void f(vector<Entry>& ve,list<Entry>& le)

void f(vector<Entry>&ve,list<Entry>&le)
     unique_copy(ve.begin(),ve.end(),back_inserter(le));//append to le

void f(list<Entry>&ve,vector<Entry>&le)
    copy(ve.begin(),ve.end(),le);//error: le not aniterator
    copy(ve.begin(),ve.end(),le.end());//bad: writes beyond the end
    copy(ve.begin(),ve.end(),le.begin());//overwrite elements
string::const  iterator  i = find(s.begin(),s.end(),c);

void  f()
string  m = "Mary  had  a  little  lamb";
int  a  count = count(m,´a´);

void  f(list<complex>& lc, vector<string>& vs, string  s)
int  i1 = count(lc.begin(),lc.end(),complex(1,3));
int  i2 = count(vs.begin(),vs.end(),"Diogenes");
int  i3 = count(s.begin(),s.end(),´x´);

void  g(char  cs[], int  sz)
int  i1 = count(&cs[0],&cs[sz],´z´);    // ’z’s in array
int  i2 = count(&cs[0],&cs[sz/2],´z´);    // ’z’s in first half of array


posted on 2013-04-28 16:27  宇睿  阅读(126)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报