"Unable to load satellite dll" when lauch the Visual studio 2005
After install the BREWSDKTOOLS111SP06.exe, every time lauch the vs 2005, it will popup the following error:
Unable to load satellite dll(path read from registry) d:\BREW_SDK_Tools_1_1_1_SP06\VSAddins\vs80\2052\BREWAddinsResources.dll
You can see the solution is from : http://brewforums.qualcomm.com/showthread.php?t=18071
Just as the article point, the reason is: My OS(XP+Sp3) is Simplified Chinese (the language code is 2052),
but My Vs2005 is english(the language is 1033), and you see that, under the installed path(my installed path is d:\BREW_SDK_Tools_1_1_1_SP06),
there is only 1033 folder, no 2052 folder, so the vs2005 popup the abolve dialog.
So, you just modify the 1033 to 2052.
now it's ok now.