RGB 颜色空间转 HSI 颜色空间的matlab程序实现
RGB 颜色空间转 HSI 颜色空间的matlab程序实现
2014.10.20之前的内容有误,这里依据wikipedia更新了算法内容. 算法以wiki为准
这里demo出 HSI中 S 空间的图像和暗通道图的对照.
%%************************************************************************** % Function writer : EOF % code file : RGB2SHI_Color.m % code date : 2014.10.16 % Translate RGB into HSI-space % % Code Description: % % If you want to translate a colourful Image which is coded as % RGB colour space into HSI space, what you need to do is just input your % colour image. % % This function would return HSI as a matrix [H,S,I]. % %% ************************************************************************* function [H,S,I] = RGB2SHI_Color(Image) if size(Image,3) ~= 3 fprintf('ERROR Imput-Image must be three channel image\n'); return; end Height_Image = size(Image,1); Width_Image = size(Image,2); Channel_Image = size(Image,3); H = zeros(1,Height_Image * Width_Image); H_temp = zeros(1,Height_Image * Width_Image); S = zeros(1,Height_Image * Width_Image); I = zeros(1,Height_Image * Width_Image); %% Normalization into (0,1) R_temp = double(Image(:,:,1)); G_temp = double(Image(:,:,2)); B_temp = double(Image(:,:,3)); R = R_temp./(R_temp + G_temp + B_temp); G = G_temp./(R_temp + G_temp + B_temp); B = B_temp./(R_temp + G_temp + B_temp); Max_channel = max(max(R,G),B); Min_channel = min(min(R,G),B); Difference = Max_channel - Min_channel; I = (R + G + B)./3; for row = 1:Height_Image for col = 1: Width_Image % In fact , if Difference(row,col) is zero, the H_temp is % undefine , it means that H_temp(row,col) close to % infinite. if Difference(row,col) == 0 H_temp(row,col) = 0; end if Max_channel(row,col) == R(row,col) H_temp(row,col) = mod((G(row,col) - B(row,col)) ... ./Difference(row,col), 6 ); end if Max_channel(row,col) == G(row,col) H_temp(row,col) = (B(row,col) - R(row,col)) ... ./Difference(row,col) + 2; end if Max_channel(row,col) == B(row,col) H_temp(row,col) = (B(row,col) - R(row,col)) ... ./Difference(row,col) + 4; end H(row,col) = H_temp(row,col)*60; if I(row,col) == 0 S(row,col) = 0; else S(row,col) = 1 - (Min_channel(row,col)./I(row,col)); end end end end
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