

 https://wiki.openwrt.org/zh-cn/inbox/procd-init-scripts  English

这个页面还在不断完善中 …


procd init 脚本跟原来的init脚本有些类似,但是最主要的不同是,procd期望服务 运行在前台

它作为已存在的脚本必须以sh /etc/rc.common开始, 为兼容考虑也需要 "USE_PROCD=1" 行.

#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common


启动一个服务我们需要一个函数'start_service',stop_service函数可选,只在你需要在停止服务的时候需要做某些事的时候需要。 stop_service() 在procd杀死这个服务调用。 The service itself should run in the foreground. (Apparently

start_service() {
  procd_set_param command /sbin/your_service_daemon -b -a --foo
  procd_set_param respawn # respawn automatically if something died, be careful if you have an alternative process supervisor
  procd_set_param env SOME_VARIABLE=funtimes  # pass environment variables to your process
  procd_set_param limits core="unlimited"  # If you need to set ulimit for your process
  procd_set_param file /var/etc/your_service.conf # /etc/init.d/your_service reload will restart the daemon if these files have changed
  procd_set_param netdev dev # likewise, except if dev's ifindex changes.
  procd_set_param data name=value ... # likewise, except if this data changes.

TODO: Table old openwrt initscript ↔ new procd

For as much information as is available, see the documentation at the top of procd.sh

Procd triggers on config file / network interface changes

In older versions of OpenWrt, a system called "ucitrack" attempted to track UCI config files, and the processes that depended on each of them, and would restart them all as needed. This too, is replaced with ubus/procd, and expanded to allow notifying services when network interfaces change. This is useful for services like dnsmasq, and proxy/routing software that cares about which network interfaces are in use, and with what configuration.

First, to simply make your service depend on a config file, add a "service_triggers()" clause to your init script

        procd_add_reload_trigger "uci-file-name"

This will setup hooks such that issuing 'reload_config' will issue a call to '/etc/init.d/<yourinitscript> reload' when the md5sums of '/etc/config/uci-file-name' has changed. You can edit as many config files as you like, and then issue reload_config, procd will take care of reloading all of them. Note, no change in the config file, no reload. If you want to explicitly reload, you still need to issue '/etc/init.d/<yourservice> reload' manually.

By default, "reload" will cause a stop/start call, unless you have provided the 'reload()' call explicitly in your init script. There is not (currently, r41147) support for grabbing the PID of a procd service, or sending a signal to that service in the reload routine, but it should be possible "soon™"

        printf "service reloaded at %s" "$(date)" >> /tmp/somefile

If you want/need your service to depend on changes to networking, simply modify your service_triggers section, like so..

        procd_add_reload_trigger "uci-file-name" "second-uci-file"
        procd_add_network_trigger "lan"|"etho0" FIXME - this is still a work in process....

igmpproxy is (currently) the only service that makes use of this, but (hopefully) by the time you read this, dnsmasq will also have been updated, at least.

How do these scripts work?

All arguments are packed into json and send over to procd via ubus


zh-cn/inbox/procd-init-scripts.txt · Last modified: 2015/01/20 04:04 by czhongm

posted on 2017-02-28 10:56  merlindu  阅读(4387)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
