1. 背景
注意:爬虫不是本人的强项,只是一丢丢兴趣而已; 其次,本篇文章主要是用于个人学习,客官们请勿直接商业使用。
2. 面临的难点
1. 爬虫框架选取: 采用之前现学现用的crawl4ai作为基础框架,使用其高阶技能来逼近模拟人访问浏览器,因为网站都存在反爬机制,如鉴权、cookie等;
2. 外网新闻: 需要kexue上网;
3. 新闻内容解析: 此处耗费的工作量最多,并不是html的页面解析有多难,主要是动态页面加载如何集成crawl4ai来实现,且每个新闻网站五花八门。
3. 数据源
数据源 |
url |
备注 |
财lian社 |
https://www.cls.cn/depth?id=1000 |
1000: 头条, 1003: A股, 1007: 环球 |
凤huang网 |
新lang |
https://finance.sina.com.cn/roll/#pageid=384&lid=2519&k=&num=50&page=1 https://finance.sina.com.cn/roll/#pageid=384&lid=2672&k=&num=50&page=1 |
2519: 财经 2672: 美股 |
环qiu时报 |
https://finance.huanqiu.com |
zaobao |
国内及世界 |
fox |
美国及世界 |
cnn |
https://edition.cnn.com/business https://edition.cnn.com/business/china |
国内及世界 |
reuters |
https://www.reuters.com/business |
4. 部分源码
1. schema是以json格式叠加css样式的策略,crawl4ai基于schema可以实现特定元素的结构化解析
2. js_commands是js代码,主要用于模拟浏览新闻时的下翻页
import asyncio from crawl4ai import AsyncWebCrawler from crawl4ai.extraction_strategy import JsonCssExtractionStrategy import json from typing import Dict, Any, Union, List import os import datetime import re import hashlib def md5(text): m = hashlib.md5() m.update(text.encode('utf-8')) return m.hexdigest() def get_datas(file_path, json_flag=True, all_flag=False, mode='r'): """读取文本文件""" results = [] with open(file_path, mode, encoding='utf-8') as f: for line in f.readlines(): if json_flag: results.append(json.loads(line)) else: results.append(line.strip()) if all_flag: if json_flag: return json.loads(''.join(results)) else: return '\n'.join(results) return results def save_datas(file_path, datas, json_flag=True, all_flag=False, with_indent=False, mode='w'): """保存文本文件""" with open(file_path, mode, encoding='utf-8') as f: if all_flag: if json_flag: f.write(json.dumps(datas, ensure_ascii=False, indent= 4 if with_indent else None)) else: f.write(''.join(datas)) else: for data in datas: if json_flag: f.write(json.dumps(data, ensure_ascii=False) + '\n') else: f.write(data + '\n') class AbstractAICrawler(): def __init__(self) -> None: pass def crawl(): raise NotImplementedError() class AINewsCrawler(AbstractAICrawler): def __init__(self, domain) -> None: super().__init__() self.domain = domain self.file_path = f'data/{self.domain}.json' self.history = self.init() def init(self): if not os.path.exists(self.file_path): return {} return {ele['id']: ele for ele in get_datas(self.file_path)} def save(self, datas: Union[List, Dict]): if isinstance(datas, dict): datas = [datas] self.history.update({ele['id']: ele for ele in datas}) save_datas(self.file_path, datas=list(self.history.values())) async def crawl(self, url:str, schema: Dict[str, Any]=None, always_by_pass_cache=True, bypass_cache=True, headless=True, verbose=False, magic=True, page_timeout=15000, delay_before_return_html=2.0, wait_for='', js_code=None, js_only=False, screenshot=False, headers={}): extraction_strategy = JsonCssExtractionStrategy(schema, verbose=verbose) if schema else None async with AsyncWebCrawler(verbose=verbose, headless=headless, always_by_pass_cache=always_by_pass_cache, headers=headers) as crawler: result = await crawler.arun( url=url, extraction_strategy=extraction_strategy, bypass_cache=bypass_cache, page_timeout=page_timeout, delay_before_return_html=delay_before_return_html, wait_for=wait_for, js_code=js_code, magic=magic, remove_overlay_elements=True, process_iframes=True, exclude_external_links=True, js_only=js_only, screenshot=screenshot ) assert result.success, "Failed to crawl the page" if schema: res = json.loads(result.extracted_content) if screenshot: return res, result.screenshot return res return result.html class FinanceNewsCrawler(AINewsCrawler): def __init__(self, domain='') -> None: super().__init__(domain) def save(self, datas: Union[List, Dict]): if isinstance(datas, dict): datas = [datas] self.history.update({ele['id']: ele for ele in datas}) save_datas(self.file_path, datas=datas, mode='a') async def get_last_day_data(self): last_day = (datetime.date.today() - datetime.timedelta(days=1)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') datas = self.init() return [v for v in datas.values() if last_day in v['date']] class CLSCrawler(FinanceNewsCrawler): """ 财某社新闻抓取 """ def __init__(self) -> None: self.domain = 'cls' super().__init__(self.domain) self.url = 'https://www.cls.cn' async def crawl_url_list(self, url='https://www.cls.cn/depth?id=1000'): schema = { 'name': 'caijingwang toutiao page crawler', 'baseSelector': 'div.f-l.content-left', 'fields': [ { 'name': 'top_titles', 'selector': 'div.depth-top-article-list', 'type': 'nested_list', 'fields': [ {'name': 'href', 'type': 'attribute', 'attribute':'href', 'selector': 'a[href]'} ] }, { 'name': 'sec_titles', 'selector': 'div.depth-top-article-list li.f-l', 'type': 'nested_list', 'fields': [ {'name': 'href', 'type': 'attribute', 'attribute':'href', 'selector': 'a[href]'} ] }, { 'name': 'bottom_titles', 'selector': 'div.b-t-1 div.clearfix', 'type': 'nested_list', 'fields': [ {'name': 'href', 'type': 'attribute', 'attribute':'href', 'selector': 'a[href]'} ] } ] } js_commands = [ """ (async () => {{ await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 500)); const targetItemCount = 100; let currentItemCount = document.querySelectorAll('div.b-t-1 div.clearfix a.f-w-b').length; let loadMoreButton = document.querySelector('.list-more-button.more-button'); while (currentItemCount < targetItemCount) {{ window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight); await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000)); if (loadMoreButton) { loadMoreButton.click(); } else { console.log('没有找到加载更多按钮'); break; } await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000)); currentItemCount = document.querySelectorAll('div.b-t-1 div.clearfix a.f-w-b').length; loadMoreButton = document.querySelector('.list-more-button.more-button'); }} console.log(`已加载 ${currentItemCount} 个item`); return currentItemCount; }})(); """ ] wait_for = '' results = {} menu_dict = { '1000': '头条', '1003': 'A股', '1007': '环球' } for k, v in menu_dict.items(): url = f'https://www.cls.cn/depth?id={k}' try: links = await super().crawl(url, schema, always_by_pass_cache=True, bypass_cache=True, js_code=js_commands, wait_for=wait_for, js_only=False) except Exception as e: print(f'error {url}') links = [] if links: links = [ele['href'] for eles in links[0].values() for ele in eles if 'href' in ele] links = sorted(list(set(links)), key=lambda x: x) results.update({f'{self.url}{ele}': v for ele in links}) return results async def crawl_newsletter(self, url, category): schema = { 'name': '财联社新闻详情页', 'baseSelector': 'div.f-l.content-left', 'fields': [ { 'name': 'title', 'selector': 'span.detail-title-content', 'type': 'text' }, { 'name': 'time', 'selector': 'div.m-r-10', 'type': 'text' }, { 'name': 'abstract', 'selector': 'pre.detail-brief', 'type': 'text', 'fields': [ {'name': 'href', 'type': 'attribute', 'attribute':'href', 'selector': 'a[href]'} ] }, { 'name': 'contents', 'selector': 'div.detail-content p', 'type': 'list', 'fields': [ {'name': 'content', 'type': 'text'} ] }, { 'name': 'read_number', 'selector': 'div.detail-option-readnumber', 'type': 'text' } ] } wait_for = 'div.detail-content' try: results = await super().crawl(url, schema, always_by_pass_cache=True, bypass_cache=True, wait_for=wait_for) result = results[0] except Exception as e: print(f'crawler error: {url}') return {} return { 'title': result['title'], 'abstract': result['abstract'], 'date': result['time'], 'link': url, 'content': '\n'.join([ele['content'] for ele in result['contents'] if 'content' in ele and ele['content']]), 'id': md5(url), 'type': category, 'read_number': await self.get_first_float_number(result['read_number'], r'[-+]?\d*\.\d+|\d+'), 'time': datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d') } async def get_first_float_number(self, text, pattern): match = re.search(pattern, text) if match: return round(float(match.group()), 4) return 0 async def crawl(self): link_2_category = await self.crawl_url_list() for link, category in link_2_category.items(): _id = md5(link) if _id in self.history: continue news = await self.crawl_newsletter(link, category) if news: self.save(news) return await self.get_last_day_data() if __name__ == '__main__': asyncio.run(CLSCrawler().crawl())
5. 总结
6. 参考
(1) Crawl4ai: https://github.com/unclecode/crawl4ai
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