[ABC265A] Apple

Problem Statement

A fruit store sells apples.
You may perform the following operations as many times as you want in any order:

  • Buy one apple for $X$ yen (the currency in Japan).
  • Buy three apples for $Y$ yen.

How much yen do you need to pay to obtain exactly $N$ apples?


  • $1 \leq X \leq Y \leq 100$
  • $1 \leq N \leq 100$
  • All values in input are integers.


Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:

$X$ $Y$ $N$


Print the answer as an integer.

Sample Input 1

10 25 10

Sample Output 1


Buy three apples for $25$ yen three times and one apple for $10$ yen, and you will obtain exactly $10$ apples for a total of $85$ yen.
You cannot obtain exactly $10$ apples for a lower cost, so the answer is $85$ yen.

Sample Input 2

10 40 10

Sample Output 2


It is optimal to buy an apple for $10$ yen $10$ times.

Sample Input 3

100 100 2

Sample Output 3


The only way to obtain exactly $2$ apples is to buy an apple for $100$ yen twice.

Sample Input 4

100 100 100
如果单独买三个苹果,比一下买三个苹果的价格还要小,那就一个一个苹果买。 否则,就尽量三个三个买,买完剩余的在一个一个买 ```cpp #include using namespace std; int x,y,n; int main() { scanf("%d%d%d",&x,&y,&n); if(3*x<=y) printf("%d",x*n); else printf("%d",y*(n/3)+n%3*x); } ```
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