MITx 创业101 寻找你的顾客


步骤一 市场分割(Market Segmentation)

  1. 头脑风暴所有可能的市场,关注可能性
  2. 寻找最终用户(End User)——会使用你的产品的用户,但不一定会付钱
  3. 思考产品的价值
  4. 典型用户(Lead Custemer)——一个具象会使用你产品的用户
  5. 市场的竞争环境
  6. 潜在的合作伙伴

步骤二 抢滩市场(Benchhead Market)

Cartoon: There is a pirate ship heading towards an island. The captain of the pirate ship is looking at the island with a telescope, saying, 'Navigator, pull in closer. We need to make better sense of the beachhead market end users.'

  1. 抢滩市场——最首先占领的市场,作为进入其他市场的跳板;类比与战争中的登陆战,首先会攻占一个特定的地点,进而让更多的士兵登录
  2. 需要专注一个特定的市场,仅仅是一个市场
  3. 不一定是最大的市场,不会需要特别的资质认证,容易进入


步骤三 目标用户画像(End User Profile)

Image: A photo of the moai monumental statues on Easter Island. Above the photo, the text says, 'An End User Profile is a description of a narrowly defined subset of target end users with similar characteristics, similar needs, and word of mouth.'

  1. 通过访谈许多目标用户,深入了解他们的特点、需求
  2. 目标用户需要有相似的特征,这些特征包含人口(demographics)、动机(motivation)、行为(behavior)三个维度
    • 人口:性别、年龄范围、收入范围、地理位置
    • 动机:他们最害怕什么、谁是他们的英雄
    • 行为:他们去哪里度假、什么激励着他们、他么读些什么、去什么网站、看什么电视节目

步骤四 总目标市场(Total Addressable Market, TAM)

Image: The text says, 'Total Addressable Market Size (TAM) is the amount of revenue, expressed in dollars per year, your business would earn if you achieve 100% market share in your chosen market.'

  1. 开始考虑钱了,总目标市场(收入/年)=目标用户数×单个用户一年收入
  2. 也就是如果你100%占领的目标市场,可能的收入。事实的情况是难以完全占领整个市场
  3. 具体实践去估计目标用户的数量(从底至上的方法),用从其他途径获取的结果(比如:行业报告)验证正确性(从顶向下)
  4. 总目标市场应当在两千万~一亿美元之间。太小赚不到钱,太大目标不明确、竞争过于激烈
  5. 初始的总目标不大,也还有机会,你可以先培育市场,将用户作为今后产品的基石,就像360做安全一样,实则是通过网页导航的广告赚钱;这时你需要引入风险投资
  6. 引入风险投资,你便会失去对公司的控制;需要记住的是你不可能同时成为女王又很有钱,你要么会赚到钱、要么会有很大的影响力

步骤五 用户代表个性(Persona)

Image: The text says, 'The Persona is the one person that best represents your End User Profile.'

  1. 目标用户群体的一个典型代表,是一个具体的人,
  2. 你需要像人口普查一样了解这个人的方方面面,比如:这个人是否结婚,是否有小孩,在哪个公司工作,工资是多少,生活规律是怎样。了解得越多越好,甚至有的信息和你的产品并无直接关联,甚至他还有一个化名
  3. 他让你的目标用户具象化,会时常提醒你你的用户是什么?一些创业公司会提取其中的关键点挂在公司的墙上、会议室里
  4. 用户代表可能并不完美,需要在你的产品设计中逐步完善、修改
  5. 用户代表应当让公司的每一个人所了解,做出决策时需要考虑用户代表的想法
  6. 一个例子:she's a beautiful lady. Her name is Helen. She's 34 years old. She's has an amazing kid, her name is Maria. Helen normally comes back home, mid-late afternoon, after picking up Maria at the daycare. They come back home, Maria's playing in the living room. She's playing with Helen's iPad. On iPad, there are some kind of games. Then Helen put Maria to start eating in the area of the living room, where she can play and so on. And she takes her iPad and she start to browse, she start to look at Pinterest, she loves to look at certain readers. And she also enjoy emails because with an email she should have a lot of receipts of stuff that she buys for Maria, stuff that she buys for herself. In fact, when it's later in life, she has more personal moment with her tablet and she does shopping online and so for her husband, from people, for the house. So she buys a lot. She really uses these as the main digital device at home. At home, she doesn't have a computer. She's not the techie.

posted on 2015-01-23 08:24  meelo  阅读(424)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报