iOS 压力测试
iOS 压力测试推荐 GitHub 上的 ui-auto-monkey。
1.Xcode 打开你的 iOS 项目,Product -> Profile -> Automation;
2.打开 Instruments 后,导入 UIAutoMonkey.js 脚本;
config: {
numberOfEvents: 1000,
delayBetweenEvents: 0.05, // In seconds
// Events are triggered based on the relative weights here.
// The event with this highest number gets triggered the most.
eventWeights: {
tap: 30,
drag: 1,
flick: 1,
orientation: 1,
clickVolumeUp: 1,
clickVolumeDown: 1,
lock: 1,
pinchClose: 10,
pinchOpen: 10,
shake: 1
// Probability that touch events will have these different properties
touchProbability: {
multipleTaps: 0.05,
multipleTouches: 0.05,
longPress: 0.05
5.log 信息如下图: