

# xs_spider\xs_spider\spiders\sx_spider_01.py
import scrapy
from scrapy.http import Request
from xs_spider.items import XsSpiderItem
from pathlib import Path
from re import sub

class SxSpider01Spider(scrapy.Spider):
    name = 'sx_spider_01'
    allowed_domains = ['m.kudushu.net']
    start_urls = [

    base_url = 'http://m.kudushu.net'

    def parse(self, response):
        章节分页 = response.xpath('.//select[@name="pageselect"]//@value').getall()
        for i in 章节分页:
            yield Request(url=rf'{self.base_url}{i}',callback=self.parse2)

    def parse2(self,response):
        章节元素 = response.xpath('.//div[@class="info_menu1"]/div[@class="list_xm"]/ul/li/a')
        书名 = response.xpath('/html/body/div/div[4]/div[2]/h3/text()').get()
        for 章节 in 章节元素:
            章节链接 = self.base_url+章节.xpath('./@href').get()
            章节标题 = 章节.xpath('./text()').get()
            item = XsSpiderItem()
            章节id =[i for i in 章节链接.split(r'/') if i != ''][-1]
            小说id =[i for i in 章节链接.split(r'/') if i != ''][-2]
            item['小说id'] = 小说id + '_' + 书名
            item['章节id'] = 章节id
            item['标题'] = 章节标题
            item['链接'] = 章节链接

            文件路径 = Path(rf"./data/{item['小说id']}/{item['章节id']}_{item['标题']}.txt")
            if 文件路径.is_file():
            yield Request(url=章节链接,callback=self.parse3,meta={'item':item})

    def parse3(self,response):
        item = response.meta.get('item')
        texts = response.xpath('//*[@id="novelcontent"]//text()').getall()[1:]
        text = ','.join(texts).replace(u'\xa0','').replace(u'\n,','').replace(r',\n','')
        text = text.replace('(本章未完,请点击下一页继续阅读)','').replace(u'\r\n','')
        text = text.replace('。,','。')
        text = text.replace('最新网址:m.kudushu.net,','')
        text = text.replace('hedgeogbm();','')
        text = text.replace('&nbsp','')
        text = text.replace(',上—章','')
        text = text.replace('下—页','')
        text = text.replace('加入书签','')
        text = text.replace('上—页','')
        text = text.replace('返回目录','')
        text = text.replace(' ','')
        text = text.replace(',,',',')
        text = text.replace(',,',',')
        text = text.replace(',,',',')
        text = text.replace(',;,;,,','')
        text = text.replace(';,','')
        text = text.replace(';,','')
        text = text.replace(';,','')
        text = text.replace(';,','')
        text = sub(r'hedgeo.+?\)','',text)
        text = text.replace(',,',',')
        text = text.replace(',,',',')
        text = text.replace('\n\n\n',',')
        text = text.replace('\n\n',',')
        if '在手打中,请稍等片刻,内容更新后' in text:

        if item.get('内容') is None:
            item['内容'] = text
            item['内容'] = item['内容']+'\n\n'+text

        if response.xpath('.//ul[@class="novelbutton"]/li/p[@class="p1 p3"]/a/text()').get() == '下—页':
            下一页链接 = response.xpath('.//ul[@class="novelbutton"]/li/p[@class="p1 p3"]/a//@href').get()

            yield Request(rf'{self.base_url}/{下一页链接}',meta={'item':item,},callback=self.parse3)
            yield item

# xs_spider\xs_spider\items.py

import scrapy

class XsSpiderItem(scrapy.Item):
    # define the fields for your item here like:
    标题 = scrapy.Field()
    链接 = scrapy.Field()
    内容 = scrapy.Field()
    章节id = scrapy.Field()
    小说id = scrapy.Field()

    # pass

# xs_spider\xs_spider\pipelines.py

from itemadapter import ItemAdapter
from pathlib import Path

class XsSpiderPipeline:
    def process_item(self, item, spider):
        文件路径 = rf"./data/{item['小说id']}/"
        文件路径 = Path(文件路径)
        if not 文件路径.is_dir():
            文件路径.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

        with open(rf"./data/{item['小说id']}/{item['章节id']}_{item['标题']}.txt",'w',encoding='utf-8') as f:
        return item
# xs_spider\run.py
# 运行爬虫
from scrapy.cmdline import execute

execute("scrapy crawl sx_spider_01".split(' '))
posted @ 2023-02-02 14:46  meizhengchao  阅读(671)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报