mysql & gbase 常用函数


1 show columns from 表名 (describe 表名);
show full fields from `tsysmenu`   // 比上面那个更全面

SHOW FULL TABLES FROM `tjjsw` LIKE 't%'   查询库中所有的表名
2   show create table 表名;  //查建表语句
use information_schema
select * from columns where table_name='表名'

/*this can see the table information*/
show table status from `fortioa`;

/*this can see all the fields detail information of a table including  the character set*/
show full fields from `account`

/*change the table column`s character set to utf8*/
ALTER TABLE `purchaserequest` CHANGE `justification` `justification` text CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL 

Delete from table_name
Where condition


posted on 2011-05-21 23:57  mefly  阅读(976)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
