1. 基础类型
布尔值 let isDone: boolean = false;
数字 let dec: number = 6;
字符串 let name : string = 'bob';
数组 let list: number[] = [1, 2, 3];
元组 let x : [string, number] = ['hello', 10]
枚举 enum Color {Red, Green, Blue} let c: Color = Color.Green;
Any let notSure: any = 4;
Void function warnUser(): void { console.log('this is no return value') }
Null/Undefined 对应于js中的null和undefined
Never 表示那些永不存在的值的类型
Object 对象类型
类型断言 强制类型转换 <string>someValue 或者 someValue as string
2. 接口
接口类似于一个结构体,可以用来定义 对象的属性类型,函数类型,类类型等。
interface SquareConfig { color?: string; width?: number; } interface SearchFunc { (source: stirng,subString: string): boolean; }
2.1 接口继承
interface Shape { color: string; } interface PenStroke { penWidth: number; } interface Square extends Shape, PenStroke { sideLength: number; } let square = <Square>{}; square.color = "blue"; square.sideLength = 10; square.penWidth = 5.0;
2.2 混合类型
interface Counter{ (start: number): string; interval: number; reset(): void; } function getCounter(): Counter { let counter = <Counter>function(start: number){ }; counter.interval = 123; counter.reset = function(){}; return counter; } let c = getCounter(); c(10); c.reset(); c.interval = 5.0;
2.3 接口继承类
接口继承了一个类,只会继承该类的成员,但不会继承其实现。可以继承到该类的 private 和 protected 成员。
3. 类
3.1 成员修饰符(公有,私有 和 受保护)
class Person { protected name: string; constructor(name: string) { this.name = name; } } class Employee extends Person { private department: string; constructor(name: string, department: string) { super(name) this.department = department; } public getElevatorPitch() { return `Hello, my name is ${this.name} and I work in ${this.department}.`; } }
3.2 只读 readonly
class Octopus { readonly name: string; readonly numberOfLegs: number = 8; constructor (theName: string) { this.name = theName; } }
3.3 抽象类
abstract class Animal { abstract makeSound(): void; move(): void { console.log('roaming the earch...'); } }
4. 函数
4.1 函数声明 参数和返回值 都带类型
function add(x: number, y: number): number { return x + y; }
4.2 支持函数重载
function pickCard(x: {suit: string; card: number; }[]): number; function pickCard(x: number): {suit: string; card: number; };
5. 泛型
用类型变量来约束类中的成员变量的各种类型,包括 属性类型,方法参数类型和返回值类型
class GenericNumber<T> { zeroValue: T; add: (x: T, y: T) => T; } let myGenericNumber = new GenericNumber<number>(); myGenericNumber.zeroValue = 0; myGenericNumber.add = function(x, y) { return x + y; };
7. 高级类型
7.1 交叉类型
多个类型合并为一个类型,合成类型,包含了所有类型的特性。效果如:Person & Serializable & Loggable
7.2 联合类型
可以是多个类型中的任何一个类型,例如:number | string | boolean 表示一个值可以是 number, string,或 boolean。
interface Bird { fly(); layEggs(); } interface Fish { swim(); layEggs(); } function getSmallPet(): Fish | Bird { // ... } let pet = getSmallPet(); pet.layEggs(); // okay pet.swim(); // errors
7.5 可为null类型
class C { a: number; b?: number; }
7.4 类型别名
type Name = string; type NameResolver = () => string; type NameOrResolver = Name | NameResolver; type Tree<T> = { value: T; left: Tree<T>; right: Tree<T>; }
8. 命名空间