
#ifndef __HTTP_REQUEST_H__

#define __HTTP_REQUEST_H__

#include "cocos2d.h"

#include "ExtensionMacros.h"


class CCHttpClient;

class CCHttpResponse;

typedef void (CCObject::*SEL_HttpResponse)(CCHttpClient* client, CCHttpResponse* response);

#define httpresponse_selector(_SELECTOR) (cocos2d::extension::SEL_HttpResponse)(&_SELECTOR)


 @brief defines the object which users must packed for CCHttpClient::send(HttpRequest*) method.

 Please refer to samples/TestCpp/Classes/ExtensionTest/NetworkTest/HttpClientTest.cpp as a sample

 @since v2.0.2


class CCHttpRequest : public CCObject



    /** Use this enum type as param in setReqeustType(param) */

    typedef enum







    } HttpRequestType;


    /** Constructor 

        Because HttpRequest object will be used between UI thead and network thread,

        requestObj->autorelease() is forbidden to avoid crashes in CCAutoreleasePool

        new/retain/release still works, which means you need to release it manually

        Please refer to HttpRequestTest.cpp to find its usage




        _requestType = kHttpUnkown;




        _pTarget = NULL;

        _pSelector = NULL;

        _pUserData = NULL;



    /** Destructor */

    virtual ~CCHttpRequest()


        if (_pTarget)






    /** Override autorelease method to avoid developers to call it */

    CCObject* autorelease(void)


        CCAssert(false, "HttpResponse is used between network thread and ui thread \

                 therefore, autorelease is forbidden here");

        return NULL;



    // setter/getters for properties


    /** Required field for HttpRequest object before being sent.

        kHttpGet & kHttpPost is currently supported


    inline void setRequestType(HttpRequestType type)


        _requestType = type;


    /** Get back the kHttpGet/Post/... enum value */

    inline HttpRequestType getRequestType()


        return _requestType;



    /** Required field for HttpRequest object before being sent.


    inline void setUrl(const char* url)


        _url = url;


    /** Get back the setted url */

    inline const char* getUrl()


        return _url.c_str();



    /** Option field. You can set your post data here


    inline void setRequestData(const char* buffer, unsigned int len)


        _requestData.assign(buffer, buffer + len);


    /** Get the request data pointer back */

    inline char* getRequestData()


        return &(_requestData.front());


    /** Get the size of request data back */

    inline int getRequestDataSize()


        return _requestData.size();



    /** Option field. You can set a string tag to identify your request, this tag can be found in HttpResponse->getHttpRequest->getTag()


    inline void setTag(const char* tag)


        _tag = tag;


    /** Get the string tag back to identify the request. 

        The best practice is to use it in your MyClass::onMyHttpRequestCompleted(sender, HttpResponse*) callback


    inline const char* getTag()


        return _tag.c_str();



    /** Option field. You can attach a customed data in each request, and get it back in response callback.

        But you need to new/delete the data pointer manully


    inline void setUserData(void* pUserData)


        _pUserData = pUserData;


    /** Get the pre-setted custom data pointer back.

        Don't forget to delete it. HttpClient/HttpResponse/HttpRequest will do nothing with this pointer


    inline void* getUserData()


        return _pUserData;



    /** Required field. You should set the callback selector function at ack the http request completed


    CC_DEPRECATED_ATTRIBUTE inline void setResponseCallback(CCObject* pTarget, SEL_CallFuncND pSelector)


        setResponseCallback(pTarget, (SEL_HttpResponse) pSelector);


    inline void setResponseCallback(CCObject* pTarget, SEL_HttpResponse pSelector)


        _pTarget = pTarget;

        _pSelector = pSelector;


        if (_pTarget)





    /** Get the target of callback selector funtion, mainly used by CCHttpClient */

    inline CCObject* getTarget()


        return _pTarget;


    /* This sub class is just for migration SEL_CallFuncND to SEL_HttpResponse, 

       someday this way will be removed */

    class _prxy



        _prxy( SEL_HttpResponse cb ) :_cb(cb) {}


        operator SEL_HttpResponse() const { return _cb; }

        CC_DEPRECATED_ATTRIBUTE operator SEL_CallFuncND()   const { return (SEL_CallFuncND) _cb; }


        SEL_HttpResponse _cb;



    /** Get the selector function pointer, mainly used by CCHttpClient */

    inline _prxy getSelector()


        return _prxy(_pSelector);



    /** Set any custom headers **/

    inline void setHeaders(std::vector<std::string> pHeaders)





    /** Get custom headers **/

  inline std::vector<std::string> getHeaders()


  return _headers;



    // properties

    HttpRequestType             _requestType;    /// kHttpRequestGet, kHttpRequestPost or other enums

    std::string                 _url;            /// target url that this request is sent to

    std::vector<char>           _requestData;    /// used for POST

    std::string                 _tag;            /// user defined tag, to identify different requests in response callback

    CCObject*          _pTarget;        /// callback target of pSelector function

    SEL_HttpResponse            _pSelector;      /// callback function, e.g. MyLayer::onHttpResponse(CCHttpClient *sender, CCHttpResponse * response)

    void*                       _pUserData;      /// You can add your customed data here 

    std::vector<std::string>    _headers;      /// custom http headers



#endif //__HTTP_REQUEST_H__

posted @ 2014-06-06 20:19  mfrbuaa  阅读(433)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报