

Installing MySQL on Solaris

If you install MySQL using a binary tarball distribution on Solaris, you may run into trouble even before you get the MySQL distribution unpacked, as the Solaris tar cannot handle long filenames. This means that you may see errors when you try to unpack MySQL.

If this occurs, you must use GNU tar (gtar) to unpack the distribution. You can find a precompiled copy for Solaris at

You can install MySQL on Solaris using a binary package in PKG format instead of the binary tarball distribution. Some basic PKG-handling commands follow:

  • To add a package:

    pkgadd -d package_name.pkg
  • To remove a package:

    pkgrm package_name
  • To get a full list of installed packages:

  • To get detailed information for a package:

    pkginfo -l package_name
  • To list the files belonging to a package:

    pkgchk -v package_name
  • To get packaging information for an arbitrary file:

    pkgchk -l -p file_name

For additional information about installing MySQL on Solaris, see Section 2.13.3, “Solaris Notes”.

posted on 2006-05-24 09:22  孟和  阅读(151)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报