

1 静态链表的存储结构

#define SUCCESS			1
#define ERROR			0
#define MAXSIZE			10

typedef int ElemType;
typedef int LIST_STATUS;
typedef struct {
	ElemType Data;
	int Cur;

​ 用数组的方式实现链表操作。该结构体用Cur代替链表的指针。

​ 数组的第一个元素和最后一个元素,作为特殊的元素处理,不存储数据。数组最后一个元素相当于单链表的头结点,该元素的下标相当于单链表的头指针。数组的第一元素的Cur值存储的是备用链表(空闲空间)的第一个下标。当数组第一个元素的Cur为0时,说明已无空闲空间。

​ 其它每个结点的Cur存储的是下一个结点的下标。


​ 如下图,数组的最后一个元素的下标(999)相当于单链表的头指针,这个元素相当于单链表的头结点,它的Cur存的是第一个有数值的结点下标(下图是下标1)。

​ 如下图所示,一共有数组有1000个元素,数组存有数据的有6个结点,数组的最后一个元素是头结点,它的Cur存储的是数组第一个有数据的结点(下图为下标1),数组第一个元素Cur值存储的是备用链表空闲空间的第一个下标(下图是下标7).



2 操作静态链表

​ 创建,打印静态链表,增加减少结点。


LIST_STATUS OperatorStaticLinkList(void) {
	int StNodeNum = 5;
	int AddIndex = 3;
	int AddData = 25;
	int DeleteIndex = 1;
	Status = CreateStaticLinkList(SL, StNodeNum);
	if (SUCCESS == Status) {
		printf("CreateStaticLinkList succeed!\n");
	} else {
		printf("CreateStaticLinkList failed!\n");


	Status = AddStaticLinkListNode(SL, AddIndex, AddData);
	if (SUCCESS == Status) {
		printf("AddStaticLinkListNode succeed!\n");
	else {
		printf("AddStaticLinkListNode failed!\n");
	Status = DeleteStaticLinkListNode(SL, DeleteIndex);
	if (SUCCESS == Status) {
		printf("DeleteStaticLinkListNode succeed!\n");
	else {
		printf("DeleteStaticLinkListNode failed!\n");


3 创建静态链表

LIST_STATUS CreateStaticLinkList(StNode SL[], int StNodeNum)

​ 创建静态链表,数组长度为10,其中有数据的结点个数为StNodeNum。


① 构建静态链表的时候要保证数组第一个元素的cur要等于备用链表第一个元素的下标,

② 数组最后一个元素的Cur要等于数组第一个有数据元素的下标。

③ 有数据的最后一个元素的Cur为0,相当于单链表指向NULL。


LIST_STATUS CreateStaticLinkList(StNode SL[], int StNodeNum) {
	int i = 0;

	printf("CreateStaticLinkList start\n");

	if (NULL == SL || 0 == SL[0].Cur) {
		return ERROR;

	for (i = 0; i < MAXSIZE - 1 ; ++i) {		
		if (i > 0 && i < StNodeNum + 1) {
			SL[i].Data = i;

		if (0 == i) {
			SL[i].Cur = StNodeNum + 1;
		} else {
			SL[i].Cur = i + 1;

	SL[StNodeNum].Cur = 0;

	SL[MAXSIZE - 1].Cur = 1;
	printf("CreateStaticLinkList end\n");

	return SUCCESS;


CreateStaticLinkList start

CreateStaticLinkList end

CreateStaticLinkList succeed!

PrintStaticArr start

SL[0].Data = -858993460, SL[0].Cur = 6

SL[1].Data = 1, SL[1].Cur = 2

SL[2].Data = 2, SL[2].Cur = 3

SL[3].Data = 3, SL[3].Cur = 4

SL[4].Data = 4, SL[4].Cur = 5

SL[5].Data = 5, SL[5].Cur = 0

SL[6].Data = -858993460, SL[6].Cur = 7

SL[7].Data = -858993460, SL[7].Cur = 8

SL[8].Data = -858993460, SL[8].Cur = 9

SL[9].Data = -858993460, SL[9].Cur = 1

PrintStaticArr end

StaticLinkLenth = 5

PrintStaticLinkList start

SL[0].Cur = 6

SL[1].Data = 1, SL[1].Cur = 2

SL[2].Data = 2, SL[2].Cur = 3

SL[3].Data = 3, SL[3].Cur = 4

SL[4].Data = 4, SL[4].Cur = 5

SL[5].Data = 5, SL[5].Cur = 0

PrintStaticLinkList end

4 打印静态链表



LIST_STATUS PrintStaticArr(const StNode SL[]) {
	int i = 0;

	printf("PrintStaticArr start\n");

	for (i = 0; i < MAXSIZE; ++i) {
		printf("SL[%d].Data = %d, SL[%d].Cur = %d\n", i, SL[i].Data, i, SL[i].Cur);	

	printf("PrintStaticArr end\n");


PrintStaticArr start

SL[0].Data = -858993460, SL[0].Cur = 6

SL[1].Data = 1, SL[1].Cur = 2

SL[2].Data = 2, SL[2].Cur = 3

SL[3].Data = 3, SL[3].Cur = 4

SL[4].Data = 4, SL[4].Cur = 5

SL[5].Data = 5, SL[5].Cur = 0

SL[6].Data = -858993460, SL[6].Cur = 7

SL[7].Data = -858993460, SL[7].Cur = 8

SL[8].Data = -858993460, SL[8].Cur = 9

SL[9].Data = -858993460, SL[9].Cur = 1

PrintStaticArr end



LIST_STATUS PrintStaticLinkList(const StNode SL[]) {
	int i = 0;

	printf("PrintStaticLinkList start\n");

	if (NULL == SL || 0 == SL[0].Cur || 0 == SL[MAXSIZE - 1].Cur) {
		return ERROR;

	if (0 == i) {
		printf("SL[%d].Cur = %d\n", i, SL[i].Cur);

	i = SL[MAXSIZE - 1].Cur;

	while (i < MAXSIZE - 1) {
		if (0 != SL[i].Cur) {
			printf("SL[%d].Data = %d, SL[%d].Cur = %d\n", i, SL[i].Data, i, SL[i].Cur);
		} else {
			printf("SL[%d].Data = %d, SL[%d].Cur = %d\n", i, SL[i].Data, i, SL[i].Cur);

		i = SL[i].Cur;

	printf("PrintStaticLinkList end\n");


PrintStaticLinkList start

SL[0].Cur = 6

SL[1].Data = 1, SL[1].Cur = 2

SL[2].Data = 2, SL[2].Cur = 3

SL[3].Data = 3, SL[3].Cur = 4

SL[4].Data = 4, SL[4].Cur = 5

SL[5].Data = 5, SL[5].Cur = 0

PrintStaticLinkList end

5 静态链表——获取长度

​ 获取静态链表的长度。不包含头结点

int StaticLinkLenth(const StNode SL[]) {
	int i = 0;
	int SLLenth = 0;
	if (NULL == SL || 0 == SL[MAXSIZE - 1].Cur) {
		return 0;
	i = SL[MAXSIZE - 1].Cur;

	/*The Cur is the judgement standard*/
	while (SL[i].Cur != 0) {
		i = SL[i].Cur;

	/*The following is the judgment standard*/
	while (i != 0) {
		i = SL[i].Cur;

	printf("StaticLinkLenth = %d\n", SLLenth);

	return SLLenth;


CreateStaticLinkList start

CreateStaticLinkList end

CreateStaticLinkList succeed!

StaticLinkLenth = 5

PrintStaticLinkList start

SL[0].Cur = 6

SL[1].Data = 1, SL[1].Cur = 2

SL[2].Data = 2, SL[2].Cur = 3

SL[3].Data = 3, SL[3].Cur = 4

SL[4].Data = 4, SL[4].Cur = 5

SL[5].Data = 5, SL[5].Cur = 0

PrintStaticLinkList end

5 静态链表——增加结点

LIST_STATUS AddStaticLinkListNode(const StNode SL[], const int AddIndex, ElemType AddData)

​ 在静态链表第AddIndex个结点位置(不包含头结点)插入一个元素AddData.

​ 在静态链表第三个位置插入元素AddData,如下图,在乙丁之间插入丙。


① 先判断数组里面有没有备用的链表空间,即判断SL[0].Cur是否为0,若存在则返回备用链表的下标,并将新的备用下标赋值给SL[0].Cur,不存在就返回0。

② 将AddData赋给备用的空间元素中

③ 找到AddIndex前一个和后一个元素,对它们的Cur进行改变


int IfSLMalloc(StNode SL[]) {
	int Index = SL[0].Cur;

	if (Index) {
		SL[0].Cur = SL[Index].Cur;

	return Index;


LIST_STATUS AddStaticLinkListNode(StNode SL[], const int AddIndex, const ElemType AddData) {
	int SLMallocIndex;
	int LoopIndex = 0, SLIndex = 0;

	printf("AddStaticLinkListNode start\n");

	if ( NULL == SL || AddIndex < 1 || AddIndex > (StaticLinkLenth(SL) + 1) ) {
		printf("Invalid AddIndex");
		return ERROR;

	if ( StaticLinkLenth(SL) == (MAXSIZE - 2) ) {
		printf("Space is full");
		return ERROR;

	SLIndex = MAXSIZE - 1;

	SLMallocIndex = IfSLMalloc(SL);

	if (SLMallocIndex) {		
		SL[SLMallocIndex].Data = AddData;

		/*Move to the previous of the AddIndex*/
		for (LoopIndex = 0; LoopIndex < AddIndex - 1; ++LoopIndex) {
			SLIndex = SL[SLIndex].Cur;
		/*Modify Cur*/
		SL[SLMallocIndex].Cur = SL[SLIndex].Cur;
		SL[SLIndex].Cur = SLMallocIndex;

		printf("AddStaticLinkListNode success\n");
		SLStatus = SUCCESS;
	else {
		printf("Space is full");
		SLStatus = ERROR;

	printf("AddStaticLinkListNode end\n");
	return SLStatus;


CreateStaticLinkList start

CreateStaticLinkList end

CreateStaticLinkList succeed!

PrintStaticArr start

SL[0].Data = -858993460, SL[0].Cur = 6

SL[1].Data = 1, SL[1].Cur = 2

SL[2].Data = 2, SL[2].Cur = 3

SL[3].Data = 3, SL[3].Cur = 4

SL[4].Data = 4, SL[4].Cur = 5

SL[5].Data = 5, SL[5].Cur = 0

SL[6].Data = -858993460, SL[6].Cur = 7

SL[7].Data = -858993460, SL[7].Cur = 8

SL[8].Data = -858993460, SL[8].Cur = 9

SL[9].Data = -858993460, SL[9].Cur = 1

PrintStaticArr end

StaticLinkLenth = 5

PrintStaticLinkList start

SL[0].Cur = 6

SL[1].Data = 1, SL[1].Cur = 2

SL[2].Data = 2, SL[2].Cur = 3

SL[3].Data = 3, SL[3].Cur = 4

SL[4].Data = 4, SL[4].Cur = 5

SL[5].Data = 5, SL[5].Cur = 0

PrintStaticLinkList end

6 静态链表——删除结点

LIST_STATUS DeleteStaticLinkListNode(StNode SL[], const int DeleteIndex)

​ 在静态链表SL中删除第DeleteIndex个的元素。

​ 删除第一个结点。如下图,删除甲。


① 先判断DeleteIndex是否合法,不能小于1,不能大于静态链表的长度。

② 找到DeletIndex的前面一个元素

③ 处理Cur, 使前一个元素的Cur值等于DeleteIndex的Cur值

④ 处理SL[0].Cur,DeleteIndex的元素被删除后,DeleteIndex作为备用链表的空闲空间的第一个元素。


int FreeSL(StNode SL[], int FreeIndex) {
	SL[FreeIndex].Cur = SL[0].Cur;
	SL[0].Cur = FreeIndex;


LIST_STATUS DeleteStaticLinkListNode(StNode SL[], const int DeleteIndex) {
	int LoopIndex = 1;
	int SLIndex = MAXSIZE - 1;

	printf("DeleteStaticLinkListNode start\n");

	if (NULL == SL || DeleteIndex < 1 || DeleteIndex > StaticLinkLenth(SL)) {
		printf("Invalid DeleteIndex!\n");
		return ERROR;

	/*Move to the Previous Index of AddIndex*/
	for (LoopIndex = 1; LoopIndex <= DeleteIndex - 1; ++LoopIndex) {
		SLIndex = SL[SLIndex].Cur;	

	/*Modify Cur*/
	SL[SLIndex].Cur = SL[LoopIndex].Cur;

	FreeSL(SL, LoopIndex);

	printf("DeleteStaticLinkListNode end\n");

	return SUCCESS;


CreateStaticLinkList start

CreateStaticLinkList end

CreateStaticLinkList succeed!

PrintStaticArr start

SL[0].Data = -858993460, SL[0].Cur = 6

SL[1].Data = 1, SL[1].Cur = 2

SL[2].Data = 2, SL[2].Cur = 3

SL[3].Data = 3, SL[3].Cur = 4

SL[4].Data = 4, SL[4].Cur = 5

SL[5].Data = 5, SL[5].Cur = 0

SL[6].Data = -858993460, SL[6].Cur = 7

SL[7].Data = -858993460, SL[7].Cur = 8

SL[8].Data = -858993460, SL[8].Cur = 9

SL[9].Data = -858993460, SL[9].Cur = 1

PrintStaticArr end

StaticLinkLenth = 5

PrintStaticLinkList start

SL[0].Cur = 6

SL[1].Data = 1, SL[1].Cur = 2

SL[2].Data = 2, SL[2].Cur = 3

SL[3].Data = 3, SL[3].Cur = 4

SL[4].Data = 4, SL[4].Cur = 5

SL[5].Data = 5, SL[5].Cur = 0

PrintStaticLinkList end

DeleteStaticLinkListNode start

StaticLinkLenth = 5

DeleteStaticLinkListNode end

DeleteStaticLinkListNode succeed!

PrintStaticArr start

SL[0].Data = -858993460, SL[0].Cur = 1

SL[1].Data = 1, SL[1].Cur = 6

SL[2].Data = 2, SL[2].Cur = 3

SL[3].Data = 3, SL[3].Cur = 4

SL[4].Data = 4, SL[4].Cur = 5

SL[5].Data = 5, SL[5].Cur = 0

SL[6].Data = -858993460, SL[6].Cur = 7

SL[7].Data = -858993460, SL[7].Cur = 8

SL[8].Data = -858993460, SL[8].Cur = 9

SL[9].Data = -858993460, SL[9].Cur = 2

PrintStaticArr end

StaticLinkLenth = 4

PrintStaticLinkList start

SL[0].Cur = 1

SL[2].Data = 2, SL[2].Cur = 3

SL[3].Data = 3, SL[3].Cur = 4

SL[4].Data = 4, SL[4].Cur = 5

SL[5].Data = 5, SL[5].Cur = 0

PrintStaticLinkList end

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