A Tile is a link to an application displayed in Start. There are two types of Tiles – Application Tiles and secondary Tiles.

首先说下这次的更新。在原来的Application Tile的基础上增加front和Back两个面, 通过flip翻转来实现自动的切换。

芒果中,在以前的基础上增加了一个新的玩意,secondary Tiles。这个东西有些创意。它能通过编程方式由终端用户来自己定义一个或多个想要的Tile到start页面,这个Tile可以指向应用程序中某个特定的页面,甚至可以在同一个特定的页面根据不同的参数,来指定多个Tile,只要你喜欢。当然这些Tile都是可以删除,除了APPLICATION TILE之外。

ShellTileSchedule API:

The background images on the front of a Tile can be updated on a recurring schedule, even if your application is not running. The URI of the update background image must be a RemoteURI. The maximum allowed size of the Tile background image is 80 KB. The maximum allowed download time is 30 seconds. If these limits are exceeded, the schedule will be removed after three consecutive failures.



posted on 2011-09-17 09:25  黑择明  阅读(286)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报