In windows 7 Snipping Tool is a wonderful tool to take a screen shot. However in MaxOS X , you need find another way.below , i will tell you how to take a screen shot in Max OS X:I Must agree with myself on this that switching to Max OS X wasn't the easiest thing to do , i had to learn around ne 阅读全文
Apple 对iPhone应用程序中的png图片进行了特殊的处理,在png文件头之后加了一个非标准的CgBI数据段,IDAT段图像数据也没有传统的压缩数据头和尾,并且红色和蓝色是反的,这样就无法在Mac或Windows下不能正常使用了。洋人已经搞定了,先下载这个程序:http://acquisition.dreamhosters.com/iPhonePNG.zip解压后将 iPhonePNG 这个二进制文件复制到 /Applications 目录假设你的图片在./img目录下,想转换到 ./decode 目录,在终端执行:$ find ./img -name "*.png" 阅读全文