近期对json-rpc比較感兴趣,思想非常easy,并且看到了非常多不同语言的实现。在github上 hmngomes 的 json-rpc-c (实现的是server端,基于TCP流),短小精悍,提供了非常好的框架。代码十分清晰。易于扩展,并且代码easy看懂,非常经典。该实现依赖于其他两个库 libev 和 cJSON。值得认真学习。
     測试的时候先启动server,而后通过 nc 命令发送对应的json格式数据,就会有对应的效果:
vonzhou@de15:~$ echo "{\"method\":\"sayHello\"}" | nc localhost 1234
     "result":     "Hello!"
vonzhou@de15:~$ echo "{\"method\":\"exit\"}" | nc localhost 1234
     "result":     "Bye!"


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include "jsonrpc-c.h"

#define PORT 1234  // the port users will be connecting to

struct jrpc_server my_server;

cJSON * say_hello( jrpc_context * ctx, cJSON * params, cJSON *id) {
      return cJSON_CreateString( "Hello!" );

cJSON * exit_server( jrpc_context * ctx, cJSON * params, cJSON *id) {
      return cJSON_CreateString( "Bye!" );

int main( void ) {
     jrpc_server_init(&my_server, PORT);
     jrpc_register_procedure(&my_server, say_hello"sayHello" , NULL );
     jrpc_register_procedure(&my_server, exit_server, "exit" , NULL );
      return 0;

#ifndef JSONRPCC_H_
#define JSONRPCC_H_

#include "cJSON.h"
#include <ev.h>

 * http://www.jsonrpc.org/specification
 * code   message   meaning
 * -32700 Parse error   Invalid JSON was received by the server.
 * An error occurred on the server while parsing the JSON text.
 * -32600 Invalid Request    The JSON sent is not a valid Request object.
 * -32601 Method not found   The method does not exist / is not available.
 * -32602 Invalid paramsInvalid method parameter(s).
 * -32603 Internal errorInternal JSON-RPC error.
 * -32000 to -32099Server error  Reserved for implementation-defined server-errors.

#define JRPC_PARSE_ERROR -32700
#define JRPC_METHOD_NOT_FOUND -32601
#define JRPC_INVALID_PARAMS -32603
#define JRPC_INTERNAL_ERROR -32693

typedef struct {
      void * data;
      int error_code;
      char * error_message ;

typedef cJSON* (* jrpc_function )(jrpc_context *context, cJSON *params, cJSON* id);

struct jrpc_procedure {
      char * name;  //方法名
      jrpc_function function;  //方法地址
      void * data;  //额外信息

struct jrpc_server {
      int port_number;
      struct ev_loop * loop;  //eventloop类型
      ev_io listen_watcher ;  //
      int procedure_count;  
      struct jrpc_procedure * procedures ;
      int debug_level;

struct jrpc_connection {
      struct ev_io io;
      int fd;
      int pos//记录在buffer中的位置
      unsigned int buffer_size ;
      char * buffer;
      int debug_level;

int jrpc_server_init( struct jrpc_server *server, int port_number);

int jrpc_server_init_with_ev_loop( struct jrpc_server *server,
        int port_number, struct ev_loop *loop);

static int __jrpc_server_start (struct jrpc_server *server);

void jrpc_server_run( struct jrpc_server *server);

int jrpc_server_stop( struct jrpc_server *server);

void jrpc_server_destroy( struct jrpc_server *server);

static void jrpc_procedure_destroy (struct jrpc_procedure *procedure);

int jrpc_register_procedure( struct jrpc_server *server,
           jrpc_function function_pointer, char *name, void *data);

int jrpc_deregister_procedure( struct jrpc_server *server, char *name);

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>

#include "jsonrpc-c.h"

struct ev_loop *loop;

// get sockaddr, IPv4 or IPv6:
static void *get_in_addr( struct sockaddr *sa) {
      if (sa-> sa_family == AF_INET) {
           return &(((struct sockaddr_in*) sa)->sin_addr );
      return &((( struct sockaddr_in6*) sa)->sin6_addr);

static int send_response( struct jrpc_connection * conn, char *response) {
      int fd = conn-> fd;
      if (conn-> debug_level > 1)
           printf ("JSON Response:\n%s\n" , response);
      write(fd, response, strlen (response));
      write(fd, "\n" , 1);
      return 0;

static int send_error( struct jrpc_connection * conn, int code, char * message,
           cJSON * id) {
      int return_value = 0;
      cJSON *result_root = cJSON_CreateObject();
      cJSON *error_root = cJSON_CreateObject();
     cJSON_AddNumberToObject(error_root, "code" , code);
     cJSON_AddStringToObject(error_root, "message" , message);
     cJSON_AddItemToObject(result_root, "error" , error_root);
     cJSON_AddItemToObject(result_root, "id" , id);
      char * str_result = cJSON_Print(result_root);
     return_value = send_response(conn, str_result);
      return return_value;

static int send_result( struct jrpc_connection * conn, cJSON * result,
           cJSON * id) {
      int return_value = 0;
      cJSON *result_root = cJSON_CreateObject();
      if (result)
          cJSON_AddItemToObject(result_root, "result" , result);
     cJSON_AddItemToObject(result_root, "id" , id);

      char * str_result = cJSON_Print(result_root);
     return_value = send_response(conn, str_result);
      return return_value;

static int invoke_procedure( struct jrpc_server *server,
           struct jrpc_connection * conn, char *name, cJSON *params, cJSON *id) {
      cJSON *returned = NULL;
      int procedure_found = 0;
      jrpc_context ctx;
     ctx. error_code = 0;
     ctx. error_message = NULL;
      int i = server-> procedure_count ;
      while (i--) {
           if (!strcmp (server-> procedures[i]. name, name)) {
              procedure_found = 1;
              ctx. data = server-> procedures [i].data ;
              returned = server->procedures [i].function (&ctx, params, id);
               break ;
      if (!procedure_found)
           return send_error(conn, JRPC_METHOD_NOT_FOUND,
                    strdup ("Method not found." ), id);
      else {
           if (ctx.error_code )
               return send_error(conn, ctx.error_code , ctx.error_message , id);
               return send_result(conn, returned, id);

static int eval_request (struct jrpc_server *server,
           struct jrpc_connection * conn, cJSON *root) {
      cJSON *method, *params, *id;
     method = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "method" );
      if (method != NULL && method-> type == cJSON_String ) {
          params = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "params ");
           if (params == NULL|| params->type == cJSON_Array
          || params-> type == cJSON_Object ) {
              id = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, "id" );
               if (id == NULL|| id->type == cJSON_String
              || id-> type == cJSON_Number ) {
               //We have to copy ID because using it on the reply and deleting the response Object will also delete ID
                    cJSON * id_copy = NULL;
                    if (id != NULL)
                        id_copy =
                                  (id-> type == cJSON_String) ? cJSON_CreateString(
                                           id-> valuestring) :
                                           cJSON_CreateNumber(id-> valueint);
                    if (server->debug_level )
                         printf ("Method Invoked: %s\n" , method->valuestring);
                    return invoke_procedure(server, conn, method->valuestring,
                             params, id_copy);
     send_error(conn, JRPC_INVALID_REQUEST,
               strdup ("The JSON sent is not a valid Request object."), NULL);
      return -1;

static void close_connection( struct ev_loop *loop, ev_io *w) {
     ev_io_stop(loop, w);
      close((( struct jrpc_connection *) w)->fd );
      free((( struct jrpc_connection *) w)->buffer );
      free((( struct jrpc_connection *) w));

static void connection_cb( struct ev_loop *loop, ev_io *w, int revents) {
      struct jrpc_connection *conn;
      struct jrpc_server *server = ( struct jrpc_server *) w->data;
      size_t bytes_read = 0;
      //get our 'subclassed' event watcher
     conn = ( struct jrpc_connection *) w;
      int fd = conn-> fd;
      // 为这个session 分配的buffer满了,须要又一次分配空间,成倍增长
      if (conn-> pos == (conn-> buffer_size - 1)) {
           char * new_buffer = realloc(conn-> buffer, conn->buffer_size *= 2);
           if (new_buffer == NULL) {
               perror ("Memory error" );
               return close_connection(loop, w);
          conn-> buffer = new_buffer;
           memset (conn->buffer + conn-> pos, 0, conn->buffer_size - conn->pos );
      // can not fill the entire buffer, string must be NULL terminated
      int max_read_size = conn-> buffer_size - conn->pos - 1;
      //从套接字中读取数据。-1 说明异常终止
      if ((bytes_read = read (fd, conn->buffer + conn-> pos, max_read_size))
              == -1) {
           perror ("read" );
           return close_connection(loop, w);
      if (!bytes_read) {
           // client closed the sending half of the connection
           if (server->debug_level )
               printf ("Client closed connection.\n" );
           return close_connection(loop, w);
     } else {
           cJSON *root;
           char *end_ptr = NULL;
          conn-> pos += bytes_read;

           if ((root = cJSON_Parse_Stream(conn->buffer , &end_ptr)) != NULL) {
               if (server->debug_level > 1) {
                    char * str_result = cJSON_Print(root);
                    printf ("Valid JSON Received:\n%s\n" , str_result);
                    free (str_result);

               if (root->type == cJSON_Object) {
                    eval_request(server, conn, root);
               //shift processed request, discarding it
               memmove (conn->buffer , end_ptr, strlen (end_ptr) + 2);

              conn-> pos = strlen (end_ptr);
               memset (conn->buffer + conn-> pos, 0,
                        conn-> buffer_size - conn->pos - 1);

          } else {
               // did we parse the all buffer?

If so, just wait for more.

               // else there was an error before the buffer's end
               if (end_ptr != (conn->buffer + conn-> pos)) {
                    if (server->debug_level ) {
                         printf ("INVALID JSON Received:\n---\n%s\n---\n",
                                  conn-> buffer);
                   send_error(conn, JRPC_PARSE_ERROR,
                              strdup (
                                       "Parse error. Invalid JSON was received by the server."),
                    return close_connection(loop, w);


static void accept_cb( struct ev_loop *loop, ev_io *w, int revents) {
      char s[ INET6_ADDRSTRLEN];
      struct jrpc_connection *connection_watcher;
     connection_watcher = malloc (sizeof ( struct jrpc_connection));
      //通用socket addr
      struct sockaddr_storage their_addr; // connector's address information
      socklen_t sin_size;
     sin_size = sizeof their_addr;
     connection_watcher-> fd = accept(w-> fd, ( struct sockaddr *) &their_addr,
      if (connection_watcher-> fd == -1) {
           perror ("accept" );
           free (connection_watcher);
     } else {
           if (((struct jrpc_server *) w->data)-> debug_level) {
              inet_ntop(their_addr. ss_family ,
                        get_in_addr(( struct sockaddr *) &their_addr), s, sizeof s);
               printf ("server: got connection from %s\n" , s);
          ev_io_init(&connection_watcher-> io, connection_cb,
                   connection_watcher-> fdEV_READ);
           //copy pointer to struct jrpc_server
          connection_watcher-> io. data = w->data ;
          connection_watcher-> buffer_size = 1500;
          connection_watcher-> buffer = malloc (1500);
           memset (connection_watcher->buffer , 0, 1500);
          connection_watcher-> pos = 0;
           //copy debug_level, struct jrpc_connection has no pointer to struct jrpc_server
          connection_watcher-> debug_level =
                   (( struct jrpc_server *) w->data)-> debug_level;
          ev_io_start(loop, &connection_watcher-> io);

int jrpc_server_init( struct jrpc_server *server, int port_number) {
    loop = EV_DEFAULT;
    return jrpc_server_init_with_ev_loop(server, port_number, loop);

int jrpc_server_init_with_ev_loop( struct jrpc_server *server,
        int port_number, struct ev_loop *loop) {
      memset(server, 0, sizeof (struct jrpc_server));
     server-> loop = loop;
     server-> port_number = port_number;
      char * debug_level_env = getenv ("JRPC_DEBUG" );
      if (debug_level_env == NULL)
          server-> debug_level = 0;
      else {
          server-> debug_level strtol (debug_level_env, NULL, 10);
           printf ("JSONRPC-C Debug level %d\n" , server->debug_level );
      return __jrpc_server_start(server);

static int __jrpc_server_start (struct jrpc_server *server) {
      int sockfd;
      struct addrinfo hints, *servinfo, *p;
      struct sockaddr_in sockaddr;
      int len;
      int yes = 1;
      int rv;
      char PORT[6];
      sprintf(PORT, "%d" , server->port_number );
      memset(&hints, 0, sizeof hints);
     hints. ai_family = AF_UNSPEC;
     hints. ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;
     hints. ai_flags = AI_PASSIVE// use my IP

      if ((rv = getaddrinfo(NULL, PORT, &hints, &servinfo)) != 0) {
           fprintf (stderr, " getaddrinfo: %s\n" , gai_strerror(rv));
           return 1;

// loop through all the results and bind to the first we can
      for (p = servinfo; p != NULL; p = p-> ai_next) {
           if ((sockfd = socket(p->ai_family , p->ai_socktype , p->ai_protocol ))
                   == -1) {
               perror ("server: socket" );
               continue ;

           if (setsockopt(sockfd, SOL_SOCKETSO_REUSEADDR, &yes, sizeof (int ))
                   == -1) {
               perror (" setsockopt" );
               exit (1);

           if (bind(sockfd, p->ai_addr , p->ai_addrlen ) == -1) {
               close (sockfd);
               perror ("server: bind" );
               continue ;

          len = sizeof (sockaddr);
           if (getsockname(sockfd, ( struct sockaddr *) &sockaddr, &len) == -1) {
               close (sockfd);
               perror ("server: getsockname" );
               continue ;
          server-> port_number = ntohs( sockaddr.sin_port );

           break ;

      if (p == NULL) {
           fprintf (stderr, "server: failed to bind\n" );
           return 2;

     freeaddrinfo(servinfo); // all done with this structure

      if (listen(sockfd, 5) == -1) {
           perror ("listen" );
           exit (1);
      if (server-> debug_level )
           printf ("server: waiting for connections...\n" );

     ev_io_init(&server-> listen_watcher , accept_cb, sockfd, EV_READ);
     server-> listen_watcher .data = server;
     ev_io_start(server-> loop, &server-> listen_watcher );
      return 0;

// Make the code work with both the old (ev_loop/ev_unloop)
// and new (ev_run/ev_break) versions of libev.
  #define EV_RUN ev_loop
  #define EV_BREAK ev_unloop
  #define EV_RUN ev_run
  #define EV_BREAK ev_break

void jrpc_server_run( struct jrpc_server *server){
     EV_RUN(server-> loop, 0);

int jrpc_server_stop( struct jrpc_server *server) {
     EV_BREAK(server-> loopEVBREAK_ALL);
      return 0;

void jrpc_server_destroy( struct jrpc_server *server){
      /* Don't destroy server */
      int i;
      for (i = 0; i < server-> procedure_count ; i++){
          jrpc_procedure_destroy( &(server-> procedures [i]) );
      free(server-> procedures );

static void jrpc_procedure_destroy (struct jrpc_procedure *procedure){
      if (procedure-> name){
           free (procedure->name );
          procedure-> name = NULL;
      if (procedure-> data){
           free (procedure->data );
          procedure-> data = NULL;

int jrpc_register_procedure( struct jrpc_server *server,
           jrpc_function function_pointer, char *name, void * data) {
      int i = server-> procedure_count ++;
      if (!server-> procedures )
          server-> procedures malloc ( sizeof( struct jrpc_procedure));
      else {
           struct jrpc_procedure * ptr = realloc (server->procedures ,
                    sizeof (struct jrpc_procedure) * server->procedure_count );
           if (!ptr)
               return -1;
          server-> procedures = ptr;

      //name是局部变量,所以要 strdup
      if ((server-> procedures [i].name strdup(name)) == NULL)
           return -1;
     server-> procedures [i].function = function_pointer;
     server-> procedures [i].data = data;
      return 0;

int jrpc_deregister_procedure( struct jrpc_server *server, char *name) {
      /* Search the procedure to deregister */
      int i;
      int found = 0;
      if (server-> procedures ){
           for (i = 0; i < server->procedure_count ; i++){
               if (found)
                   server-> procedures [i-1] = server->procedures [i];
               else if (! strcmp(name, server->procedures [i].name )){
                   found = 1;
                   jrpc_procedure_destroy( &(server->procedures [i]) );
           if (found){
              server-> procedure_count --;
               if (server->procedure_count ){
                    struct jrpc_procedure * ptr = realloc (server->procedures ,
                         sizeof (struct jrpc_procedure) * server->procedure_count );
                    if (!ptr){
                         perror (" realloc" );
                         return -1;
                   server-> procedures = ptr;
              } else {
                   server-> procedures = NULL;
     } else {
           fprintf (stderr, "server : procedure '%s' not found\n", name);
           return -1;
      return 0;

----------当中关于cJSON代码部分。见 C语言解析JSON部分。


posted @ 2015-06-19 12:54  mengfanrong  阅读(1423)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报