linux C学习笔记02--共享内存(进程同步)
system V下3中进程同步:共享内存(shared memory),信号量(semaphore)和消息队列(message queue)
调试了下午,终于调通啦! 运行./c.out 输出共享内存中的内容,运行 ./c.out arg1 对共享内存区进行修改,shell下输入ipcs -m 可以查看共享内存情况 ,-s 是信号量,-q 是消息队列
#include <signal.h> //head file of define signal #include <pthread.h> #include <static_lib.h> #include <errno.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/mman.h> extern int create_shm(char **shmptr); int main(int argc,char* argv[]) { //IPC share memory char *shmptr; if(create_shm(&shmptr) == -1) { printf("create_shm error \n"); return -1; } if(argc > 1) { //do the second thing for share memory while(1) { printf("input str to share memory:"); gets(shmptr); } } else { memcpy(shmptr,"hello",5); while(1) { sleep(2); printf("share memory is %s \n",shmptr); } } return 0; }
/************************************************************************* > File Name: share_memory.c > Author: > Mail: > Created Time: Wed 27 May 2015 11:19:26 PM CST ************************************************************************/ #include<stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/shm.h> #include <sys/ipc.h> #include <errno.h> #define SHARE_MEM_KEY 26 int create_shm(char **shmptr) { int shmid; //if((shmid = shmget(IPC_PRIVATE,200,IPC_CREAT|IPC_EXCL|0666)) == -1) if((shmid = shmget(SHARE_MEM_KEY,200,IPC_CREAT|IPC_EXCL|0666)) == -1) { perror("shmget"); if(errno == EEXIST) { shmid = shmget(SHARE_MEM_KEY,0,0); if(shmid == -1) { perror("shmget2"); return -1; } else { if((*shmptr = shmat(shmid,0,0666)) == (void*)-1) { perror("shmat2"); return -1; } else { return shmid; } } } else { return -1; } } if((*shmptr = shmat(shmid,0,0)) == (void*)-1) { perror("shmat"); return -1; } return shmid; }
int main(int argc,char* argv[]) { //IPC share memory char *shmptr; int shmid; if((shmid =create_shm(&shmptr)) == -1) { printf("create_shm error \n"); return -1; } if(argc > 1) { //do the second thing for share memory while(1) { printf("input str to share memory:"); gets(shmptr); if(shmptr[0] == 'q') //quit { shmdt(shmptr); //disconnect to the share memory but will not dellect the memery break; } } } else { while(1) { sleep(2); printf("share memory is: %s \n",shmptr); if(shmptr[0] == 'q') { shmdt(shmptr); shmctl(shmid,IPC_RMID,NULL); //delete the share memery break; } } } }