【论文考古】How to do Research At the MIT AI Lab
今天分享一篇科研经验总结的论文,发布在1988年的MIT AI实验室中。
这是一篇三十多页的文章,分享了在科研中关于reading,writing,researching的一些经验,避免新手科研人员走弯路。虽然距离现在已经三十年有余,但仍不失为一篇重要的参考。另外一篇Craft of Research,之后有空也会在博客上总结分享。
Many researchers spend more than half their time reading.
A reference graph is a web of citations.
It's very valuable to understand as many approaches as possible-often more so than understanding one approach in greater depth.
这部分我其实是很赞同文章的,但是感觉在目前的科研坏境中很难搭建Secret Paper Passing Network,大家都倾向于保留自己最新的科研想法。不过至少要知道与其他人交流、讨论的重要性,埋头造车指定不行。
Talks should almost never go on for more than an hour.
Don't try to cram everything you know into a talk.
文章提出了很多学习的方法,因为AI通常是不同领域的交叉融合。比较有效的应该是参加Talks,和这个领域的研究生hang out交流。自己做的是和通信交叉的方向,其中通信在本科已经有比较全面的授课,对于计算机领域里的AI需要学习新的东西。
Take as much math as you can early, while you still can; other fields are more easily picked up later.
There's a trap here: thinking "if only I knew more X, this problem would be easy," for all X.
There's always more to know that could be relevant. Eventually you have to sit down and solve the problem.
Like papers, programs can be over-polished.
It's sometimes better to write your own.
Any one piece of work, and any one person, should aim for a judicious balance, formalizing subproblems that seem to cry for it while keeping honest to the Big Picture.
Some work is like science. You look at how people learn arithmetic, how the brain works, how kangaroos hop, and try to figure it out and make a testable theory.
Some work is like engineering: you try to build a better problem solver or shape-from algorithm.
Some work is like mathematics: you play with formalisms, try to understand their properties, hone them, prove things about them.
Some work is example-driven, trying to explain specific phenomena.
The best work combines all these and more.
The rule of thumb is that any given subtask will take three times as long as you expect.
You can get a lot more work done by regularly setting short and medium term goals, weekly and monthly for instance.
If you find yourself seriously stuck, with nothing at all happening for a week or more, promise to work one hour a day.
If you find yourself inexplicably "unable" to get work done, ask whether you are avoiding putting your ideas to the test.
It's easy not to see the progress you have made. "If I can do it, it's trivial. My ideas are all obvious." They may be obvious to you in retrospect, but probably they are not obvious to anyone else. Explaining your work to lots of strangers will help you keep in mind just how hard it is to understand what now seems trivial to you. Write it up.
A common and important part of any scientific progress is constant critical evaluation, and is some amount of uncertainty over the value of the work is an inevitable part of the process.
这是对工作重要性的评价。首先不要自轻觉得很简单,因为只有自己是想通的。和其他人讨论会是一个比较好的方式来辨别哪些部分比较难,或许这可以作为sexy stuff在论文里强调。当然,时刻对工作怀疑也是成为诺贝尔奖得主的必经之路,除了孔明半场开香槟的都凉了。
Record in your notebook ideas as they come up.
Put in speculations, current problems in your work, possible solutions. Work through possible solutions there. Summarize for future reference interesting things you read.
Some people make a monthly summary for easy reference.
When writing a paper, read books that are well-written, thinking in background mode about the syntactic mechanics.
Writing is sometimes painful, and it can seem a distraction from doing the "real" work.
Realize that writing is a debugging process. Write something sloppy first and go back and fix it up.
Starting sloppy gets the ideas out and gets you into the flow. If you "can't" write text, write an outline. Make it more and more detailed until it's easy to write the subsubsubsections.
Type whatever comes into your head, even if it seems like garbage. After you've got a lot of text out, turn the knob back up and edit what you've written into something sensible.
Writing is hard work and takes a long time; don't get frustrated and give up if you find you write only a page a day.
Put the sexy stuff up front, at all levels of organization from paragraph up to the whole paper.
Often you'll write a clause or sentence or paragraph that you know is bad, but you won't be able to find a way to fix it. This happens because you've worked yourself into a corner and no local choice can get you out. You have to back out and rewrite the whole passage.
Don't just explain how your system is built and what it does, also explain why it works and why it's interesting.
Write for people, not machines. It's not enough that your argument be correct, it has to be easy to follow.
After you have written a paper, delete the first paragraph or the first few sentences. You'll probably find that they were content-free generalities, and that a much better introductory sentence can be found at the end of the first paragraph of the beginning of the second.
Once you start working on a research project, it's a good idea to get into the habit of writing an informal paper explaining what you are up to and what you've learned every few months.
Take two days to write it.
Be sure as a matter of courtesy to to run the paper through a spelling corrector before asking for comments.
Papers get rejected-don't get dejected.
The result is that you are still working on a paper years after you thought you were through with it and after the whole topic has become utterly boring.
Typically the resemblance is actually only superficial, so show the paper to some wise person who knows your work and ask them what they think.
The essential requirement of a Master's thesis is that it literally demonstrate mastery: that you have fully understood the state of the art in your subfield and that you are capable of operating at that level.
PhD theses are required to extend the state of the art.
Your thesis can't achieve your vision, but it can point the way.
"what's the thesis of your thesis?" What are you trying to show? You should have one-sentence, one-paragraph, and five-minute answers.