstance == null) {
synchronized (SkinManager.class) {
if (mInstance == null) {
mInstance = new SkinManager();
return mInstance;
public void init(Context ctx) {
context = ctx.getApplicationContext();
TypefaceUtils.CURRENT_TYPEFACE = TypefaceUtils.getTypeface(context);
//把皮肤复制到 /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/ 目录下
if (SkinConfig.isInNightMode(ctx)) {
} else {
String skin = SkinConfig.getCustomSkinPath(context);
if (SkinConfig.isDefaultSkin(context)) {
loadSkin(skin, null);
private void setUpSkinFile(Context context) {
try {
String[] skinFiles = context.getAssets().list(SkinConfig.SKIN_DIR_NAME);
for (String fileName : skinFiles) {
File file = new File(SkinFileUtils.getSkinDir(context), fileName);
Log.d("file", "setUpSkinFile: "+SkinFileUtils.getSkinDir(context)+" "+fileName);
if (!file.exists()) {
Log.d("file", "setUpSkinFile: file.exists()");
SkinFileUtils.copySkinAssetsToDir(context, fileName, SkinFileUtils.getSkinDir(context));
} catch (IOException e) {
public int getColorPrimaryDark() {
if (mResources != null) {
int identify = mResources.getIdentifier("colorPrimaryDark", "color", skinPackageName);
if (identify > 0) {
return mResources.getColor(identify);
return -1;
boolean isExternalSkin() {
return !isDefaultSkin && mResources != null;
public String getCurSkinPackageName() {
return skinPackageName;
public Resources getResources() {
return mResources;
public void restoreDefaultTheme() {
SkinConfig.saveSkinPath(context, SkinConfig.DEFAULT_SKIN);
isDefaultSkin = true;
SkinConfig.setNightMode(context, false);
mResources = context.getResources();
skinPackageName = context.getPackageName();
//绑定Activity 换肤的时候通知所有的Activity
public void attach(ISkinUpdate observer) {
if (mSkinObservers == null) {
mSkinObservers = new ArrayList<>();
if (!mSkinObservers.contains(observer)) {
public void detach(ISkinUpdate observer) {
if (mSkinObservers != null && mSkinObservers.contains(observer)) {
//通知所有的Activity 更新换肤
public void notifySkinUpdate() {
if (mSkinObservers != null) {
for (ISkinUpdate observer : mSkinObservers) {
public boolean isNightMode() {
return SkinConfig.isInNightMode(context);
//region Load skin or font
* load skin form local
* <p>
* </p>
* 这里就是加载Apk 资源文件
* @param skinName the name of skin(in assets/skin)
* @param callback load Callback
public void loadSkin(String skinName, final SkinLoaderListener callback) {
new AsyncTask<String, Void, Resources>() {
protected void onPreExecute() {
if (callback != null) {
protected Resources doInBackground(String... params) {
try {
if (params.length == 1) {
String skinPkgPath = SkinFileUtils.getSkinDir(context) + File.separator + params[0];
SkinL.i(TAG, "skinPackagePath:" + skinPkgPath);
File file = new File(skinPkgPath);
if (!file.exists()) {
return null;
PackageManager mPm = context.getPackageManager();
PackageInfo mInfo = mPm.getPackageArchiveInfo(skinPkgPath, PackageManager.GET_ACTIVITIES);
skinPackageName = mInfo.packageName;
// 所以我们需要去重新创建一个加载外部文件的Resources对象。
//AssetManager 可以加载一个zip 格式的压缩包,而 Apk 文件不就是一个 压缩包吗。
// 我们通过反射的方法,拿到 AssetManager,加载 Apk 内部的资源,获取到 Resources 对象,这样再想办法,把 R文件里面保存的 ID获取到,这样就可以拿到对应的资源文件了。
AssetManager assetManager = AssetManager.class.newInstance();
Method addAssetPath = assetManager.getClass().getMethod("addAssetPath", String.class);
addAssetPath.invoke(assetManager, skinPkgPath);
//在Resources的构造函数中需要传入assetManager 对象,
// assetManager是真正管理资源的类,而且其构造函数被hidden,所以无法直接new,只能通过反射的方式去创建对象。
Resources superRes = context.getResources();
Resources skinResource = ResourcesCompat.getResources(assetManager, superRes.getDisplayMetrics(), superRes.getConfiguration());
SkinConfig.saveSkinPath(context, params[0]);
isDefaultSkin = false;
return skinResource;
return null;
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
protected void onPostExecute(Resources result) {
mResources = result;
if (mResources != null) {
if (callback != null) {
SkinConfig.setNightMode(context, false);
} else {
isDefaultSkin = true;
if (callback != null) {
* load font
* @param fontName font name in assets/fonts
public void loadFont(String fontName) {
Typeface tf = TypefaceUtils.createTypeface(context, fontName);
public void nightMode() {
if (!isDefaultSkin) {
SkinConfig.setNightMode(context, true);
//region Resource obtain
public int getColor(int resId) {
int originColor = ContextCompat.getColor(context, resId);
if (mResources == null || isDefaultSkin) {
return originColor;
String resName = context.getResources().getResourceEntryName(resId);
int trueResId = mResources.getIdentifier(resName, "color", skinPackageName);
int trueColor;
if (trueResId == 0) {
trueColor = originColor;
} else {
trueColor = mResources.getColor(trueResId);
return trueColor;
public ColorStateList getNightColorStateList(int resId) {
String resName = mResources.getResourceEntryName(resId);
String resNameNight = resName + "_night";
int nightResId = mResources.getIdentifier(resNameNight, "color", skinPackageName);
if (nightResId == 0) {
return ContextCompat.getColorStateList(context, resId);
} else {
return ContextCompat.getColorStateList(context, nightResId);
public int getNightColor(int resId) {
String resName = mResources.getResourceEntryName(resId);
String resNameNight = resName + "_night";
int nightResId = mResources.getIdentifier(resNameNight, "color", skinPackageName);
if (nightResId == 0) {
return ContextCompat.getColor(context, resId);
} else {
return ContextCompat.getColor(context, nightResId);
public Drawable getNightDrawable(String resName) {
String resNameNight = resName + "_night";
int nightResId = mResources.getIdentifier(resNameNight, "drawable", skinPackageName);
if (nightResId == 0) {
nightResId = mResources.getIdentifier(resNameNight, "mipmap", skinPackageName);
Drawable color;
if (nightResId == 0) {
int resId = mResources.getIdentifier(resName, "drawable", skinPackageName);
if (resId == 0) {
resId = mResources.getIdentifier(resName, "mipmap", skinPackageName);
color = mResources.getDrawable(resId);
} else {
color = mResources.getDrawable(nightResId);
return color;
* get drawable from specific directory
* @param resId res id
* @param dir res directory
* @return drawable
public Drawable getDrawable(int resId, String dir) {
Drawable originDrawable = ContextCompat.getDrawable(context, resId);
if (mResources == null || isDefaultSkin) {
return originDrawable;
String resName = context.getResources().getResourceEntryName(resId);
int trueResId = mResources.getIdentifier(resName, dir, skinPackageName);
Drawable trueDrawable;
if (trueResId == 0) {
trueDrawable = originDrawable;
} else {
if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 22) {
trueDrawable = mResources.getDrawable(trueResId);
} else {
trueDrawable = mResources.getDrawable(trueResId, null);
return trueDrawable;
public Drawable getDrawable(int resId) {
Drawable originDrawable = ContextCompat.getDrawable(context, resId);
if (mResources == null || isDefaultSkin) {
return originDrawable;
String resName = context.getResources().getResourceEntryName(resId);
int trueResId = mResources.getIdentifier(resName, "drawable", skinPackageName);
Drawable trueDrawable;
if (trueResId == 0) {
trueResId = mResources.getIdentifier(resName, "mipmap", skinPackageName);
if (trueResId == 0) {
trueDrawable = originDrawable;
} else {
if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 22) {
trueDrawable = mResources.getDrawable(trueResId);
} else {
trueDrawable = mResources.getDrawable(trueResId, null);
return trueDrawable;
* 加载指定资源颜色drawable,转化为ColorStateList,保证selector类型的Color也能被转换。
* 无皮肤包资源返回默认主题颜色
* author:pinotao
* @param resId resources id
* @return ColorStateList
public ColorStateList getColorStateList(int resId) {
boolean isExternalSkin = true;
if (mResources == null || isDefaultSkin) {
isExternalSkin = false;
String resName = context.getResources().getResourceEntryName(resId);
if (isExternalSkin) {
int trueResId = mResources.getIdentifier(resName, "color", skinPackageName);
ColorStateList trueColorList;
if (trueResId == 0) { // 如果皮肤包没有复写该资源,但是需要判断是否是ColorStateList
return ContextCompat.getColorStateList(context, resId);
} else {
trueColorList = mResources.getColorStateList(trueResId);
return trueColorList;
} else {
return ContextCompat.getColorStateList(context, resId);
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