2012-08-27 12:17 美女驴 阅读(462) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报这个assignment很简单。。。而且我也是第一次写OpenCV,我使用的是windows的microsoft visual studio 2008 pro and 2.3.1 OpenCV,把代码贴出来和大家共享~~喵呜~~
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#define CV_IMAGE_ELEM( image, elemtype, row, col ) \
(((elemtype*)((image)->imageData + (image)->widthStep*(row)))[(col)])
using namespace std;
IplImage *srcImage = 0;
IplImage *tempImage = 0;
IplImage *roiImage=0;
char chek_cut_state=0;
CvRect ROI_rect;
CvPoint origin;
void on_mouse( int event, int x, int y, int flags, void* param ) ;
//----------main function-----------------
void main( )
// read a color image and display it in a window
srcImage = cvLoadImage("foo.jpg",-1);
cvNamedWindow( "Original Image", 1 );
cvShowImage( "Original Image",srcImage);
// capture mouse motion when a rectangle is dragged in the image
cvSetMouseCallback( "Original Image", on_mouse, 0 );
// user press 'q' key to quit
char c;
c = cvWaitKey(0);
if(c =='q') break;
cvDestroyWindow("Original Image");
cvDestroyWindow("Final Image");
//call back function which is called every time a mouse event occurs in the specified window
void on_mouse( int event, int x, int y, int flags, void* param )
int thickness=1; //the thickness of the line when a rectangle is drawn in the image
CvScalar color = CV_RGB(255,0,0); //the color of the line
//obtain the coordinates of one corner of the rectangle when the left button of the mouse is down
origin = cvPoint(x,y);
ROI_rect = cvRect(x,y,0,0);
//dynamically draw the rectangle as mouse moves
if( chek_cut_state && event==CV_EVENT_MOUSEMOVE)
tempImage = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(srcImage), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
tempImage = cvCloneImage(srcImage);
cvRectangle( tempImage, origin, cvPoint(x,y), color,thickness, CV_AA, 0);
cvShowImage( "Original Image", tempImage );
//obtain the coordinates of the other corner of the rectangle when the left button if the mouse is up
if( chek_cut_state && event==CV_EVENT_LBUTTONUP )
//calculate the coordinates of the left corner,wdith and height of the rectangle
ROI_rect.x = MIN(x,origin.x);
ROI_rect.y = MIN(y,origin.y);
ROI_rect.width = abs(x - origin.x);
ROI_rect.height = abs(y - origin.y);
//make a copy of selected rectangular region and write it to a PNG file
cvSetImageROI(srcImage, ROI_rect); //set ROI
roiImage = cvCreateImage(cvSize(ROI_rect.width,ROI_rect.height),8,3);
uchar b, g, r; // 3 channels
int row=0, col=0; //loop variables
//then exchange its red and green channels and write that to a JPEG file
for(row = 0; row < roiImage->height; row++)
for (col = 0; col < roiImage->width; col++)
g = CV_IMAGE_ELEM(roiImage, uchar, row, col * roiImage->nChannels + 1);
r = CV_IMAGE_ELEM(roiImage, uchar, row, col * roiImage->nChannels + 2);
CV_IMAGE_ELEM(roiImage, uchar, row, col * roiImage->nChannels + 1) = r;
CV_IMAGE_ELEM(roiImage, uchar, row, col * roiImage->nChannels + 2) = g;
//then subtract the blue channel values from 255 and write that to a PNG file
for(row = 0; row < roiImage->height; row++)
for (col = 0; col < roiImage->width; col++)
b = CV_IMAGE_ELEM(roiImage, uchar, row, col * roiImage->nChannels + 0);
b = 255-b;
CV_IMAGE_ELEM(roiImage, uchar, row, col * roiImage->nChannels + 0) = b;
//paste that final result into the original image to create a new image in PNG format
cvSetImageROI(srcImage, ROI_rect);
cvNamedWindow("Final Image",1);
cvShowImage("Final Image",srcImage);