
sick:adj,恶心,不舒服,生病的. 晕船、晕车、晕机:seasick, carsick, airsick.

vomiting:adj,想呕吐的感觉,eg. I feel like vomiting.

vomit:vi,呕吐, eg. He vomitted up all he had eaten.

nauseous: adj, 想呕吐的感觉, eg. I fell nauseous.

throw up, vi, 呕吐,

throwing up, adj, 想呕吐的, eg. I feel like throwing up..

barf, vi, 呕吐, eg.  I think I’m going to barf.

loose sbd’s cookies:  vi, 呕吐, eg. I think I’m going to loose my cookies.

dizzy:adj,眩晕的,eg. I feel dizzy.

faint: adj: 眩晕的,eg. I feel a little faint.



I feel sick.

"I feel sick."(我覺得不舒服),可能是大朋友和小朋友喜歡用來逃避上班或上學的藉口。"I feel sick." 不一定是指真的生病。不論心理或身體上有不舒服的感覺,也可以用的。另外一個說法是 "I don't feel well."(我覺得不太舒服)。

"Sick" 這個字很簡單,通常跟生病有關係,但用在不同地方就有不同意思,例如:

"I'm sick of my job."(我非常討厭自己的工作),

"I'm sick and tired of junk mail."(我厭倦那些垃圾電子郵件),

又或者朋友對你做了些令你嘔心、厭煩、生氣的事情,你可對他說 "You make me sick."(你令我感到厭煩)。另一個特殊說法 "I'm going to be sick."意思不是“我將會生病”,而是當你暈車時想要嘔吐的意思。


A:Your face is turning green. Are you ok?
B:I feel sick. My stomach hurts.
A:Do you need to take a rest?
B:Yes, thanks. Let me sit for a while and I'll be fine then.
A:Is there anything I can do for you?
B:Yes, please. Could you get me some water?


多學一點點 作嘔
我在第五輯第十二課裡說過:to be sick有「作嘔」的意思。嘔吐往往是因為暈船、暈車、暈機等,英文叫做seasick、carsick、airsick,例如:The airsick passenger vomited up all he had just eaten for lunch.(那暈機的乘客把剛剛吃的午餐都吐出來)。
說自己想嘔吐,英文除了I am/feel sick (to my stomach)或I feel like vomiting等說法,還可說I feel like throwing up和I feel nauseous。Throw up兩字合用,可解作「嘔吐」,是通俗的說法;nauseous則是「作嘔的」,動詞是nauseate。Nauseating即「使人作嘔」,例如:I found the very sight of her nauseating.(我看見她就作嘔)。
英文說「嘔吐」,還有to barf、to lose one's cookies(失去其小甜餅)等俚俗說法。I think I'm going to barf/lose my cookies即「我恐怕要嘔吐了」。
暈車、暈船等,除了嘔吐,當然會有暈眩感覺,這感覺叫dizziness,形容詞是dizzy,例如:Could you stop the car, please? I feel dizzy.(請停下車來好嗎?我感到暈眩)。Faint作形容詞用,也可解作「暈眩」,例如:Feeling a little faint, she sat down.(她感到有點暈眩,坐了下來)。但不要用動詞faint來說「感到暈眩」: I fainted是「我失去知覺暈倒了」。
見到別人作嘔,可以問:Can I get you a glass of water?(給你一杯水好不好?)或Would you like to sit down / lie down? (坐下來╱躺下來好不好)或Do you want to see a doctor?(要找醫生嗎?)

posted on 2011-09-20 00:05  meiyangsz  阅读(446)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
